Here are some rumours that have popped up lately related to Life in Salem....
-Alot of rumours have popped up ever since Brandon Beemer was fired that the second, and possibly third cut have already been decided. They also say it's a big one!
-Other rumours say Hunt Block has landed the role of Daphne's son....
-Also, casting rumours have also said that the Will recast has been decided and Chris Gerse will become part of the casting bloodbath....
-Rumours are swirling that Carly Manning will be back!
-In the past week, there has been some backstage gossip that Michael Sabatino has been let go before even airing!
-Sources, reliable or unreliable, say that another death will happen come Feburary Sweeps!
-Some sources say they have heard that another character from OLTL will be joining LIS, but it's not a current character with the show!
Are any of these rumours true? Life in Salem has refused to confirm or deny any of them, so stay tuned to find out!
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