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January 5, 2007




-At the mountain retreat, Cal Winters has just ended another hypnosis session. He is quite frustrated, having had no breakthrough since he lost his identity as Roman Brady. His doctor, Katherine, assures him that:

Katherine: Since we now have come to some type of understanding, the sessions have gone much more smoothly. Don’t worry, Cal. Something is bound to happen soon.

Cal: (Getting off the couch) Stop making these promises. On top of the fact that I don’t have one clue as to who I really am, I don’t even know who was responsible for doing this to me.

Katherine: I know and I realize that can also be very frustrating. You speak of this man.........Stefano?

Cal: Yes. He’s the scum who has been terrorizing the people of Salem for years. But......I also must consider that maybe, just maybe, he’s not responsible for this.

Katherine: Let’s do this. (Walking over to him) Why don’t we give it a rest for tonight and get a good night sleep. We’ll tackle this tomorrow, ok?

She places her soft touch on his shoulder. Cal turns to look at her:

Cal: Yes. Let’s do just that. And, possibly, move on to more.......sensual things.

He starts to kiss her but she backs away at the last moment, saying:

Katherine: I said sleep, not sex. Besides, you don’t have any memory. How would you know how you did it in the past?

Cal: You don’t need past memories for that, my dear.

Katherine: You know, just because we reached an understanding does not mean you and me are...

Cal: Something more then doctor and patient? I was thinking it could be part of my therapy.

Katherine: Cal...look. You and I went from hating each other to reaching common ground and now your hitting on me. We can't have that if we are going to succeed in...

Cal: I'm sorry. You had to know part of the reason why I was hard on you when we first met was because I was attracted to you. I mean you are beautiful and...(Katherine puts her hand up to his mouth)

Katherine: Stop there. Let's just drop all this, ok?

Cal: Ok.

They both laugh. He kisses her on her cheek and goes off to bed. As she watches him leave, she stares lovingly at him. She will not admit the feelings that have now begun to surface inside her for this man because what he’s going through is much more important than their possible future together.

Cal relaxes in his bed, listening for Katherine’s bedroom door to close. Once he hears it, he drifts off to sleep. As he falls deeper and deeper into sleep, he is suddenly confronted by visions of times past. Violent, quick flashing images of gunfire, screams, and terror. He can’t focus on any one memory but he then hears a voice telling him that.......

Voice: “It will be alright, son. Please, come home. We need you. Please, come home........”

Cal suddenly jumps screaming loudly into the night, causing Katherine to rush in. When she asks what happened, he can’t even speak. He’s sweating heavily and he grabs hold of her, shaking. She responds by hugging him and telling him it will be alright. He comes out of it long enough to tell her some startling news. When she asks what it is, he finally admits that.....

He’s had a breakthrough. Katherine is happy for him and asks about it but he falls backwards onto his bed as she looks off into the distance startled and shocked by this sudden turn of events. She sits by him and watches him as he slowly drifts back off to sleep.

-Back in Salem, at the hospital, Nicole and Eric wonder about what the future may bring. When he asks her about High Style and Los Angeles, she grows silent. He keeps asking her why she has gotten quiet every single time he’s asked that question. She turns and slowly walks back over to his bed, sitting down, and taking his hand. She tells him the truth, finally, that the reason why she never talks about it is that........

She was fired from High Style for staying in Salem to be there for him. Eric gets a little upset, saying that he thought the lies had stopped after the whopper he told about his condition. She feels bad about lying to him but says it was for the right reasons this time. He understands that but wants this to be the last time. She promises that it will be but also wants him to get off his high horse as well.

When he asks what that means, she says that she will not accept him giving her orders about her behavior when she sees him lying in a hospital bed because of his lies. She also reminds him that Roman almost died twice and that Sami had to pull a gun on Shane just to find Roman after his helicopter crashed while he was on his way back with medicine......to save his life. Eric sheepishly sits in his bed, quietly saying that he has removed himself from off of his high horse. They both laugh and then she brings up how she hopes their children don’t act as high and mighty as their father.

Eric smiles at that statement saying that it would be really nice to have kids, especially if she is their mother. Nicole reminds him she can't have kids naturally and also says that with all of her bad experiences when she was younger, she was always scared to have kids but now that she is with him, that fear has disappeared. He says then it’s settled. As soon as he’s out of there, they will look into their options in starting a family as there are sure to be plenty. This causes Nicole to smile, right before she leans in and gives him a soft kiss, which he returns passionately.

