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-Nikki is shocked when Victor says he’s having her integrated into Viki! She says he better not, because as much as she loves him he will pay, Victor says that no one has ever successfully crossed him and brought him down, so some lunatic alter certainly won’t!

-Jan says there is no way she can lose Shawn, Nicole says yes there is and all she has to go is dig up that disguise Jan used to fool Shawn and Mimi into being their surrogant!

-Shawn heads over to his loft, he takes his phone and dials “Paprica’s” number! Someone picks up at the other end…but it isn’t who Shawn thought it would be!

-The thugs, angered from what happened with Erin and Max, take it out on Jeremy!

-John persuades the police to let him in, saying he is an ISA Agent. The police finally give in and let John in!

-The nurses forcefully remove Bonnie from Cassie’s room, she says to herself if Cassie won’t confess the truth, then she is going to have to find it the good ole fashion way.

-EJ learns that Spencer Cassadine’s former nanny, Colleen could be involved with Helena’s disappearance, he heads off to find Colleen.

-Lexie asks Stefano what about, and he says he wants her to become a true DiMera again!

-Rex visits Mimi at jail. He asks her for the truth, and asks if she really did push Cassie out the window or not.

-Shawn, on the phone asks “Who is this? Is Paprica Springs there?” and the voice on the other end reveals to be Lilly Spears’ voice! Lilly asks who Paprica Springs is, and that this is Lilly Spears. Shawn is shocked, remembering that is Jan’s twin sister! He remembers how when he met “Paprica” that she looked awfully familiar, and then he realizes that “Paprica” was not a real person, but was actually Jan in disguise!!!!!!!!!


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