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December 18, 2006




-Max shows up in Abby's room. He is relieved to see her awake and says there is something important they need to discuss. It's something he has felt and wanted to tell her for so long and he doesn't want to wait any longer. Abby says she needs to talk to him too. After all that is happened, this can't wait any longer and she doesn't want to play games anymore. It's time to come clean.

Abby admits to Max how her acting out was mostly a ploy to get his attention and the more it worked the more she did it. Plus, he was falling for Cassie, who has a bit of a wild streak so she figured this would make her more appealing to him. Max asks why she would do all that and Abby says that is what she needs to talk to him about. They are interupted by a nurse, who says to Max that his grandmother needs him. They are saying goodbye to Eric.

-Frankie follows Cassie, who races to Abby's room to spy on Max and Abby and stop Max from confessing his feelings. Frankie realizes he needs to do something so he goes to a supply closet and whispers Cassie's name. A suspicious Cassie slowly walks over to the closet. Frankie grabs her, shoves her in. and closes the door. She is locked in and screaming for help. Frankie hopes he bought Max enough time.

-The helicopter flies over the crash sight. Sami notices that there is wreckage down there and demands that Shane land the plane so they can check it out. Shane tells her it maybe anything but she says that she is not going to leave her father down there to die all alone. Shane is shocked by this, knowing that Sami has hated Roman for a long time. But, when he turns to talk to her once again, she has a gun pointed in his face. She tells him to tell the pilot to land the plane - or she’ll land it herself. Shane tells the pilot to land.

Shane: (Walking up to Sami) We have looked over every inch of this wreckage. There is no sign of any bodies at all. They must have gotten out before the helicopter went down. Now, if you would be so kind as to put that gun away, young lady?

Sami slowly puts the gun back into her purse and humbly says:

Sami: I’m so sorry, Uncle Shane. I was desperate and wasn’t in my right mind. It’s just........

Her voice trails off.

Shane: I know. You want to find Roman. We are going to do everything we can.

Sami: I know, and I want to help. Look, we still have the walkie-talkies in the copter, right?

Shane: Yes. We’re going to use those in the search.

Sami: Well.........give me one. I need to do this. I need to help find him.

Shane looks on warily.

Sami: You don’t understand. I love him. I love him so much. He’s such a special man with everything he’s been through. My mother’s death, Eric’s illness, having his past with his family stolen from him. And now, he’s out there, all alone. (She turns and looks into the dark wilderness) Well, I can’t leave him out there to die.........just when I’ve found him again. (Turning back towards Shane) So, if you don’t want me to pull that gun out again, please, for his sake, please let me look for him, ok?

Shane: (After a pause) Alright. Against my better judgement, go and get one of the devices and start off. But, you stay in constant contact the whole time, understood young lady?

Sami: (Smiling) Yes, Uncle Shane. Thank you.

She hugs him quickly, goes to the copter to get a walkie-talkie, and runs off into the dark night to find her father.

-Dr. Rowen tells everyone they should say their goodbyes to Eric now. Time is running out fast. Caroline is still hopeful for a miracle as Victor comforts her. Frankie and Max both say their goodbyes to him. Max then tells Frankie to page him if there is more trouble. He is going back to Abby. Frankie says ok but doesn't mention anything about Cassie. Kayla, Caroline, Hope, Austin, Lucas, Will, Abe, and Belle all say their goodbyes to Eric. Greta then goes in too and says a heartfelt goodbye. Eric and Nicole both thank her and Victor for their help.

Philip comforts Belle as Victor comforts Caroline. Austin, Lucas, and Will are worried about Sami. Abe says they have people on it and, hopefully, it will all work out. Caroline hopes so as the family can't bare to lose Sami and Shane could be Eric's last hope, as well as Roman's. They all wonder where Bo went. Frankie says he went to run an errand. Caroline says he should be here with his family.

-Meanwhile, Bo is at the pier and he turns around. He asks whoever he is talking to how this could happen.

-Nicole is in Eric's room by his side when he grabs her hand lightly and says he knows she has given up hope and he has too. He tells Nicole it's time to say goodbye.

