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December 22, 2006




***Be Sure to click on the links to play the montages and the song for the ending scene. It makes this episode like an emotional journey and a real treat for fans. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!!!***

Act 1, Scene 1: Christmas Eve. Kayla's suite. Steve enters.

Steve: Well, Stephanie is asleep.

Kayla: She had a long day...and a great one. I want to thank you.

Steve: For what?

Kayla: Making Christmas Eve just perfect. You dressed like Santa Claus and were great with my family. Despite not having your memory, you did a good job and made the best of it.

Steve: Yeah...well, it felt comfortable for some reason.

Kayla: As it should. With all of us helping you, you will remember everything in no time. I mean, you already called me Sweetness and Jack his nickname. Tonight you mentioned the reindeer polking you in the eye as Santa...your getting there.

Steve: Yeah. I just hate being a blank slate. I want to feel what you are feeling and to know what you know. Man...what if I never remember?

Kayla: Then I will still love you just as much, if not more. I have never loved anyone else and never will. Not like I do you. I am confident you will remember and will feel the same way when you do. If not, then we can still be together, as a family. We can and will make it work.

Kayla embraces him as a confused Steve looks on.

Act 1, Scene 2: Marlena's Penthouse. Roman and Marlena enter.

Roman: What a night!! My daughter and I finally get a new beginning, Eric gets his miracle, and I learn my beautiful wife is alive and well. It can't get any better then this, baby. (leans in and kisses Marlena)

Marlena: It's wonderful to be back...in your arms. Seeing everyone again...being home with my family. Hmm...what a feeling.

Roman: It was truly a night for miracles that's for sure! It must have been painful for you to answer all the questions about where you were and how you survived., especially since you said you can't remember.

Marlena: Yeah, it was. I wish I did know myself. It's a worrisome feeling.

Roman: Well, we will get to the bottom of it soon enough. Oh, that reminds me. I know you said earlier that you knew about Sami and I burying the hatchet and Eric surviving because you had been in Salem since this morning but how did you know what happened to Carrie while you were gone? Oh, and how did you know about me being Roman? I mean, when we all last saw you on the island, it wasn't confirmed yet. I mean, I can't beleive you know as much as you do. (laughing) Are you sure you haven't been watching us the whole time you were gone?

Act 1, Scene 3: Sami is at her apartment when there is a knock. She opens the door to reveal Lucas.

Sami: It's about time.

Lucas: Well, I wanted to wait until Will was asleep because I don't want him to hear us discussing what we are going to discuss. Plus, I went to visit my mom. Austin, Billie, and Philip were there so that took awhile and...

Sami: Lucas, I get it. Just shut up and let's get to why you are here. You mentioned some things to me at the Horton's and at the hospital and I want to know what you meant. You said...

Lucas: I know what I said.

Sami: Well, what did you mean? Look, I want to know where all this is going. It sounded like you were dropping hints or something. Is that it? You need to tell me something? Is it about us?

Lucas is silent.

Sami: Damnit Lucas!!! I want answers!! Do you want to give us another chance or not?

Act 1, Scene 4: Bo and Hope's house. Hope is asleep on the couch as Bo walks JT in through the kitchen.

Bo: Ok...you had some milk. Now do you think you could sleep?

JT: Will you read to me like my other daddy did?

Bo: Yeah, sure. Let's go on upstairs quietly. Don't want to wake your Mom. It's been a long day for her. Come on...

Bo goes upstairs with JT, leaving Hope on the couch. We then see a bright light shining on Hope and voice begins to call out.

Voice: Mommy! Mommy!

Hope stirs and slowly wakes up and rises, stunned. She sees Zack immersed in a white light in front of her, dressed all in white.

Hope: Zack?! Baby, is that you?

Zack: Merry Christmas, Mommy!!

Hope's eyes fill with tears.

Hope: Merry Christmas, baby.

Salem Lives Opening plays

Act 2, Scene 1: Bo and Hope's house. Hope is stunned to see Zack in front of her.

