Episode 025: "THE LIGHT"

The Light: Episode 025
In "THE LIGHT" with Beth Raines Winslow
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
A calm and beautiful sunny morning begins in Springfield, but today is the day that everything begins to change…
- After an uneasy and uncomfortable night of sleep Beth begins to wake as she hears voices coming from the down stairs. As Beth begins to make her way there she feels a sudden sharp pain in her chest…but progresses on…
- Downstairs…Lillian is putting luggage bags by the door…she tells Ed that she won’t be into work today, that Beth needs her know more than ever. Billy is also on his cell phone with someone making arrangements to have Lillian’s car towed into a station…Beth appears in the living room and asks her mother what is going on…
- Stunned that Beth has entered so quietly Lillian is frozen and tells her to go back into her room and get dressed. Beth questions what is going on and why Billy Lewis is there…Lillian tells her that she’ll explain everything as soon as Beth gets dressed…Beth finally agrees and goes back to her room…
- Downstairs emotions are running high as Lillian drops her cell phone into her purse and begins to break down…she asks Billy how this could have happened and he assures her that he has no idea but makes her a promise…that he’ll be by her side…
- In her bedroom, Beth throws some clothes from the closet to her bed and flips the television on to the KSPR morning news…as she is dressing the meteorologist warns that more stormy days are ahead and says that everyone in Springfield should enjoy the sunshine…as Beth is finished dressing she opens her curtains allowing the sun to beat in on her when she hears the anchor giving the top news story…”Spaulding Enterprise tycoon Phillip Spaulding died late last night after complications from gunshots wounds to the chest…”
- Paralyzed with grief Beth screams out for Lillian and burst into tears…Lillian rushes up the stairs and see Beth staring at the TV…she asks her mother what is going…
“IN the LIGHT” with Beth Raines Winslow Continues…
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