Christmas Eve Part 1 S&L Episodes: 78-80

Secrets & Lies: Episode 78-80
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- GH begins in the living room at Wyndemere Castle. Nikolas walks to the window with his cup of coffee. He smiles at the snow falling down as he sips his hot cup of joe. He flashes back to the intense night of passion that he had with Carly. He knows it’ll be a great day. Soon after, Carly walks into the living room wearing one of Nik’s shirts. They kiss good morning and just stare at each other. They both reach for the newspaper and their hands touch. They both laugh and kiss each other again. Nikolas asks Carly’s plans for Christmas and recommends she and the kids spend it at Wyndemere. Carly agrees at first, but turns him down when she remembers they’re spending it at Bobbie’s. Carly then invites him to spend the day with her family. He accepts her invitation and promises it’ll be a Christmas they never forget.
- At Bobbie’s brownstone, Bobbie is setting up the decorations on the Christmas tree, as Noah walks in the door and greets Bobbie with a kiss.
Noah: Wow, someone is in the Christmas spirit, aren't ya, love?
Bobbie: I couldn't be happier.
Noah: And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you very joyous?
Bobbie: Well, if you must know, Lucas and I...I think we are on the way back to having a relationship again.
Noah: Oh, that's wonderful! Definitely the Christmas miracle you have hoped for.
Bobbie: Absolutely. It just gives me a reason to celebrate. I just wish the same could happen for you and Patrick.
Noah: Well, you never know. Patrick and Robin are coming by for Christmas, after all.
Bobbie: Really? How were you able to swing that?
Noah: Well, Robin does want to spend the holidays with her family, but if it hadn't been for her, Patrick wouldn't be here to celebrate. She managed to put our differences least for the night. Do you think Carly & Robin will be able to be civil with each other?
Bobbie: She’d better be.
Noah: I’m glad that we’ll all be spending time together.
Bobbie: Well, I think that's terrific. Who knows...maybe this could be the start of a wonderful new year.
- The visitors from Europe finally make their way into Port Charles. They walk past each other, and for a second, they think they may know each other. The woman heads off to check into a hotel, while the man does his best to get out of sight right away.
- Lorenzo thought that by taking Skye out to lunch, she would be able to take her mind off the fact that Tracy ousted her from ELQ; unfortunately, Skye's mood was somewhat sullen.
"Skye, I know that you are hurt by being burned by Tracy, but honey, forget about her. I brought you out tonight to not only spend a romantic night with you, but also talk to you about a few things I had in mind for the two of us."
Smiling shyly, Skye took a sip of her Merlot, knowing that whenever Lorenzo spoke her name, she crumbled and succumbed to all he had planned. "So, tell me, what do you have in mind? I mean, what am I in for?"
Taking her hand in his, he leaned forward, making sure his words were only for her ears. "Skye, I want to spend Christmas with you. I mean, I want to sweep you off your feet; give you all the works; the tree, the decorations, even the Christmas music."
Laughing a little, Skye lightly brushed her fingers across Lorenzo's cheek. "You want to spend Christmas with me? Do you think you could handle me bossing you around about how to decorate a big Christmas tree"? she laughed. Whatever Lorenzo had planned, she was bound to like, plus it helped erase all her seething anger towards Tracy.
Kissing her hand, Lorenzo smirked at her. "I think I can handle anything you dish out for me, just as long as we are spending the holiday together. Skye, I want this Christmas to be special for us", he said, closing his eyes a bit. He felt a twinge of pain come over him.
Immediately taking notice to the change in his demeanor, Skye could tell something was troubling him. "What are you think about, Lorenzo? Tell me."
Sighing deeply, he squeezed Skye's hand tightly. "I was thinking about how messed up I made things for Diego. Because of the man I have become, I lost sight of the little things I could have shared with Diego. I just wish I could turn back time and start over again."
Leaning over to kiss him, Skye eased his mind. "I know, I know.....Maybe this Christmas, you and I can start with a whole clean slate."
"How so, Skye"? He asked, stroking her hand with his. "I can see the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours."
Taking in a deep breath, Skye said the words that she knew would make Lorenzo's heart soar. "I think we should ring in the New Year as man and wife. I want to be your wife and the mother of your children."
Cupping her face in his hands, Lorenzo smiled at her, kissing her lightly on the lips. "Are you sure, Skye? You….you’re ready to get married and adopt?”
“Yes,” she says smiling at him. “This is my Christmas gift to you.”
Without saying any words, Lorenzo responds to her answer with a kiss.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Robin & Patrick have a playful snowball fight
- Audrey & Liz set up for Christmas and get a surprise visitor
- Monica picks a fight with Alan so she has an excuse to leave
- Someone is watching the Quartermaines
- The Scorpios receive an early Christmas surprise!
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