-Steve comforts Kayla over Eric. Kayla is then stunned when she sees Stephanie (played by Shayna Rose) race off the elevator and into her arms. Caroline, Frankie, and Hope all embrace her. She says she came when she heard about Eric and now she heard about Sami and Roman being missing. She hopes they will be ok. However, she also came because of her mother and father being found and brought home.

Kayla turns her around and tells her to meet her father. Stephanie, with tears in her eyes, calls Steve "daddy." Something clicks in Steve and he begins to cry as he says "this must be my little girl." They embrace as everyone around them is happy to see this emotional reunion. Steve says it looks like they will be having their first Christmas as a family. Kayla and Stephanie agree. Steve says he will do his best but he warns them not to expect much from him. They both understand and vow to help him recover his life and memories and to make this a memorable Christmas. They all three embrace.

-Hope is called to Chelsea's room. Chelsea, remembering her vow to turn her life around and also recalling Greta's words, is preparing to tell Hope the truth. Hope arrives and asks Chelsea what's going on.

-After nearly a half hour in the freezing night, Sami is starting to lose hope. She keeps calling out Roman’s name but she gets no response. She has been in contact with Shane but he nor the search party haven’t found a thing. The snow is getting deeper and she is becoming more and more desperate.

Then, about 25 minutes later, she sees a dim light in the distance. She is freezing herself by now and she hopes that this is some type of cabin or shelter where she can get warm before she starts back out again. She comes upon the shelter, which she now seems is a boathouse on a lake and finds the door. When she gets the door open, she walks in and looks around for somewhere to sit. When she walks around the boat to the other side, she sees someone lying next to the foot of the boat. She rushes over and kneels down and shakes the man. When he doesn’t answer, she turns him over to reveal........

Her father, Roman.

Sami: Daddy! Daddy? Oh God, thank you. Thank you so much.

She starts crying tears of joy. She is overcome with emotion. She holds this man tightly and tries with all her strength to stop crying but she realizes that she has never been this happy in her entire life. She rocks back and forth while holding him, thanking God over and over again.

Slowly, she notices that Roman is starting to come to. She holds his face in her arms and says:

Sami: Daddy? Daddy, can you hear me? It’s Sami.

Roman: (Quietly speaking) Sami........Sami, is that you?

Sami: Yes. Yes it’s me.

Roman: Where am I?

Sami: In a boathouse near a lake. The helicopter you were flying in crashed. You must have wandered here to find some type of shelter. Uncle Shane and I came looking for you.

Roman: (Regaining his bearings slowly) Shane let you come out in this?! That’s his tail when I see him.

Sami: Well, it really wasn’t his idea.

Roman looks slowly at her and ask:

Roman: What does that mean?

Sami: Well, see, I kinda stole Abe's gun, and.......I sorta held him at gunpoint until he let me come along and search for you.

Roman stares at her in shock.

Sami: Like father, like daughter, I guess.

They both laugh at that statement. Then, they slowly stop laughing and look at each other. Roman starts to smile at Sami and she slowly bends down and kisses him on his forehead. He slowly sits up and then stands up and takes her in his arms. He looks at her and then gives her the biggest hug she has ever received from him. She responds and they hold each other tightly. All of the years of pain, anger and hurt feelings start to wash away in this embrace. What Sami doesn’t know is that Roman is crying also, so very glad that he can express love to this young lady once again.

Roman pulls back slightly, wipes the tears from his face and says:

Roman: Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out here and looking for me.

Sami: It was the least I could do. I mean after all......you were the one who taught me the value of love. I’m just so sorry I had forgotten that over all these years.

Roman: Well, life will teach us to grow up sooner or later. (Looking down at her hand) You have a walkie-talkie. Great. Let me see this. (Calling to Shane) Governor, Governor....this is Roman. Sami found me and I’m alright. (He tries to stand) Well, except for my leg, I’m alright.

Shane: (Over the device) That’s great! It’s good to hear your voice!

Roman: Yours to, Shane. We are both in a boat house on a lake going due west. Just follow Sami’s footsteps and you should make it here.

Shane: Understood. We’ll see you ASAP. Over and out.

Roman: See you then.

Roman sits back down, and Sami starts dressing his wound with supplies she found in the boathouse.

