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Episode 21



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---Eden is pleasantly surprised when Julia stops by her office to see her. Eden apologizes for lashing out at her about Angel's release. Julia is understanding and apologetic that she couldn't tell her. Julia admits that she's not just there to see Eden- she's curious about Elizabeth, Sophia's unmentioned sister. Eden tells her she doesn't know that half of it- apparently, she had Sophia thrown out of the building this morning. Julia is shocked and asks why exactly, to which Eden had no answer, telling her that it was an actual stipulation in the agreement CC had signed. Julia remarks that it's so unlike CC to let someone walk all over him in this way and Eden agrees. Eden changes the subject and asks Julia how Samantha is doing. Julia tells her how well she's coming along, mentioning that Rafe has been a great help. Eden says that he wouldn't have been able to do anything at all, had it not been for the doctors in San Remos. Julia stops dead and uncomfortably agrees. Eden notices the change in her and asks her what's bothering her.

"It's nothing, really Eden. I'm fine."

"Julia, we've known each other a very long time. I can tell when something is bothering you- so what is it?"

She pauses. "It's......it's......Mary"

"Mary? You mean Mason's vision of her?"

"It wasn't a vision, Eden."

"Of course it was. What are you talking about Ju..."

"It wasn't a vision. I know because I saw her too- Dr. Beckman.......Dr. Beckman was Mary"

Eden tells her that it couldn't be, she died years ago. Julia tells her she's sure of it and talks about seeing her for the first time. Eden asks how it could even be possible and Julia tells her Mary's story, that she was in a coma in San Remos for four years or so, and Mark had been nursing her back to health. Eden remembers that Mark is dead but Julia tells her that according to Mary, that's not true. Eden asks her if Mason knows anything about any of it, and Julia explains that Mary doesn't want him to know and she's gone along with it. Julia tells Eden she can't go on much longer lying to Mason, that the weight of what she knows is killing her. Eden understands her dilemma, though she thinks that Mason deserves to know the truth. Julia thanks Eden for listening and Eden promises her she won't say anything until Julia does herself. Julia nervously tells her that she just wants to get it over with and face Mason's reaction, whatever that may be.

---CC and Ted arrive at the office and Kathleen fills them in on the goings on of the day thusfar. Ted blasts CC for allowing Elizabeth to bar Sophia from the building. CC ignores him and focuses on Kathleen.

"What's wrong with you- why the HELL didn't you call me?"

"I'm sorry Mr Capwell, I was just doing what I was supposed..."

"That's not an excuse damnit. You kicked my wife out of the building, like an animal. I should've been notified- I should have been the one to handle it."

"It's not her fault, CC" Elizabeth says, entering "it's as she said, she was doing as I asked."

Ted can't believe his eyes when he sees CC melt before her, instead of firing back at her like he normally would. Instead, he gently tells Elizabeth that he would have preferred to handle it himself, since he obviously hadn't had the chance to discuss it with Sophia. A fiery Ted asks his aunt why she'd treat her own sister like that and she redirects the question to CC, telling Ted perhaps his father should fill him in on that. Elizabeth tells CC that she would like to meet with him shortly and he agrees. Ted cannot believe the way CC's acting and asks his father why he's allowing this.

"She's in the driver's seat right now, son. There's not much I can do really- it was either this merger or a hostile takeover. She's got me where she wants me at the moment and for now, I have to give her what she wants."

"There's always something you can do dad, I've never seen you give up on a fight like this..."

"I'm not giving up by any means. I'm fighting in my own way."

---Keith stops by Gina's office and fills her in on his meeting with Sophia the previous day. He tells her how Sophia reacted to the news, in total disbelief.

"If you think that's good, listen to this- Sophia has been barred from the building!"


"Yeah- not only that, but she showed up her, all high and mighty this morning to see Elizabeth. When Elizabeth got here- security literally took Sophia by the arms and removed her from the building. Of all the days I wished I'd come in early..."

"You didn't get to see it? I've got to meet this woman."

Gina tells Keith she doesn't see much use for Joann anymore and he agrees, though it seems like most things, that would be up to Elizabeth at this point. Gina thinks aloud that she wishes she had something on her, something that could blow her out of the water entirely. Though she knows Joann was a plant for the takeover attempt, nobody will believe her, especially since she's the one who got Capwell out of the hot water they were in.

"Too bad" Keith remarks.

Gina turns and looks at him. "You KNOW something!"

"No I don't"

"YES YOU DO, Keith, you know who was behind the takeover, the guy she double-crossed."

"Oh that"

"Well- come on, out with it!"

