Robin's Christmas Surprise!! S&L: Episodes 81-83

Secrets & Lies: Episode 81-83
Monday, December 25, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- GH begins in the den of the Quartermaine Mansion. Kevin walks over to Monica and begins kissing her all over. The two begin to make love when Alan walks in. Alan asks what’s going on but Monica just pulls Kevin in closer. Alan yells for Kevin to stop but he laughs evilly. She hears her name being called over and over and over. She screams “What” and realizes she was dreaming. Edward yells for her to wake up and get ready for the celebration. Alan walks in the den and surprisingly wishes Monica a good morning. All Monica can think of is getting to Kevin for their rendezvous.
- "Robin, I can't believe you have me out here in the snow," Patrick grumbled, rubbing his hands together.
Rolling her eyes, she playfully kicked at the snow with her foot. Both were standing outside General Hospital, in a big pile of snow. "Will you please stop complaining, Patrick? You were the one that said I could pick anything fun for us to do."
Smirking, Patrick looked at Robin with that boyish look. "Well, Robin, when I said pick something fun to do, I was thinking more along the lines of us between the sheets, not standing out here in the cold."
Picking up some snow, Robin flung it at him. "Is that all you think about? Us having sex in the storage closet, the bed, on the floor by the fireplace? I seriously like playing out in the snow."
Groaning, Patrick jumped up and down keeping warm. "Okay, we're here in the snow. Play in it already so we can go back inside." The minute he said the words, he was hit in the face with a snowball. "You don't want to go there, Robin, really you don't."
Robin placed a innocent smile on her lips, feigning innocence. "What? What did I do? I'm simply enjoying the wonderful snow," she said, bending down to scoop up another handful of snow. Unfortunately, before she could make another snowball, Patrick covered her face full of the icy wetness.
-While the Quartermaines are making last minute preparations for their celebrations, someone watches them from outside the window. He does his best to make sure he’s hidden.
- "Elizabeth, darling, I think we should have the Christmas tree over here this year," Audrey said, looking at the tree that had yet to be decorated. "This is going to be the most glorious Christmas."
Setting down a box of decorations, Elizabeth smiled at her grandmother. "I think it looks just fine right where it is. I want to get these decorations up so Cameron will be surprised."
"Aww, that little fellow is going to have the best Christmas ever; tons of presents to rip into; it's simply divine seeing my great- grandson celebrate his first Christmas."
Smiling a little, Elizabeth was thrilled too, hoping her son had the best Christmas ever. "Grandma just don't spoil him too much," she said, selecting the ornaments to place on the tree. "What am I saying? I think I'm going to be joining in on the spoiling. I can't wait to see his eyes light up when he sees the tree and all the presents under the tree.
Audrey smiled at her granddaughter, thinking about how cute she was when she was a little girl, beaming from ear to ear at all the Christmas presents. "I thought we would take Cameron with see Santa Claus later this afternoon."
"He'd love that,” she exclaimed, walking over to the tree to hang her selected ornaments. "I would love to have a picture of him in Santa's lap to put on the mantle."
"Darling, I know that this is going to be a special day for all of us, but have you thought about asking Lucky to come and help celebrate Christmas with Cameron?" Audrey knew that it was a touchy subject for Elizabeth, however, it was Christmas, and past mistakes should be put on the shelf for that time.
Exhaling deeply, Elizabeth faced her grandmother. "To be honest with you, I thought about it a lot; really, however, I don't think I could go through with having a wonderful Christmas, only for it to be tainted with awkwardness. Lucky hasn't said anything to me; he won't say anything to me, and I don't think I should continue to beat my head up against the wall, trying to get through to him.."
Sitting on the couch, Audrey picked up the angel tree topper. "I truly think you should extend a welcome to celebrate....." before she could finish her sentence, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it. You just keep hanging those beautiful ornaments on the tree."
Opening the door, Audrey was surprised to see the very person she was talking about standing before her. "My, your ears must be burning. I was just talking about you." she said, stepping aside to let Lucky Spencer in. "Let me take your cold."
Looking up, Elizabeth nearly dropped the box of ornaments from her hands. "Lucky, what are you doing here?" She immediately felt an icy chill go down her back when he refused to speak to her. "Grandma, I'm going to go check on Cameron," she said, quickly exiting the room.
Seeing that things have not improved, Audrey tried to break Lucky's cool stare. "Lucky, why don't you sit down for a bit."
- Within minutes the two of them were chasing one another, pelting each other with snow. Squealing in delight, Robin tried to get out of Patrick's grasp, but trip, landing face first in the snow.
"Are you going to stop clowning around," Patrick said, suddenly pinning Robin in the snow. When she hit him with another handful of snow, he took both hands to keep her from doing it again. "We can stay out here like this all day, Robin."