Hope: Baby...your here!!

Zack: I came to see you.

Hope: Oh...honey, mommy is so happy to see you. (goes to embrace him but goes right through him) Mommy seems to have forgotten...your no longer with us.

Zack: Did you like my gift mommy?

Hope: What...oh. I see. JT...JT was the gift?

Zack: No, mommy. JT's mommy and daddy are up here with me...where it's pretty.

Hope: Then...what gift are you talking about?

Zack: Sissy!!

Hope: Chelsea? Chelsea is your gift.

Zack: Your her mommy too. Now you and daddy can be happy!

Hope: Oh...sweetheart. Mommy and daddy have alot to work out and...(looks at Zack smiling) I love my gift.

Zack: I miss you, mommy!!

Hope: I miss you too, honey. Why don't you come and see daddy?

Zack: I can't. I don't want to get in trouble with the big boss guy.

Hope (laughing): Ok...I am sure you are a little angel.

Zack: See my wings mommy!! (Zack shakes his wings and smiles)

Hope (crying): Yeah, honey. I see...they're like a perfect fit.

Zack: I have to go...tell daddy and sissy and Shawn I love them. Tell JT too. I would've liked him.

Hope (smiling): Yeah, you would've. I will tell them all. I love you, baby.

Zack: I love you too, mommy!!

Hope (crying): Zack...wait!!! Will you come back to see me like you did this time? Zack!! Don't go!! Please!!!

Bo comes downstairs and sees Hope, talking in her sleep and moaning Zack's name.

Bo: Hope! Hope!

Hope stirs and wakes up.

Hope: Oh...I as dreaming?

Bo: Yeah...was it about Zack?

Hope: It was just like on the island when he came to me. I wasn't sure he came to me then...and I'm not sure now.

Bo: What did he say?

Hope wonders if she should tell him and risk revealing Chelsea's true parentage.

Act 3, Scene 1: Marlena's penthouse.

Marlena: Why would I stalk my family and friends for months and not tell you all I was alive? That is ridiculous!!

Roman: It just seems weird you knew everything that has happened.

Marlena: I don't know everything. I don't know why Abby and Chelsea are in the hospital. I don't know why Victor and Maggie seem so much closer.

Roman: Well, you do know about what Eric went through and what has been going on with Carrie. You also knew about Alan being back in Salem and about me being confirmed to be the real Roman Brady. How about also knowing that the guy thought to be Roman for years was revealed to be Cal Winters? How did you know that?

Marlena: I don't know. I just do. Like I said, I woke up on a park bench this morning. I was disoriented and I just didn't want to reveal myself to everyone at once. You were all dealing with so much and...

Roman: You know what? I'm sorry. It's just...seeing you here and...I am just so happy to have you back. Why don't we stop the twenty questions and just focus on your homecoming?

Marlena: Sounds like a plan to me. (puts her arms around Roman and kisses him)

Roman (pushing her away): Wait a sec...I have a question.

Marlena: Yes?

Roman: Are you ok with this? You know...me being Roman and all that has happened? Does this change anything between us?

Marlena looks on, contemplating the question just posed to her.

Act 4, Scene 1: Sami's apartment.

Sami: Well? Look Lucas, we've both been to hell and back over the years and I just want an answer. The way you have been acting lately, especially tonight, makes me wonder. Am I reading to much into it? Ever since I tried to clean up my life it seems like something has...it's like there was a wall between us and it's slowly been coming down. Am I imagining this? I know you love Carrie and she was having your baby but she's gone and...just say something. Please!!! I know you may still be pissed at me for what I did to Carrie with Lexie's help but you do owe me the truth. We have a son and, after all our years together, you owe me answers right now.

Lucas looks on, silent and appears to be thinking.

Lucas: We sure have been through alot, haven't we?

We then see a montage of flashbacks LUMI MONTAGE

Sami: Yeah we have. So...do you have an answer to my questions yet or not?

Lucas looks at her and turns and walks away as a frustrated Sami goes to her room and slams the door in frustration.

