S&L: Episodes 90-93

Secrets & Lies: Episode 90-93
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Written by: Venus Stone & Ryan Chandler
Executive Producer: Ryan Chandler
Consulting Producer: Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89)
New Opening Video
- The last thing Mac wanted was to have a face-to-face meeting with Mayor Floyd. After hearing him talk about him to Ric a few weeks back, he was still ticked. Mac has always tried to abide by the law; even if it wasn't easy, he still tried to do what was right when it comes to his precinct. Mac's thoughts were cut short when he heard the door open and Ric coming in.
"What are you doing here, Mac, said, none-to-pleased to see Ric to begin with.
"Hello to you too Mac. I came here to try to convince the Mayor to not do anything rash when it comes to your job," he said, putting his briefcase on the desk and taking a seat. "He can't possibly do anything that would ruin you."
Stifling a sarcastic laugh, Mac rolled his eyes. "How would you know, Lansing? Tell me that, how would you know? You didn't get the phone call demanding to clear your schedule so that the Mayor can have words with you."
"Mac, I have to disagree with you on that note; you see, Mayor Floyd called me and told me to meet him here as well. So, you see," Ric said, clearing his throat, "I too was told to clear my schedule. I'm here to help keep you here."
Mac was not in the mood to be pushed around or lied to, and he was at his breaking point. "Save it Ric! Mayor Floyd is gearing to boot me out on my ass; and you being here is just going to solidify that reasoning; after all, you are Sonny's brother."
Ric was about to say something when Mayor Floyd came walking into the precinct. Just from the look on his face, Ric could tell that this was not going to go well.
- At Metro Court, Lorenzo is looking over some paperwork to regarding the surveillance of Sonny’s warehouses, when he notices Carly coming in. Slipping the papers in his attache, he makes his way towards her, hoping she would not bolt at the mere sight of him.
"Hello, Carly, how are you doing today?" he said, trying to make obvious small talk. Just a glance at her makes him weak in the knees from time to time. How could he not feel that way on occasion?
Turning around to face him, Carly smiled in his direction. "Hello, yourself, Lorenzo. How have you been doing?" she asked, offering him a seat at a table. It had been quite some awhile since she talked with Lorenzo. She couldn't help but wonder if he thought of her at times. Shaking the thought from her brain, she continues to talk to Lorenzo. "I wanted to tell you how sorry I was to hear that Diego left Port Charles. Have you hard anything from him?"
Shaking his head, he tried his best not to grow quiet at the mention of his son's name. It was hard not having his son by his side; even harder now, since he and Skye were planning not only a wedding, but to adopt a baby as well. Diego's not being there would be so evident.
"He hasn't called me at all since being gone. That's the one thing that truly bothers me; that he's remaining distant from me. I just….I made so many mistakes with him."
Carly truly felt for him. She knew all too well about how her distance toward Bobbie was what made her bitter at times; but she also knew she had to become a mature person, or at least tried to become a mature person and be able to deal with a lot of setbacks in her life.
"Lorenzo, just give it time, Diego will come around."
Lorenzo automatically sensed something different in Carly. Her whole demeanor was different; she literally had a glow about herself. "So…..what's got you so happy? I can see it all over your face."
"You noticed, huh?" she asked, smiling back at him. "I'm extremely happy these days."
"Are you back together with Sonny, is that why you are so happy?" he asked, curious if it were true that she would go back to his worst enemy. He didn't understand why she was always drawn to him; why she and he would breakup, only to get back together, time and time again.
Shaking her head, Carly made sure that Lorenzo knew she was not back with Sonny, but also made sure to keep him from learning who it really was she was going out with. "Sonny and I are not back together. He and I aren’t good for each. I will tell you that this person who I’m with now makes me very happy and makes me feel special. You know, you and I didn’t really have a chance to be together Lorenzo, but I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you feel the way you tried to make me feel. Skye has a champion in you. You know that right?"
Smiling at her, Lorenzo stood up from the table. "Thanks. I appreciate you saying that. It means a lot, especially coming from you. Well, Carly, as always it is a pleasure to talk to you." He was about to leave, when Carly pulled him back towards her. "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, Carly said what she had wanted to say for the longest time. "I'd like us to be friends, that is, if it won't make this awkward at all for you."
Smiling, he looked at her. "Whoever this man is you're seeing; tell him I like this side of you." Embracing one another, they both parted ways.
- Back at General Hospital, Anna is talking to Robin about possible plans for New Year's Eve. Robin for one was trying to make sure she would spend it with Patrick; however Anna had other ideas in mind.
"Robin, darling, I think it would be wonderful if we celebrated the New Year together," Anna said, smiling at her daughter.
Rolling her eyes at her mother, Robin shook her head. "I am hoping to have plans with Patrick that night," she said, letting a smile play at her lips. She hoped Patrick had romantic plans made; but knowing him, his ideal of romance is entirely different from hers.
