S&L: Episodes 54-59

Secrets & Lies: Episode 54-59
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- Lucas and Bobbie sit in her living room in silence. They both try to start conversation but can never finish what it is they’d like to say. Finally, Bobbie decides to put this time to good use.
“Are you happy Lucas?” she asks. “I mean are you truly happy. Does this Brandon treat you well?”
He looks up at his mother with much love and responds. “Yes I do. I have never been happier. Brandon makes me feel loved. I connect with him. I feel him.”
“I just don’t understand this whole change in you Lucas. Did someone make you this way?”
“You think someone ‘turned’ me gay?” asks Lucas with slight laughter. “If you think that I went to a sleepover as a kid and was brainwashed to like guys? If so then you’re wrong. I was born this way.”
Bobbie begins to tense up at this point. She’s afraid of what to say to him next, fearing that it’ll come out wrong and she’ll drive him away yet again.
- When Monica comes home from work, all she wants to do is have a nice long bath and remember her wonderful time with Kevin. She puts her key in the door and finds Alan sitting in the downstairs room. Unlike most days, Alan doesn’t even speak to Monica. She had already prepared herself for him being a pain in the ass and apologizes to her, but this threw her for a loop. Monica reluctantly speaks to Alan, but all she gets as a response is a look. Alan grabs his paper and goes upstairs.
Angry that he’s ignoring her, she follows him trying to pick an argument. She follows him into his room and asks why he isn’t talking to her. When he doesn’t respond, she fears that he may have overseen her with Kevin, but realizes it couldn’t have happened because she locked the door. Without even looking at her, Alan says that things will be different between them from now on. Until she can learn to show him some respect, he will not speak to her unless it pertains to their job. She tells him to shove it and goes to walk out. He stops her before she leaves, and informs her that until further notice, she is to refer to him as Dr. Quartermaine.
- At Lucky’s, Nikolas learns that Lucky believes Helena faked her death and altered Sam’s memory. Nikolas doesn’t think that Helena would pay that much attention to Sam, especially since she didn’t know Sam was her step-granddaughter. Nikolas demands to know why Lucky kept this secret. His brother explains that he did it to protect Sam. We don’t know if Helena knows Sam is missing from wherever she was being held. For some reason unknown to them, she came to Lucky. That’s nothing he can do about that. The less people that know she’s alive, the safer she’ll be.
Nikolas promises to help protect Sam but will need time to get some things into place. Before he goes, he wants to know if Lucky is going to tell Jason that she’s alive. Lucky says that Sam’s memory is very fragile right now and he thinks her seeing Jason will do more harm than good. All the while, Sam has been eavesdropping on their conversation. When Nikolas leaves, Sam smiles and walks back into the bedroom.
- Carly walks into Sonny’s mansion to inform him about their holiday plans. Sonny however wants to talk only about Nikolas. According to Courtney, things between the two of them are getting a little more personal. First off, Carly’s offended that Courtney is off running her mouth to Sonny and secondly, that Sonny has the audacity to question her about what goes on in her personal life.
Instead of getting mad and storming out, she tells Sonny that she likes Nikolas. He makes her hot. He makes her want to be a better person. They connect with each other. However they are not together and she doesn’t know if they ever will be. Carly tells Max that she’s ready to leave. Sonny asks why she came over, but she won’t tell him. She says that maybe he should have asked her that instead of prying into her personal life.
- Back at Bobbie’s, Bobbie and Lucas are still talking.
“I know you feel that you were born that way, but I think it’s your choice. You always have to be bold and go against the norm. That’s why I think you’re going through this whole gay phase.”
“Go against the norm? So what, I’m not normal now?” Lucas begins to tear up. “You think that I chose to be this way? It’s not a choice. Do you think I would purposely choose to make my life and the lives of my family difficult? Do you think that I would choose to live a life where I am hated just because I am the way I am? God mother, why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Yes you do! There have been so many times when I’ve wanted to come and confide and you but couldn’t because you made it perfectly clear that you hated me in my choices. It’s bad enough that I hate myself, but to have you hate me too is just too much.”
Lucas really begins to let his emotions out at this point. Bobbie is crying now as well.
“Don’t you ever say that you hate yourself!” Bobbie cries. “It shouldn’t matter what anyone else things Lucas, you should love yourself. I don’t hate you. I love you. You are my child. I may not agree with your decisions but I could never hate you. I am sorry for making you feel that way.” She grabs her estranged son and hugs him tightly. “You are my life.”
Lucas lets all of the pain that he’s been feeling since February come out. Bobbie grabs his face and kisses him on the cheek. The camera pans away as the two of them hug and consoling one another.
- Back at the Quartermaine Mansion, Ned tries to talk to his mother. She’s none too happy that he dragged her into the den before she could blast Skye.
Ned: How do you do it, Mother?
Tracy: Do what?
Ned: Be such a damn ice queen.
Tracy: Thanks for the compliment.
Ned: Quit with the snarkiness. How could you have possibly gotten rid of Skye? She’s family!
Tracy: I am not related to anyone named Skye so I couldn’t have possibly fired a family member.
Ned: Answer my damn question. You had no right to get rid of her the way you did.
Tracy: First off, Skye is not even a Quartermaine. She is nothing but common trash that tarnished the family name. She doesn't deserve to be anywhere near this company OR this family. The sooner you'll realize that, the sooner you'll know why I got rid of her like I did.
Ned: Wow, this power trip of yours has really gone to that thick head of yours. Skye may not be a blood Quartermaine, but she will always remain a part of this family, much to your dismay...and if you think you can alienate her anymore than you already have, you are sadly mistaken.
Tracy: (gets up from the sofa) I don’t like your tone. You actually think you can stand there and make idle threats?
Ned: Mother, you had done everything you possible could to snag this job right from under Skye...not to mention me. You claim that you want nothing but the best for me, that you want me to have it all. Is so mother….then stop being such an arrogant, power-hungry bitch who’ll ruin everyone including her son in her never ending quest for power.
Tracy: Bitch? You’re calling me a bitch?
Ned: I didn’t mean it that—
Tracy (pushing Ned): You sit down and up! Let me make this clear to you little boy. I want to make this as clear as crystal. It doesn’t matter how old you are Edward Ashton, you are my child. I will not tolerate you speaking to me in any manner that give me the respect that I deserve. I gave you life and I am entitled to that respect.. Despite the fact you hate what I have done to Skye, you WILL show me some damn respect. I am your mother and though I'll tolerate a lot from you, I will not tolerate that from you.
What I have done has been in the making for a long time. Skye has constantly baited me and baited me and now that I can make her life hell I am going to do so. If you don’t like that Edward Ashton…my child…..then Skye will not be the only person out of ELQ.
Ned: Is that a threat, Mother?
Tracy: Oh, that's not a threat, Ned. That's a promise.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Jason asks Liz out on a date
- Carly feels Nikolas is hiding something from her
- Kevin tells Mac about his new love
- Noah is proud when Bobbie reveals the progress she’s made with Lucas
- Dillon is thrilled when Lucas confides in him
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