Sami: Well, it’s not too bad but you do need medical attention.

Roman: Yeah, I know. It’s good you still remember how to do this.

Sami: Yeah, well, you taught me how to take care of myself if I ever got stranded somewhere by myself. (Looking at him) You taught me a lot of things. I’ve just been too stupid and hateful to realize that.

Roman: Look, after what happened between me and your mother at Titan all those years ago, it’s no wonder why you felt this way. It doesn’t excuse any of the crap you did to everyone but, it does explain it a little bit.

Sami: I know. I just feel so ashamed. Always blaming everyone else for what I did. Mom, Carrie, Austin, Kate, Lucas, and, especially, you. Eric is dying and you risked your life over and over again just to save him and all I can do is have people tell me how much they hate me. (She bows her head) I feel so alone, Daddy and it’s no one’s fault but my own. (Looking at Roman) I lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep every night, blaming myself for how badly I messed up my life and I pushed you away. I pushed away the one man whose done nothing but love me my whole life. (Grabbing his arm, crying) Oh Daddy!! Please...please forgive me for all the horrible things I’ve done. I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore. Please don’t be mad at me, daddy.

Roman: (Putting his arm around her and hugging her) Oh, my sweet, precious little baby. (Rocking back and forth) There is no way I could ever stay mad at you. I have loved you from the moment I held you in my arms. You are so very precious to me. (Kissing her forehead) Don’t you ever doubt my love for you, ok? We are going to get through all of this together and you are going to be the lady I’ve always thought you could be and you know something else? (Holding her chin up) Your mother would be so, so very proud of you right now.

Sami: She would?

Roman: Oh, yes. Her little girl came out in a snowstorm to find her daddy, without any thought to her own safety. Now how can you think she’s not looking down on you and smiling right now, hmm?

Sami: Thank you. It feels so good to hear you say that.

Roman: I say that because it’s the truth. Now (Standing up with Sami’s help) We have to go outside and wait for Shane to get here. Do me a favor and grab that box over there. It’s the medicine for Eric.

Sami: Ok, Daddy. Here. Why don’t you lean on me and I’ll help you.

Roman: (Pausing) That was one of your mother’s favorite songs. Lean On Me.

Sami: Really? Well, why don’t we lean on each other. I think she would really like that.

Roman: Yes, yes she would.

Sami helps Roman walk out of the boathouse. After a few moments, they both see flashlights in the distance. They walk towards the lights and, it’s not only Shane, but the pilot and the search party. They greet each other:

Shane: Hell of a night to be out in this, huh?

Roman: Sure is. Thanks Shane for coming out in this garbage to find me.

Shane: No problem. I think you better send this young lady to the academy, Roman.

Roman: Oh. Why is that?

Shane: Well, she held a gun on me and threatened to shoot me if I didn’t let her come with me and help look for you and then, she finds you all by herself.

Roman: (Looking at Sami) I know. She’s one hell of a lady.........and one hell of a daughter.

Sami gives off a huge grin.

Roman: Aye, let’s get out of this mess. Time’s wasting and Eric needs this stuff if he’s going to survive.

Shane: You bet. (Taking Roman under his other arm) Let’s go.

-Max returns to Abby and says he is ready to pick up where they left off. Abby says there was a reason why she wanted his attention and did what she did. Max says he thinks he already knows. Frankie told him a good deal. Abby is mad that he did but Max says he is glad.

Max: Abby, we have been through alot these past few months. I know I have let you down a bit and I will be sure to make up for that. Since I came to Salem, you have been a good friend but, over time, I realized something. Well, I guess it took almost losing you that night at the bridge and seeing you here fighting for your life. Whatever. All I know is I have realized now that what I feel for you is more then friendship...much much more. Abby, I dream of you all the time and I think and care about you more then any other girl I have ever been with. Abby, I think what I feel for you is too strong to be a simple friendship and I think it is something we need to explore. (Looks at Abby) You know what? I shouldn't have done this. It's too much to lay on you and...