Sami (yelling behind the closed door): Merry Christmas, you insensitive jerk!!

Salem Lives halfway theme plays.

Act 5, Scene 1: Kayla's suite. Steve is sleeping on the couch and hears Kayla moaning in her room. He gets up and enters her room quietly. He sits down by her and gently taps her to awaken her.

Steve: Hey...you ok?

Kayla: Oh, I'm fine. I was just dreaming or something. I do alot of that, especially now with everything we've been through.

Steve: Yeah, I remember you doing it when we were captive in Sydney. We have been through alot...you being shot and all. It's understandable that you would have nightmares. You ok?

Kayla: Yeah...with you here I'm always fine.

Steve: Well...do you need to me to sleep in here...like on the floor or something?

Kayla: Uh...I wouldn't want you to trouble yourself or be uncomfortable. I mean...

Steve: Well, when I held you in my arms in the cell in Sydney you seemed to calm down and finally get some sleep. Woah...I shouldn't have brought that up. I mean, I don't remember hardly anything and I shouldn't be giving you false hope that I'm going to take you in my arms and it will be like everything is as you remember it.

Kayla: You wouldn't be and no apologies necessary. Look...Steve. Your my husband, whether you remember it or not. I remember it...every moment. every kiss, every promise. Just like it were yesterday.

We then see a Steve/Kayla montage STEVE/KAYLA MONTAGE

Kayla: It was an incredible ride and it's still not over. You will remember. I know it.

Steve: Yeah...well, why don't we worry about you and me getting some sleep. I can't just sit in the chair and...

Kayla: What about your original idea? Holding me in your arms liek you did in the cell...I mean you mentioned it. Perhaps...maybe you mentioned it because you want to do it or were drawn to?

Steve: Uh...I probably shouldn't have brought...

Kayla: It could help your memory. I mean, it could jog something. It didn't in the cell but you never know.

Steve: Maybe...alright. Look...I'm not going to do anything to take advantage...

Kayla: Your my husband. It's ok...just come lay down.

Steve lays down and tentatively puts his arms around Kayla, who shows a smile as her back is turned toward Steve.

Act 6, Scene 1: Marlena's penthouse.

Marlena: Why would you ask that? When we first thought you were Roman...it brought us together. Then, we learned you were John Black and our love was still there. Our love has never wavered no matter who we thought you were. It's too strong for that. We've been through so much and our love only grew stronger.

Roman: Yeah. After all we have been through...we can face up to anything and overcome it. Together.

Marlena: Just like we always have.

Roman: Just like we always will.

We then see a Roman/Marlena montage ROMAN/MARLENA MONTAGE

Marlena: I love you, John...oops, sorry.

They both laugh.

Marlena: I love you, Roman Brady.

Roman: And I love you, Marlena Evans.

They kiss passionately as Roman picks her up and carries her upstairs to the bedroom.

Act 7, Scene 1: Bo and Hope house.

Hope: I don't know if it was a dream or not, Bo. All I know is both times he has come to me it felt real but it could've also been a dream. Last time, he helped point me in the right direction to save Chelsea.

Bo: Yeah, and that helped you and her start to get along, right?

Hope: Yeah.

Bo: Maybe is was trying to tell you something by coming to you in your dreams? I don't usually buy into stuff like that but, who knows. Celeste is always right about everything so I guess it's possible. What did he say this time?

Hope: He wished all of us a Merry Christmas. Then he proudly showed off his angel's wings. I asked him if JT was his gift for us and he said it wasn't but that he would've liked him. All he would say is JT's other mommy and daddy are up there with him...where it's pretty.

Bo (smiling): Sounds like our Zack.

Hope: He wants us to be happy Bo. That much is clear. Both times he came to me...he wants his parents together but I told him...it's not easy.

Bo: No, it's not. We have alot to work through and talk about. I mean, we could do that now while I am staying her for the night since it's JT's first night back. That is, if you want to.

Hope: We have been through so much...worked through so many obstacles. Why is it so hard this time?

