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Episode #273 – Wednesday, December 27, 2006:

  • Kayla and Mike continue to perform CPR on Alice. The ambulances and fire trucks arrive. Kayla and Mike manage to get a pulse from Alice, and they take her away in the ambulance.
  • The Horton’s and The Brady’s rush to the hospital to be with Alice.
  • The arsonist returns to the church and snatches his or her mask and dark attire from the bushes where he or she recently stashed it!
  • Bo seeks some medical attention on scene from E.M.T.’s. They treat his burns and allow him to rejoin Roman, Steve, and John near the ruins of the Horton House which has now been extinguished.
  • Victor and Kate huddle in a corner at the hospital and try to come up with a plan that will separate Shawn and Belle for good! Vivian, meanwhile, is very concerned at Kate and Victor’s growing closeness, and she confronts them!
  • Maggie and Laura realize that this Christmas is going to be ANYTHING but a Merry one for Salem.
  • Sami tells Simone that she is NOT giving her the name of Keith’s real parents! Simone tells Sami that she has to! Simone says Keith’s life depends on it. Sami is conflicted.
  • Cassie awakens. She is in shock as she cannot believe that the real father of her baby is a Horton! Abby and Max ask Cassie why she fainted, but she says she does not know. She excuses it as being the pregnancy. Fearing Abby and Max will break the news that they are back together, Cassie faints once again. Only this time, she’s faking!
  • Vivian reminds Victor that she knows he set the fire that was responsible for Caroline being hospitalized. She tells Victor to hurry up and get the paperwork that will grant her 51% of the Titan stock. When alone, Victor hires a private investigator to come up with the goods on Kate so he has something to blackmail Kate with!
  • Austin remains bothered by the intense hug between Mike and Carrie, but he decides to shake it off. Seconds later, he catches Mike and Carrie in a very compromising position as she comforts Mike.
  • Frankie comforts Melissa. Greta is understanding, but disappointed. Eric is waiting in the wings to comfort her. Kristen looks on and remembers her night of lovemaking with Eric. She says that Eric is the key part in her getting revenge on Marlena.
  • Celeste breaks out of the mental ward.
  • Simone tells Sami that she has to take the baby to the police unless Sami comes forward. Sami demands Simone stop panicking! Sami says she will come up with something!
  • Laura and Maggie recall Caroline, Mickey, and Alice all being hospitalized and Jennifer’s recent death. Secretly, Laura flashes back to how it is all a lie to cover up for Jennifer being in a sanitarium in Europe. Maggie and Laura wonder if there is some type of Horton curse!
  • Bo knows what the silence of Steve, John, and Roman means. Bo flashes back to seeing the ladder burning in the raging fire. Bo asks who would want to hurt Alice Horton. Steve says that is the question of the hour. Roman reveals that his men are tracing the ruins for proof of arson as they speak. Bo decides to go to the hospital and pray for Mrs. H. He also tells Roman to have the P.D. track down Hope wherever she is vacationing and tell her to return to Salem A.S.A.P.
  • Mike calls Jeremy and tells him about his great-grandmother. Abby and Jeremy rush to the hospital, leaving Jan and Max to care for Cassie. Later, Jan, Max, and Cassie arrive at the hospital, but not before Cassie and Jan have a chance to catch up. Cassie tells Jan that she might need her help with her latest plan. Jan says that she needs the same from Cassie!
  • Billie tries to comfort the Horton women, but Julie tells her to get out of here and says she doesn’t belong.
  • Celeste enters the waiting room. All of Salem is in the room. Vivian, John, Belle, Kristen, Bo, Carrie, Eric, Frankie, Georgia, Jan, Kayla, Max, Shawn, Abby, Jack, Cassie, Marlena, Alice, Jeremy, Laura, Maggie, Melissa, Steve, Victor, Austin, Billie, Kate, Lucas, Will, Greta, Roman, Mike, Stephanie, Doug, and Julie all stare at Celeste in shock. She looks at them and points. “You! You did this! You tried to kill Alice Horton!” Everyone looks around in shock as they realize the person who burned down the Horton House is among them.


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