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December 21, 2006




-Everyone at St. Luke's continues to react to Marlena's return. Roman asks how Marlena survived falling into the volcano on the island. He never saw her on the ledge below. Marlena says she can't remember what happened. Roman says it's fine. He is just happy she is back. Marlena shares a tearful reunion with Belle, ClaireBo, Hope, Caroline, Laura, Maggie, Julie, and Doug. Everyone is happy to see her.

Marlena explains that Sami saw her outside and she wanted it to be a surprise. Roman hugs Sami and fills Marlena in on all that has been going on. Marlena says she already knows. She has been in Salem since this

morning and followed all the happenings. She didn't want to make her presence known yet as she didn't want to make a spectacle of herself and they were all dealing with so much. Her plan was to reveal herself to Roman first and then the others slowly but things changed.

She is so happy Eric will live and to see Sami and Roman getting along. Roman asks how she got to Salem. Marlena says she has no clue. She woke up on a bench in the park. Sami says it's great that they have her back and hugs her.

-Bo, Hope, JT, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, Don, and Alice go back to the Horton house. Everyone is stunned when Jack shows up with Billie and Maggie with Victor. Both Jack and Maggie explain that they are friends and ask if it is ok for Billie and Victor to stay. Alice says it's Christmas and that, of course, they can stay.

Frankie arrives with Greta as Jack invited them. Greta embraces Alice and thanks her for remembering her once again. Alice says she has always been fond of her and Frankie. Alice also says the more the merrier. Everyone wonders why Lucas is running so late.

-Belle, Philip, Claire, Caroline. Lucas, Sami, Austin, and Will go with Roman and Marlena to see Eric. Nicole is by his side. Eric is stunned to see his mother and they share a tearful reunion . Eric says that things are really starting to turn around for him. Marlena embraces Nicole and welcomes her to the family. Lucas tells Sami he has to get to the Horton's with Will. He invites Sami to come along. Roman tells her to go ahead and that he will see her later.

-Austin and Philip go to check on Kate, who is in Chelsea's room. They wish her a Merry Christmas. Kate says she thought it just may be Chelsea and her on Christmas Eve together. Philip and Austin both say that they have their problems with Kate but she is still their mother. Kate knows Philip may never forgive her for her involvement in Calire'a paternity situation. Philip reminds Kate that she turned out to be his anyway so it's fine. Kate invites them back to her suite for Christmas Eve dinner and they decide to go since Lucas and Billie are at the Horton's.

-Sami, Lucas, and Will arrive at the Horton's and the tree trimming begins. Bill and Laura place theirs on the tree. Meanwhile, Abby is watching the happenings at the Horton house via web cam with Max. Jack waves to her while holding JJ.

Jack and JJ place Abby's ornament on the tree as Abby smiles. Jack then places Jennifer's on the tree and everyone begins to tear up. Jack looks at JJ and promises it will get better and that he will be the best father. Abby begins to cry as Max comforts her, saying her mother will always be watching over her and her family. Abby says she knows that but she misses her.

Back at the Horton house, Billie comforts Jack and assures him it will get better. He smiles and says he knows and they embrace as Laura watches. Bill reminds her of her promise. Laura says she's fine now.

Melissa and Sarah place their ornaments on and so does Maggie. She then takes Mickey's. Don and Victor both assure her she can do it. Julie asks if Maggie is ok. She turns and says she's fine. Mickey is watching and she wants to make him proud. She puts it on the tree and hugs Melissa and Sarah.

Bo and Hope place theirs on the tree, along with JT's. They are so happy to have him back and kiss him. They place Shawn's on too and hope he is ok in the Marines. They then place Zach's on and know he is watching over them, He is no doubt a little angel. Bo comforts Hope.

Hope says that next year they will have to get an ornament for Chelsea. Bo asks why, she is his and Billie's daughter. Hope says it was a slip and she doesn't know what she was thinking. Chelsea is her stepdaughter so she figured they could get her on. Bo embraces her and says that may be a good idea to mend fences a bit. Hope is releived she didn't let the secret out.

Doug and Julie place their ornaments on and kiss. Lucas and Will place theirs on and Lucas tells Will that one day his wife and kids will participate in this same tradition. Will nods and seems a bit upset. Julie makes the comment to Sami that she still feels that one day she will have a ornament on the tree too. Sami smiles and says she used to think so too. Lucas comes over and says she still could. Julie smiles and Sami asks Lucas what he is talking about. He turns away, leaving her hanging.