-Down the hall from Eric’s room, Abby has just risen from a comfortable sleep. She looks around to see that Max, who is asleep next to her, has decorated the entire room with New Year’s party favors. She smiles like a schoolgirl, as Max wakes up and looks at her asking if she is ok. She says she is feeling just fine now, especially since he went to all that trouble. He says it was no trouble at all. Anything for his princess.

Max then gets a serious look on his face. When Abby asks what’s wrong, he hesitates. He can’t even look at her and stands up to walk to the window. Abby then demands to know what is bothering him and then he takes a deep breath before turning around and saying to her that there was a massive shootout at the Titan/Horton Foundation Ball that night and that many people were killed and wounded.

Abby is in a state of shock, asking if her father is alright. Max tells her he’s fine but her Uncle Steve is getting an MRI done right now in emergency and that Lucas, Austin and Roman were all shot. She can’t believe it, asking who is behind all of this. Max says that the gossip on the floor is that Stefano and Victor decided to turn the party into the OK Corral. She starts to get more upset when Max tells her to calm down. Before she can speak, he puts his finger on her lips, telling her that Abe and Shane have the whole city drag netted and are looking for both of them right now. He promises them that they won’t get far.

She trusts his word and finally calms down. Max then walks over to the end table and pulls out sparkling cider and two glasses, knowing Abby can't take a risk and have champaigne while on meds. He pops the cork on the bottle and Abby smiles once again. He then looks at her, while filling both glasses full, and gives her one. He once again tells her that she is the most important lady in his life and he intends to spend all of 2007 and beyond proving just that. They touch glasses, drink, and then lean in for a wonderful kiss. Max then takes out a remote control and presses play, so both of them can watch the ball dropping in New York City since she fell asleep and missed it at midnight.

Abby says that she doesn’t know what she did to deserve a man like him but she won’t question a thing. Max smiles and they both count down to the New Year. When the screen lights up “2007!!” they both give each other a long kiss, promising to begin anew with their feelings for one another.

-Cassie DiMera is at the DiMera Mansion, having just returned home from shopping hours earlier. She is worn out and all of her items are all around her. She is feeling a bit woozy. She orders the servants to take her brand new belongings up to her room as she gets a drink from the bar. One of the servants informs her of what happened at the Ball and about her grandfather's involvement. Wondering where he has been all this time and why he hasn't come by the mansion yet, she gets a drink from his bar and sips it slowly. She then decides that staying in the mansion is not an option and decides to go to the hospital to find Max.

Thirty minutes later, she is walking on the same floor Abby is on and starts looking inside room windows. She becomes angry when she looks inside Abby’s window and sees both Abby and Max engaged in a rather passionate kiss. She begins to go into her room to confront him but decides not to, vowing that he will be hers one day by any means necessary. She starts to stomp away but suddenly feels faint. She gets lightheaded and stumbles against the nearest wall, wondering what is going on.

Her eyes then roll into the back of her head as she collapses on the floor suddenly. She lays there until a nurse notices her on the floor and calls for emergency help.

-Marlena is very upset, wondering what James’s problem is sneaking up on her like that. He answers her, saying:

James: This was the only way I could catch up with you without being seen.

Marlena: You must be nuts finding me after what just happened up in the Tower. Do you know what could happen to us if Victor, Stefano Roman, or anyone for that matter find out what we’ve involved in?! (Calming down) So, how did everything go on your end?

James: Well enough. Even though many have been injured and killed, it went off decently.

Marlena: Maybe for you but it was a disaster for me. That’s why I have to get to the damn hospital to see what’s going on.

James: You can’t go there! (Grabbing her arm) If someone sees you after what you did.....

Marlena: (Yanking her arm away) Don’t EVER grab me.......like that......again. (Pausing, then looking around) I don’t have a damn choice now, do I? If my daughter wouldn’t have knocked me out......this whole thing would be over with by now.

James: Yeah. Yeah, I know. And.......I’m sorry for grabbing you like that. It’s just been one hell of an evening, ok?

Marlena: I know, I know. (Looking around once again) Look. You need to get out of here before Victor gets suspicious, ok?

James: Oh, no doubt. He doesn’t suspect a thing but if my cover is blown, there will be hell to pay.

Marlena: I know. I’ve seen him when he has been betrayed. It’s a good thing he doesn’t know that you and I are working towards the same outcome.

James: And that is exactly how it will stay until this operation is over. Now......it’s time for me to split. You take care, Marlena.

Marlena: You too and be careful. We’ll talk later.

Both James and Marlena go their separate ways, hoping that they lsee their plan reach it’s inevitable outcome.

