Episode 030: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 030
Friday, December 15, 2006
- Beth jolts from her slumber and finds herself in another room that is not at the Spaulding mansion in the same nightgown and Phillip standing before her!
- Phillip is standing at the foot of her bed and Beth questions what is going on and says that she does not understand…
- With a confused look on his face, Phillip questions what in the world Beth is talking about and she responds with, “You’re really alive?”
- Phillip assures Beth that he is alive and well and asks why Beth would think such a horrible thing and Beth is overcome with grief as she begins to recount what Beth now knows was a nightmare from hell…
- After Phillip listens to Beth and her dream, he assures her that he wasn’t ever carjacked or murdered for that matter and that he has been there at Lillian’s house all night long, waiting for her to wake up.
- Beth overcome with happiness that Phillip is alive and that his murder was only a dream, makes a stunning request…she tells Phillip she never wants to be without him in her life, she asks Phillip to marry her!
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