Both women turned the corner and practically ran into David Haywood. Anna couldn't believe her eyes; she was staring directly in the eyes of the man she was once married to. For a moment, Anna couldn't even think; all she could do was stare.
Breaking her thoughts, David smiled at both ladies, "Hello, Dr. Scorpio. Anna? Wow….I didn’t expect to see you here. How are you?" David could tell immediately that Anna was uncomfortable seeing him. "It's been a long time."
Anna, quickly switched gears, making it clear that she had no intention of being around David. Yes, they were married, yes, she loved him, but seeing him just brought back too many painful memories. "I’m doing well David. Umm..Robin weren't you going to join me for lunch?"
Looking at her mother, it was obvious that she did not want to be around David, and why she didn't know, but she could tell that she wanted to get out from around him immediately. "Yeah, that's right; we were on our way to lunch."
David immediately tried to find an opportunity to get a chance to talk to Anna, and opted to join them, "Do you suppose I could join you....I thought we could catch up...." his sentence trailed off when Robin shook her head. "Oh, okay, maybe another time," he said, looking directly at Anna.
Once he was gone, Robin looked at her mother, "What the hell was that?"
Anna gave a painful sigh, "Don't even ask, Robin. It's a long story."
- Back at the PCPD, Mayor Floyd sat across from Mac. Ric could tell from the whole vibe that it was going to end badly for Mac, and he was afraid he would not be able to do anything to help keep Mac in his position.
"This is going to be quick. I have already made my decision, I'm sticking with it, and I'm not going to be swayed in one way or the other," he said, glaring in Ric's direction, making sure Ric knew this was a 'Don't cross me' stare.
Mac, however, was not going to just let him have the final word. "So, that's it? After all the years that I’ve served this damn city…..you’re just gonna come down here and tell me it’s over? You’re gonna tell I'm out, and just deal with it? Without explanation? Just who in the hell do you think you are?"
Mayor Floyd stood up, pushing in his chair. "I’ll attribute your last comment to your anger so I’ll let that little piece slide. I will admit you are a good commissioner, however, you don't see the bigger picture when it comes to putting an end to organized crime. Tell me, how many times have you tried to bring down Sonny Corinthos or Jason Morgan or Faith Roscoe or the Smith Organization or The Alcazars, only to fall flat on your face? Here you have 3 crime lords still being able to walk around free to cause a lot of misery my city. You had your chance, many chances. You couldn’t stop them, so now someone else will have that opportunity."
Ric was about to speak but stopped short when Mayor Floyd shot daggers his way. "Malcolm Scorpio, effective immediately, you are hereby relieved of your post as Commissioner. I expect your office to be cleaned out by the first. Mr. Lansing, you are to appoint an officer to escort Mr. Scorpio to his office to clean it out. Should you wish to return to active duty, then you may. It’s up to the discretion of the new Commissioner. Oh, and Mac, have a Happy New Year!"
- Nikolas, who was arrived at Metro Court a couple of minutes after Carly left, checked his watch, hoping that Lainey would meet with him. He had a lot of questions to ask regarding Sam, and he needed answers, as well as help.
He just couldn't understand how Lucky could have kept her being alive a secret, knowing that she has memory loss; but he was going to make it right. He was going to get Sam back to the way she once was; he had to.
Lainey made her way in his direction; She could see from the look on Nikolas' face that it was serious. "Let's sit at that table in the corner," she instructed, leading the way. "So, what's up?"
Swallowing hard, Nikolas didn't know how to begin. Should he tell Lainey that Sam was indeed alive? Should he use the whole, 'I have a friend' approach, or should he just ask simple questions. Thinking for a second, he realized that the best way to help Sam was to come forward and be honest with Lainey.
"First off, I expect whatever it is I tell you has to be kept confidential. I need you to agree to that before I continue to share what I have to say."
"Okay, I can keep what we discuss between us," Lainey agreed, very interested in what he had to share with her. "Tell me what is troubling you."
"You remember all the press from the kidnapping situation that happened over the summer right? Well….I recently learned that my cousin Sam, who everyone thought was killed in the explosion, is alive," he said, taking a sip of his drink. "She survived the ordeal with Helena; however, she doesn’t remember much of what happened then or before. Her memory is very spotty. I need you to help her piece together what she can't remember." Nik stared deep into her eyes, hoping she would in fact be the answer to Sam's situation. "Can you help her, Dr. Winters? I don’t care how much it costs. I’ll pay you triple. I just….I need you to help me. Will you? Can you help me get Sam's memory back?"
Lainey was at a complete loss for words at what Nikolas shared with her. She contemplates what do. After taking in all the possibilities and the kind of publicity this could give her, she agrees to help.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
A special New Year’s Eve episode featuring Robin & Patrick. A little treat for you SCRUBS fans who feel Robin & Patrick don’t get enough airtime.

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