-Back at the hospital, Bo is seen coming out of a orderly dressing room. He has stolen one of the uniforms and has disguised himself as one, walking past nurses and doctors. He stops cold in his tracks and ducks behind a thin wall when he sees Maggie, Caroline & Hope near a nurse’s station, sadly discussing:

Hope: Why would Bo do this?! I just can’t believe that he would shoot his own brother. What could Victor have told him to make him hate Roman enough to do that?

Caroline: Hope, I have no idea. It seems like ever since Shawn died and we came back from that damn island, he’s changed. I.......I just didn’t think he had that in him.

Maggie: Well........all I can say is that I hope he comes to his senses and turns himself in before the police or the I.S.A. get a hold of him.

Hope: I know. (Walking towards to hallway, near Bo) We have been through so much together. Adventures, romance, action, good times and bad. But........no matter what, even when I turned my back on him after Zack’s death, which I shouldn’t have done, mind you, I always thought that I knew him so well. And now this. Gunning Roman down......shooting him in the back. That’s not the same man who swept me off my feet when he stole me from Larry Welch.

Caroline: (Walking over to her, hugging her) Hope, I know this sounds like I’m still protecting my son but, please......... have faith in him.

Bo is listening sadly, but intently at everything being said......

Caroline: As a mother’s instinct, something tells me that it could all be alright. Just give it time, dear.

Maggie: That is easier said than done, Caroline. Bo seems to have changed.......and for the worse.

Hope: Which also means that maybe you should stay away from Victor as well. He was a decent man for so many years and now he’s turned right back into the same man who tried to blow Bo and I up on his yacht in Miami all those years ago.

Caroline: I agree with Hope. It’s easy to talk about my son when you are hanging around Victor so much. Take off your own rose-colored glasses and look around at what has happened and then make the right decision, Maggie.

Maggie is silent at this point as she listens to what both women had to say. The group is then suddenly startled by Kayla, who has come out of the OR with news:

Kayla: Roman made it through surgery and is in stable condition. We’re taking him upstairs to ICU right now and I’ll let you know how he’s doing as soon as possible, ok?

Kayla hugs her mother as all four women breath a sigh of relief. Roman is then wheeled out past them and they are shocked at all of the tubes and bandages that are on him. As he is wheeled in to the hallway, Bo secretly follows the group to the elevators but then detours to the stairs, sneaking past everyone. Once the stair doorway is closed, Bo pauses for a moment, saying to himself:

Bo: Now it’s time.........to end this once and for all.

In the cafeteria, Sami and Belle are getting something to drink when Belle looks at Sami and says, happily:

Belle: I am so proud of you, Sami. Or maybe I should call you Samantha. You’ve earned the full name. This is the person I always knew you could be.

Sami: Thank you, Belle. (Pausing) You know, you can call me anything you want, just as long as it is not [!@#$%^&*] or nutcase or........whatever everyone used to call me.

Belle: (Sipping her soda) Sami, all I can do is be happy for you. I think you have seen what happens when you give life and love a chance, huh?

Sami: Yeah, I know, but.......this was not and is not an overnight thing.

Both girls walk down the hallway.

Sami: I just came to the realization that I was sick of being lonely all the time. (Looking at Belle) Do you know that no one would call me on my birthday? Or on holidays? Family picnics or dinners were off-limits to me. But.........I can’t blame anyone else but me. I did that. I pushed everyone away. And I had you, my beautiful little sister........

Belle smiles at that statement.......

Sami: And I still remember always saying how Dad and Mom cared more for you than they ever did for me. Huh. How can you care for someone who constantly tells their loved ones to go to hell, huh?

Belle: Well, that’s how we learn, Sami. All we could do is tell you how much you hurt us when you acted like that. But, truthfully......you were really hurting yourself more than anyone. You can’t live your life messing with people lives and then getting mad at them when they rightfully tell you about yourself.

Sami: I know that now. I guess that’s why Lucas and I are so much closer now.

Belle: All Lucas ever wanted was a real, grown woman and that is what he’s getting now with you. He’s also quite the man now, jumping over tables and people just to save you. (Pausing, looking away) I wish Philip were still like that.

Sami: Which begs the question........what is going on between you two?

Belle: (Speaking angrily) You know, Sami, why don’t you mind your own business for once in your life.

Sami: (With a shocked look) Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. I was only asking a question, for God Sakes.

Belle: (Pausing) Look, I’m..........I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t mean that, alright?

Belle starts to cry and Sami walks over to her and gently places her arm around her.

Sami: Let me tell you something, Belle. And you listen to every word, ok?

Belle: (Wiping away her tears) Ok.

Sami: You are.......my sweet little sister. I have not been there for you in the past like I should but I’m here now and.......I love you so much. So, when you feel like talking about whatever is going on in your life, you let me know and I’ll be there for you.........I promise, ok?