Abby: No. No, it's not. Max...I have wanted to tell you how I feel for months. I have always cared about you but the island, my mom's death, and...you were there. Somewhere, through it all, my feelings for you grew to be more. I feel the same way as you and I think we need to give ourselves a shot at becoming something bigger then what we are now. I'm not sure if it's love...the kind of love my parents had or that Bo and Hope and others have but we need to try. We need to see what it can be and if there is a long future in store for us.

Max: I agree. So...I guess we're...

Abby (smiling): Dating? Boyfriend and girlfriend?

Max: Yeah...yeah I guess that is what we are.

Max leans in and kisses her on the cheek and they embrace. A nurse lets an angry Cassie out of the closet. Cassie ignores the nurse's questions about why she is in there and looks into Abby's room to see her and Max in an embrace. Cassie realizes she is too late and is heartbroken but vows this is far from over.

-Hope sits down and asks Chelsea again what is going on. Chelsea says there is something she needs to know. Something she has kept hidden for awhile. She was being selfish in that she was afraid of the aftermath but also thought she was doing what was best. She now knows she needs to tell all and she wants to turn her life around and this is a start. Hope just tells her to speak. Chelsea says she is gald Hope and her came to an understanding over Zach's death on the island and when they got him and that they can be civil now. Hope asks why and wants to know what is going on.

Chelsea: Hope...this is about my parents...

Hope: What are you trying to get them together again? Chelsea?!

Chelsea: No!! It's not that. I found out something on the island and, when I got back to Salem, I had DNA tests done and I have the proof and everything and...

Hope: The island...DNA tests...what the hell is going on and what does it have to do with me and your parents?

Chelsea: That's just it.

Hope: What?

Chelsea: What you called Bo and Billie...

Hope: Your parents? That is what they...

Chelsea: No, they're not. I found out on the island and the DNA tests proved it. Bo and Billie are not my parents.

Hope: What are you...I don't..

Chelsea: I don't know who my father is but I know who my mother is...

Hope: Chelsea...I don't...

Chelsea (with tears welling in her eyes): Hope...your my mother. The tests proved it. Your my mother, not Billie.

The screen frezzes on a stunned Hope's face and then fades out.

On the next Salem Lives...

Sami to Roman: We need to hurry. Eric is running out of time.

Nicole to Eric: Hold on, damnit!!! Don't die on me, not now!!!

Alan (turning around): What are you doing here?

Kimberly (as Caroline and Frankie turn around): I'm home!!!

Chelsea to Hope: It's true. Your my mother.

Hope to Chelsea: The question now is what do we do now?


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I really liked the ending- perfect cliffhanger! It will be interesting to

see how you explain Chelsea being Hope's daughter- especially

since Bo isn't the father! Princess Gina years perhaps?

The Roman/Sami stuff was great! I really like the incestuous

vibe that it had- to me, in that sense, they're like the father/daughter

version of Barbara & Paul on 'ATWT'

Max & Abby were cute, though I'm not sure about Frankie locking

Cassie in a closet- I can't see him doing that. Chelsea or Jack, maybe,

but Frankie is such an upstanding goody-goody (probably why I never

liked him :lol: )

All in all though, thoroughly enjoyable episode you guys! Love the

implications this reveal has for all 4 of the characters' relationships

with one another.

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Thansk Steve and juniorz.

I am happy you guys read as this was one long episode.

The rest of the week will see much more

reasonable episodes and beleive me this episode

is only the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the week is even

more amazing.

As for Frankie, I have given him a bit more edge. He has had

little face offs with Laura and Abby and Chelsea. I think giving

him an edge helps because otherwise he can be a little bland.

As for Hope and Chelsea, we will recap it tomarrow but some details were already revealed. More are on the way though and you will see what I mean tomarrow. It will make sense as we delve into it.

Glad you all liked it. :)

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Wow, I wasn't expecting for Hope to be Chelsea's mother. It was an interesting twist that I TOTALLY wasn't expecting.

You two did an amazing job with this episode.

Oh, and I was totally imagining Charity Rhamer say Sami's lines in this episode. It kinda creeped me out.

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:lol: Ryan. I can assure you Rahmer will be nowhere near this blog.

The Chelsea/Hope stuff was revealed back in August but we have so many new readers since then so I knew bringing it back now would surprise some people. I am glad you all like it.

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