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Chapter 11 - Episode 1



At a warehouse on the docks ...

The room was silent as the members of the five families had their guns drawn on the door, awaiting the unexpected visitor. The door swung open and in stepped the blonde vixen, herself. She slithered in with three bodyguards in tow, and noticed the guns drawn on her.

"Whoa, gentlemen ... You can put those weapons away, I am no threat to you." she said as she stepped inside and the door closed behind her.

"Faith you are a threat to everyone in this room .... you were not invited." Sonny stepped forward and faced her.

She ran her index finger underneath his tie and pulled it slowly out from behind his buttoned jacket. "I didn't come here to fight Sonny ..." she whispered.

"Then state your business and leave ..." he replied as she flirted with to distract him.

"I'm just here to make sure my investment is protected." she seethed as she took a seat at the table and very obviously crossed her slender legs. Her bodyguards standing close to her when she took her seat.

The other gentlemen at the table put their weapons back in their holsters, but still uneasy with her sitting at the same table. They were on guard throughout the entire meeting.

Faith had heard enough and she soon left the private meeting. Afterwards, the families discussed how they would strategically take her out of the game. They discussed their next course of action. It had been decided that Sonny would be the one to take her down, she seemed more to want what he had, more than anyone else there. The decision had been made when the meeting was interrupted once again. The door swung open and Trevor stepped inside the room.

The family representatives were surprised to see him at the meeting. They didn't know he was back in the business, they had been told he had retired when Ric took over a few years prior.

"Gentlemen ..." he greeted as he approached the conference table.

"It's nice to see you again, Trevor." Javier greeted with a handshake.

"Javier ... how's your papa doing?"

"Papa is doing well, thank you for asking." Javier replied.

Trevor went down the line and greeted everyone who was in attendance. "I hope you don't mind me stepping in to represent Ric's interests. I would of been here earlier but I had an appointment, it couldn't be helped."

"That's quite alright Trevor. A man in your good standing, can certainly be forgiven for lateness." Javier praised.

"If I may ...." Trevor began and Sonny motioned he had the floor to speak.

"I am sure we are all aware of our pesky problem, who seems to be becoming a bigger problem for some of us more than others."

The men at the table nodded in agreement and Trevor continued. "We have to eliminate this threat before she gets out of control."

"What do you propose, Trevor?" Tomas spoke up.

Trevor explained to the men his plans, and they all agreed. Faith had to be eliminated and quickly. The meeting came to a close, Trevor feeling quite proud of himself, a bit too proud. It felt good to be in control again, though Sonny still was uneasy about Trevor being involved in the business again.

At the hospital - Ric's room

Zander stepped off the elevator and approached Frankie, who stood guard at Ric's hospital room. Frankie stepped in front of the door, refusing Zander access. Zander shown Frankie his badge and told him he had a few questions for Ric regarding some past business. Zander had to get some answers from Ric if he wanted to get Sonny on the pending charges in Miami.

Frankie opened the door and he entered the room, leaving Zander in the hallway. Frankie opened the door from the inside and allowed Zander access to Ric, but only for a few minutes. Zander thanked Frankie and entered Ric's room.

"I'm not sure what you want from me, Zander." Ric said as Zander approached his bedside.

"How about the truth, Ric?"

"The truth about what? I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"The truth about Miami and the incident that occurred there last year .... ring a bell, Ric?" Zander tried to jog Ric's memory.

Zander mentioning the incident in Miami had an effect on Ric. Zander noticed he became evasive and nervous about the questions he was asking. There was something Ric wasn't telling him and he needed Ric to tell him everything.

"Dammit Ric!" Zander was getting frustrated with the run around he was getting with Ric. "Look, just tell me what went on, the truth, now."

Zander pulled out some mug shot photos he had in his jacket pocket and handed them to Ric. "Tell me who it was, Ric ... I need some thing."

Ric took the photo sheet and stared down at the photo array of suspects. He knew 3 out of 6 on the sheet, and two of them were involved in the incident they were talking about. Ric looked up at Zander. Ric couldn't tell him the truth, it would be an of betrayal.

Coming up ....

~ Zander gets evidence against Sonny

~ Alexis encounters Faith

~ Ric takes control back

1 Comment

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How far involved is Ric regarding the Miami incident?

Also, Trevor has only been in one meeting and I can see him dropping the ball at some point...

I wonder if Zander is going to discuss his findings of evidence against Sonny with Durant.

Loved the eppy Jen...but you know I like reading your GH fan fic :P

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