Belle: Ok. Thank you so much.

Belle hugs Sami.

Sami: (Smiling) No problem, sis.

They look at each other and Sami wipes away the rest of her tears. They are then told by a nurse that their father is out of surgery and in the ICU and they rush upstairs to see how he has made it through this dreadful night.

-As both girls stand waiting for the next elevator, they both spot Marlena walking up to the nurses station. She asks about Roman’s condition and the nurse, knowing who she is, informs her that he is out of surgery and is in stable condition in the ICU. She thanks the nurse and then turns around, not happy about that news. Both Sami & Belle run up to her and greet her, saying:

Sami: It’s sure good to see you. Are you alright?

Marlena: Yes, yes. I’m fine. It’s great to see you two made it out of there in one piece.

Belle: I know. I just can’t believe what happened up there. It seemed like the entire town of Salem was packing heat and itching for a fight.

Marlena: I know. I just heard about your father.

Sami: Yeah. We were on our way up there to see how he’s doing. Mom, I have a question and I hope you don’t get upset.

Marlena: No, sweety. I would never get upset with you two.

Both girls look at each other strangely.

Sami: Mom, if you know about Dad’s condition............why are you still standing here? Why aren’t you flying upstairs to see him right now?

Marlena gets a very serious and angry look on her face.

Marlena: Now, you listen up, missy. I don’t owe EITHER of you an explanation as to what I do, got it?!

Belle: See, this is what I’m talking about. You’re getting upset now just like you did at the Ball. Then, I saw you aiming a gun at Dad. That’s why I hit you over the head. You’re not behaving like you should and I think you need some psychiatric help.

Sami: I have to agree with Belle, Mom. You haven’t been yourself since you got back. Please........get the help that you need. I'm begging you.

Marlena pauses briefly and then angrily answers her two daughters:

Marlena: (Pointing her finger) Look, watch......and listen up. I’m not the damn problem here. My problem is having given birth to two nosy-ass brats who for some damn reason can’t keep their noses out of my life! (Gritting her teeth) Now........you two get out of my face and STAY out of my business......

Before you really piss me off!

Marlena then storms off with Sami and Belle staring at her back, wondering what in God’s green Earth has gotten into their mother. They then go back over to the elevators and silently board one on their way up to ICU.

-Roman’s doctor checks his vital signs and Kayla looks on, stroking her brother’s hair and telling him that it will be alright. Roman lays there silently, having not regained consciousness since the shooting. The medical staff then starts to exit his room one by one, making sure that he is still in stable condition. Kayla bends over and gives her brother a kiss on his cheek, telling him that she loves him. She then sheds a tear, saying that he is the best big brother in the whole world.

She slowly walks around his bed and looks at him one more time before dimming the light over his bed and walking out.

The camera slowly comes back over to Roman, as we see him sleeping comfortably. The camera then pans up to his heart monitor, which we see is beating at a slow but normal rate.

Then.........slowly........... a man steps into the shot. That man is dressed as an orderly but is not one.

That man..........is Bo. And he stands above Roman.......with a mean, hateful look on his face. His eyes burn with hell’s hatred into his brother, as we then see flashbacks of all the fights and arguments that Bo and Roman have had over the years. We also see Marlena lambasting Bo for leaving Roman on Stefano’s beach to die.

He is beyond angry at this point. So angry, in fact, that he slowly pulls out a scalpel from his pocket.

He stares at his brother with cold hatred as he raises the scalpel slowly over his head.

And then......his eyes grow wide..........in a psychotic rage...............as he BRINGS THE SCALPEL DOWN...............

And the screen suddenly goes black.

The Salem Lives Logo once again appears and the credits roll.

Next Time, On The Shocking Continuation Of Salem Lives.............

Jack to Billie: It's time our daughters knew the truth.

Abby to Max: I may never walk again. Do you still want me?

Chelsea to Billie: What am I going to do?

Billie to Chelsea: Chelsea, it will be...

Chelsea to Billie: Stop acting like my mother because your not.

Cassie: What could be wrong with me?

Sami to Belle: We need to find out what is going on with mom. She needs out help before it's too late.

Marlena (on the phone): Shut up!! You don't call the shots. I do!! Do you understand?


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I love that Sami and Belle are teaming up together to find out about Marlena. I like that they have such a good relationship. The Marlena storyline is so intriguing to me. I also am loving Victor's machinations. He is an evil man.... Very well written and I can't wait for more.

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  • Members

What is up w/Marlena? Loved this eppy...Loved that Max was continuing to try to comfort Abby, despite all the chaos that happened at the Titan/Horton Foundation....

The following previews for the next episode has me very interested.

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