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-It is Christmas day in Salem! All of the Hortons hang ornaments, while at the same time John reads the Christmas story at the hospital!

-Abe spends a nice Christmas with Theo, but is worried about Lexie.

-Chelsea and Billie are at the Brady Pub for Christmas, Billie tells Chelsea today she’s going to set things straight with Bo.

-Rex is no where to be found on Christmas! Cassie and Kate worry that he has done something drastic because of Mimi going to prison!

-Margaret tells Victor she has a Christmas present for him, and that is that she found Philip!

-Sami and Lucas are with Will at the Horton house, and Alice tells Sami with a wink that she thinks Sami will be getting an ornament next year.

-Caroline mourns Shawn Sr., she says this is her first Christmas without him. Maggie mourns Mickey as well.

-Mike and Jeremy spend time together on Christmas. As do Abby, Jack Jr., Jennifer, and Jack.

-Kayla is sad that she, Stephanie, and Kim cannot be with their family for Christmas. She finds comfort in Steve, but he’s still hesitant because he does not remember her.

-Helena and EJ reunite, Helena tells EJ it is time they wreak havoc on Salem personally!

-Belle spends Christmas in captivity, but she finally manages to break free of the ropes she is in! She quickly tries to find Claire while Philip is away!

-John continues to read the Christmas story at the hospital, and is gives him joy to do so. Marlena however wishes Sam could be there.

-Lexie finally escapes from Stefano! She gets out of the dungeon he put her in and confronts him and tells him she is a good person now and won’t have any of his lies, she then says she’s spending Christmas with her child! Before Stefano can stop her she manages to escape from the DiMera mansion.

-Hope and Bo spend Christmas together, and continue to get closer to reuniting.

-The Hortons finish hanging their ornaments, and Alice wishes them all a Merry Christmas. Suddenly, a light is shown in the doorway, and they all look towards it. They see the glowing figure of TOM HORTON there. Alice yells “Tom!” and she smiles, she tells her family Tom has returned to spend the holidays with them. Tom smiles at Alice, and she says “Merry Christmas to you as well, my darling Tom.” And the screen fades to black…


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