Bo: Our son died. It's the biggest horror any parents can face. It takes time and I made matters worse by lying and then all the stuff with Victor and...

Hope: Are you saying that was wrong? Are you quitting?

Bo: I don't want to talk about that now.

Hope: Well, you said you wanted to work things out.

Bo: I do but it's Christmas Eve and...you know what? Let me just say this to you. After all we have been through, I love you now just as much as I loved you then. (points at their first wedding photo) I have never stopped. My love grows leaps and bounds everytime I look at you. All the trials and tribulations...what we have is special. We both know that. Having heard all that, we have to work through alot but we love each other. We need each other and we haven't been there for each other like we should've been with me going off with Victor and...

Hope puts her hand on Bo's mouth.

Hope: I never stopped loving you. Don't ever think that. This whole year has been horrible for the both of us. We should've worked through it together but we didn't. We can't change that. All we can do is try to work things out. I'm sorry it took me so long to come around but the pain and grief...I was just so overcome and afraid to even try to work things out with you given your role in Zack's death. The visit from Zack on the island and dropping the charges against Chelsea...I had to get past my anger towards you. I realized alot of it was misplaced. I was more angry with myself...I wasn't there for him. I didn't protect him (crying).

Bo (putting his arms around her): There was nothing you could've done. We all have our own time to go and his time was meant to be short-lived.

Hope (crying): I miss him, Bo. I miss him!! (Hope breaks down in Bo's arms and then slowly pulls away and looks into his eyes).

Hope: I need you. I need you so bad!!

Bo holds Hope in his arms. She pulls away again, looks at Bo, and they slowly lean in and kiss. The kiss then turns passionate and Bo picks her up and carries her upstairs to the bedroom. We then see a Bo/Hope montageBO/HOPE MONTAGE

Act 8, Final ActL As Celine Dion's "Another Year Has Gone By" plays, Another Year Has Gone By,

We see Steve and Kayla in her bed. Kayla is sound asleep and Steve is wide awake. He relaxes his arms, moves closer to Kayla, and says:

Steve: It feels right. Just right...

The scene then shifts to Bo carrying Hope into the bedroom and slowly laying her on the bed. Hope pulls off his shift and they both undress.

Hope: Bo...I love you. I love you so much.

Bo: I love you too, Fancy Face.

They kiss passionately and continue to make love as the scene shifts to Roman and Marlena. who are both undressing in her bedroom.

Roman: God, I love you doc.

Marlena: I love...you. Oh, how I missed you!!

They continue to make love as the scene shifts to Sami's apartment. Lucas is looking at pictures on Sami's mantle of him and Sami and them both with Will.

Lucas: What am I doing? What is wrong with...(hears a door open and turns around to see Sami, dressed in a negligee)

Sami: Now...am I what you want, Lucas, or what?

Lucas and Sami slowly walk towards each other. They stare each other down. Lucas the lunges for Sami and they kiss passionately.

Lucas: I want you!! I do Sami!! I love you!!

Sami: Oh...Lucas. I want you too!! I love you...I love you!!

They ram into the wall and continue to kiss. Sami takes his shirt off and they begin to undress each other. Lucas then picks her up and carries her into her room.

We then see a series of images of Steve and Kayla lying close in bed, Roman and Marlena making love, Bo and Hope making love, and Sami and Lucas making love as the screen fades out as Celine Dion's song "Another Year has Gone By" continues to play.

***Salem Lives will be preempted Monday December 25 for the Christmas holiday but we will be back Tuesday with:

Hope to Bo: It's Shawn. He's on the phone.

Laura to Jack and Abby: I must say goodbye.

Abe to Shane: It's Stefano. He is on his way back to Salem.

Victor: Stefano is arriving in Salem. This time, he won't be so lucky.

Hope to Bo: You continue to work with Victor and I'm not sure we have a future.


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Thanks juniorz.

I cried writing the Hope/Zack scenes. I didn't promote them much because I wanted them to be a surprise treat. Glad you liked it.

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