Looking up at him, Robin stopped laughing and simply stared into his eyes. "I wish you would kiss me, Patrick," she said, touching his face with her wet gloved hand. Raising up a bit, her lips found his. "See, playing in the snow does have it's benefits."
Kissing her again, Patrick smiled mischievously at her, and smeared her face with a handful of snow. "Yeah, it does have it's benefits, doesn't it?" he asked, kissing her again.
- "I'm not going to stay long. I just came here to give you a few Christmas presents I got for Cam," his tone was low, as he looked around the house, trying to erase the sight of Liz from his mind. "I didn't know she would be here, if I did, I would have come at a different time."
"Lucky, please don't rush off. I really would like to talk to you for a few minutes, if that's alright," she asked, standing up. "I'm going to bring two cups of hot cocoa to warm us up, and we can chat."
Once she was gone, Lucky stood up, walking towards the Christmas tree. He knew he shouldn't be bitter, especially at a time where Christmas spirit would be flooding Port Charles, however, he wasn't going to be told to let go of his anger towards Liz. She was the one that made the mistakes too; not just him; and mistakes cost relationships.
Audrey returned shortly with two steaming mugs of hot cocoa. Handing him one, she directed him to sit back down with her. "This should hit the spot; it's so cold outside today," she said, still trying to make an attempt to talk with him.
"Thanks, Audrey. I really don't want to stay too long, you know," he said, taking a careful sip of cocoa. "I see you are going all out this Christmas for Cameron. He'll enjoy it. I just wish that things were different, maybe then I’d be helping him celebrate it."
"Darling, you still can help him celebrate Christmas. You just have to take the time to put aside your anger towards Liz to do so." When she saw that he was about to protest, she cut him off. "I'm not condoning at all what Elizabeth did. She should never have sought comfort in the arms of another man. However Lucky, we are all human. We all make mistakes we are not at all proud of. What it comes down to is this: you can either continue to be bitter towards Elizabeth, damaging any form of bond with Cameron, or you can learn to forgive and move forward."
Laughing ruefully, Lucky took another sip of cocoa. "That's easier said than done. How am I supposed to forgive the woman I love....loved, knowing she has feeling for another man? She even took the time to act on those feelings. My God, Audrey, how do you expect me to forgive her?"
Taking his hand in hers, she squeezed it affectionately. "Lucky, sometimes forgiveness is what makes relationships stronger."
Neither one realized that Elizabeth was at the top of the stairs and witnessed and heard the entire conversation.
- At the Scorpios, Robin & Patrick walk in as Mac, Felicia and Maxie put the last of their gifts under the Christmas tree. Robin kisses Mac and apologizes for not spending the entire day with them, but Mac understands. Maxie flirts shamelessly with Patrick, but Georgie comes over to pull her away. Kevin arrives and drops off some presents for the family and apologizes for not being able to stay long. Kevin won’t say why, but Mac knows he plans on meeting up with his mystery love. Robin gets ready to leave when she’s surprised by the sound of a familiar voice.
“Oh I hope you have time to stay a little bit longer.”
Robin turns around and is surprised to see her mother Anna!! Robin runs over and hugs her mother, having not seen her in months. Much to Robin’s surprise, Robert shows up as well. Anna explains that she was able to get her leave earlier than expected and decided to come back earlier than expected. Anna tells her daughter that she’s here for an indefinite amount of time and would like to spend time with her. Robin is thankful for this wonderful Christmas gift. Anna convinces Robin to go over to Bobbie’s to finish her plans, then come back so they can catch up.
- At Bobbie’s, Lucas & Brandon enjoy spending time with the family. Lucas tells Bobbie that he plans on doing something special for Brandon later and has to take off. Bobbie gives them both hugs surprisingly and wishes them a Merry Christmas. Everything is going very well at Bobbie’s until Sonny shows up….
- Back at the Quartermaines, Monica checks her watch again. Alan asks why she keeps checking her watch, wondering if she has some place she’d much rather be. Monica uses this as an opportunity to pick a fight with Alan. As Skye & Lorenzo walk into the Mansion, Monica throws a china bowl at Alan. Edward rushes in with Alice and demands that Monica calm herself down. Alan grabs Monica’s arm and demands that she show him respect. She slaps her husband, grabs her things and heads out angrily. Ned suggests that Monica leaving was the best possible thing for the family tonight.
At the MetroCourt, Kevin gets a text message from Monica telling him she’s on her way….
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Lucas gives Brandon a very special Christmas gift
- The mystery man reveals himself to the Quartermaines
- Kevin & Monica are in for a surprise themselves
- Audrey & Liz get a wonderful Christmas gift
- The citizens of Port Charles celebrate Christmas
A special performance by a talented singer….
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