Keith balks at first but is more agreeable when Gina grabs his shoulders and positions her knee underneath his genitals. Keith comes out and tells her it was Kirk CRanston. Gina proceeds to knee him in the balls. He howls a high-pitched scream in pain. Gina blasts him for ever getting them involved with Kirk Cranston in the first place, knowing full well she wouldn't have trusted him in a million years. Keith, in a Mickey Mouse voice, tells her that he's become a successful international businessman and reformed his life over the years. Gina calls Keith an imbocile, telling him Kirk wouldn't reform if his life depended on it. Gina storms off, leaving Keith screeching.

(EXT: San Remos Emergency Clinic)

---Julia again enters the hospital, not even bothering this time to ask the nurse about Dr. Beckman's wherabouts. Mary is caught off-guard when Julia bursts into her office. Mary asks Julia what she could possibly be doing there, that she's answered all of her questions and would like nothing more than to be left alone. Julia tells her that she cannot do that, just like she can't go on lying to Mason. Mary insists it's unnecessary for Mason to know the truth but Julia retorts that she'd rather he'd hear it from her than find it out for himself. Mary tells her that's not going to happen but Julia asks how Mary can be certain.

"Because I'm leaving tomorrow, Julia. Today is my last day at the clinic. I'm coming by in the morning to get some of my things and I'm moving to Colorado."

"What? Why? I don't under..."

"First of all, Christie lives there and I'd like to be close to my sister again. But also, all of this has brought up a lot of pain, a lot of old feelings that I don't care to revisit. I've told you Julia- I'm happy for you and Mason, really I am. I don't want to interfere with that. Please, Julia, I'm asking you....please."

Julia looks at her and tells her she can't promise anything, that she feels she needs to be honest with her husband. Mary replies that she's done all she can, but she's leaving tomorrow, regardless. Mary leaves, telling Julia she has patients to visit. The camera zooms in on a pained and confused Julia.

(EXT- Capwell Enterprises)

---Gina bursts into Joann's office and Joann attempts to kick her out. Gina informs her that won't be so easy, she should listen if she knows what's good for her. Gina tells her she knows that she was working for Kirk Cranston. Joann pretends not to know what she's talking about.

"Don't play dumb with me- Keith KNOWS everything about you and Kirk- they've been in contact throughout the entire takeover. You were a plant, to sway things in his favor. Not to mention you were supposed to be his fiance...."

"Ex-fiance Gina. Kirk and I are over."

"I hope for your sake CC & Eden will see it that way, though somehow I doubt they will."

Joann begs her not to tell them and Gina tells her that she'll consider it, though she'll obviously have to pay Gina a hefty price. Gina walks out of the office, leaving a bewildered Joann in her dust.

----In CC's office, Elizabeth goes over some of the details of the contract that they've entered into, pointing out that she has the freedom to make stipulations over the course of the first week, or the deal is null and void. CC asks her what else she could possibly want, since she's already an equal share-holder and has gone so far as to throw Sophia out of the building. CC tries to appeal to her softer side, asking why it is she cannot forgive her sister after all of these years. For a moment, she shows him a more vulnerable side of her. With tears in her eyes, she explains.

"Sophia was always the apple of daddy's eye, always. She had a career, was beautiful, and was a talented actress. I, meanwhile, did everything in the world for him, not that he noticed. Then you came along, CC. You came into both of our lives. She wanted you from the very beginning, but I saw how you looked at me. It was how I'd always wanted a man to look at me, directly into my eyes, seeing into my soul. I fell in love with you and I know you loved me too. She saw that, she knew that it was I you truly loved and she could've had anyone. But because I wanted you too- it made you all the more appealing for her. She flaunted you in my face, knowing how I felt. And when I....I....."

She bursts into tears. He looks at his former love with great sorrow and embraces her. Elizabeth gets herself together and pushes him away. She tells him that she doesn't care to further reminisce about the past, that it's the present that matters. She explains that though she's happy with the deal as made, there is one additional stipulation that she insists on adding.

"Alright Elizabeth, anything. Just tell me what it is."

"Your will- from what I've gathered, in the case of your death, the company goes to Eden. That's what needs to be modified. Under no circumstances, in the event of your death, is the company to go to any of your children with Sophia."

"Oh, Elizabeth, come on. This is going too far- HELL, it's already gone too far- she's barred from the building and the business, isn't that enough for you?"

"I'm sorry CC, but if you want to keep your company, that's the way it's going to be. You have 48 hours to give me a response and put it in writing. Otherwise, the deal is off."

THE END................for today

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