The rest of the ornaments are placed on and then Alice places her's and Tom's on and wishes him a Merry Christmas, She thanks him for giving them the best Christmas possible and hopes him and all their departed loved ones will continue to watch over them until they meet again.

-At the hospital, Bo and Hope arrive with JT with gifts for the sick children. Jack, Billie, Doug, Julie, Melissa, Sarah, Don, Victor, Maggie, Frankie, Greta, Lucas, Sami, Will, Laura, and Bill all arrive too. Caroline, Kimberly, Andrew, Jeannie, and Shane join them.

Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie arrive as well. Kayla tells Steve she has an idea that may help his memory and make this Christmas a little brighter. Roman, Marlena, Belle, and Claire arrive with Nicole. She has Eric in a wheelchair and he is happy to see everyone. Kimberly tells Eric she will race him. They laugh. Max wheels Abby in and see is happy to see her father and family. Hope gets an idea and tells Bo she will be back.

-Austin and Philip are on their way out with Kate but join everyone at the hospital. Carrie and Alan show up as well. Alan warns Carrie she doesn't care. It's time she makes her presence known. She reaches out to tap Austin on the shoulder but then sees Sami and Lucas and panics. She tells Alan they need to go before someone sees her. She can't think about herself. The paternity of her baby will tear Lucas and Austin apart and cause pain. She needs to leave now. They take off, as Austin turns around after feeling someone watching him.

-Hope goes to Chelsea's room and wakes her. She tells her to come on, pointing to a wheelchair. Chelsea is confused. Hope says she needs to be with her family. Chelsea smiles. Hope then gives her a gift. Hope apologizes that it isn't wrapped but she ran home quick to get it and hoped it was enough. Chelsea opens it to reveal a picture of her, Hope, Bo, Zack, Shawn, and Mimi from last Christmas. Chelsea smiles and as tears well up in her eyes, she says it's perfect. Hope wheels her out to everyone else.

-Bo is stunned when Hope wheels Chelsea out, as is Billie. Hope says she is family and she belongs with them. Abe and Celeste arrive with Theo. Roman wishes them Merry Christmas. Abe says Theo misses Lexie but Celeste and him are trying their best. Roman says that is all Abe can do. Cassie arrives and is upset seeing Max and Abby. Caroline is happy she came. Cassie fakes a smile and nods.

Steve then comes out dressed like Santa Claus. Stephanie and Kayla laugh and Kayla says it's like old times. He tells all the kids that a reindeer poked him in the eye. Kayla says she never told him that. He remembered something and Kayla whispers to him that he said that once before while dressed like "Patchy Claus." Steve smiles and gives out presents.

-Victor tells Maggie he has a gift for her. She opens it and it's a gold bracelet engraved with the words," Loyalty. Support. Comfort. Friend." Maggie tears up and gives Victor his gift. It's a pair of gold cuff links. He thanks her and says he will cherish them. Jack says to Billie he forgot to get her a gift. Billie says that's good because she forgot to with everything going on. Jack smiles and says they will just have to be each other's gifts. They laugh.

-Maggie tells Hope that Alice wanted her to read the Christmas Story after all that she has been through. Hope says Maggie has been through alot too. They all have. Maggie tells Hope to go ahead and do it. Hope takes JT with her and reads the story as everyone looks on.

-Sami reminds Lucas that he never explained what he meant at the Horton house. Lucas says that things can change and that you never know what can happen. He says that she is an example. She has changed so much from forgiving her father to helping Carrie and trying to prove herself. She has truly redeemed herself in his eyes and the woman he sees now is the woman he always saw deep down inside her. The woman he fell in love with. Sami asks Lucas what he is saying. He says they will talk later at her place.

-Doug begins to sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" and everyone at the hospital follows by breaking into song. The scene then shifts to the Horton house as Alice places the baby Jesus in the manger and then looking at Tom's picture:

Alice: To those we love, near and far, may they all be blessed on this day and all the days of their lives.

The screen then fades out on Alice looking to the heaven's above, smiling.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Hope: Zach?!

Roman to Marlena: I can't beleive you know as much as you do. Aare you sure you haven't been watching us the whole time you were gone?

Steve to Kayla: What if I never remember?

Kayla to Steve: Then I will still love you just as much, if not more.

Bo to Hope: After all we have been through, I love you now just as much as I loved you then.

Sami to Lucas: I want to know where this is going. Do you want to give us another chance or not?


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