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November 29, 2006



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-The horrible evening is finally coming to a close as Sami, Will & Austin arrive back at her apartment. Austin comments on the night saying he doesn’t have one clue how everyone got through it without losing their minds. Sami says that her family is used to it. Will overhears the conversation and steps in long enough to tell Sami that he is staying with her tonight since Lucas is still at the hospital with grandma Kate and the others

Sami is thankful and glad about this news. Sami remains worried about Eric and also about those in Sydney. When Austin asks why, she says it’s because she nor anyone in her family have heard one thing from the group since leaving for Sydney. Her father would have called although she could care less about him. Austin rolls his eyes. Will is shocked. When Sami ask why, he tells her that this is the first moment she has referred to Roman as her father. She grows silent and says that’s no big deal. They know what she meant.

Austin disappears into the bathroom for a shower. When he walks in, Austin (played by Austin Peck) wonders what tomorrow will bring. Sami talks from the kitchen saying that she hopes it brings peace. Twenty minutes later, Austin (now played by Patrick Muldoon) walks out and agrees with Sami, while drying his head. Sami & Will look shocked. When Austin asks what’s wrong, Sami says that was one hell of a shower. Will stares at him and Sami sees this. She asks why he is looking at him like that and Will grows embarrassed and goes to his room.

-Kayla slowly comes to upon hearing Steve call her “Sweetness”. Stunned by saying that, Steve now doesn’t know what to say to Kayla given what has happened. Jack puts his arm around him, telling him to calm down and relax. She’ll be fine but what’s important is for him to regain his past and, with Jack’s and his family's help, he will. Steve seems pleased. Kayla drifts back into unconsciousness but not before telling Steve that her greatest dream has come true. Steve looks at her, wondering if he will end up disappointing her and everyone else.

-Bo also comes to slowly and sees Hope & Roman by his bedside. Roman welcomes him back to the living and. joking with him, says that even taking 4 slugs will not get him out of the money he owes him after their last poker game. Bo smiles slightly, telling Roman he’s good for it. He has a rich daddy. They both laugh. Roman tells the couple he’ll be out in the hallway. They have much to discuss. He pats Bo on his forearm and leaves.

Hope sits next to Bo, thinking about past adventures and wonders out loud if this will finally change his mind about revenge. Bo softly tells her it wasn’t about revenge. He was protecting his family. Hope asks him does it have to cost him his life. Bo says he has spent that life protecting the people he loves and, if he dies, it won’t be for nothing. Hope sighs, saying that he needs his rest. He asks her if she will still be there when he wakes up. A tear falls down her cheek and she responds, telling him that no matter what, she will always be by his side. With that, he slowly slips back into a deep sleep. She then lightly strokes his hair as he sleeps.

-Victor picks up his cell phone, only to hear Greta on the other end. She asks him if could use his power and money to convince a top surgeon to come to Salem for Eric. When he asks what’s wrong, she tells him that he is suffering form a brain tumor and could die at any minute if he doesn’t receive treatment. Victor tells her that he has more than enough going on right now but will make a phone call and put a friend of his in contact with her. She thanks him, and almost slips by calling him Father. She catches herself and hears Victor remark about how he will always be there for Caroline, especially with Shawn Sr. gone. He is doing this for her and for Bo, who would want him to help. They bid farewell to each other and hang up. She drifts away to the day she found out he was her father and hopes that Victor will come through.

-Roman comes around the corner and tells Victor that he heard the entire conversation. Victor tells Roman that he thought he quit spying on people years ago, when he left the I.S.A. Roman responds, telling him that where his family is concerned, he would spy on James Bond to keep them safe. Victor feels his attempt at humor was very poor. Roman really doesn’t care what Victor believes, especially since his father died after finding out about his mother's affair with him. Victor walks up to Roman and tells him that this will be about enough of that.

Roman says that he knows Victor isn’t telling him how to act and what to say. He’s a grown man and the head of his family. He’ll take care of the Bradys quite well. Jack & Billie witness the entire exchange and can’t believe the public display going on. Victor informs Roman that he has to make a phone call for Greta. When Roman asks why, he tells him that Eric is suffering from a brain tumor and that she called Victor, not Roman, for his help. Roman is shocked, wondering why and how this happened. Victor says he is doing a fine job of taking care of his family. Roman is livid but silent.

-Jack and Billie leave Victor and Roman to argue and look in on Bo & Kayla. Jack is no longer envious of his brother and thanks God for his safe return. Billie remarks about how the love flows between these two couples and Jack agrees. He knows how it is to have that kind of love, even after all the times he’s screwed up. Billie holds Jack as he says that he hopes he experiences that kind of love again. Billie is sure he will and he feels that Billie will as well. Along with Abe and Shane, Jack and Billie decide to head home to Salem. Hope and Maggie think it is a good idea as the rest of them will stay behind until Kayla and Bo are ready.

-Back out in the hallway, Roman has calmed down and has walked over to Maggie, apologizing to her for shooting her. He also gives her a warning. What ever she does, she better stay away from Victor. He poisons and destroys everything he touches. Maggie is upset, and tells Roman that for once in his life, he should stay out of someone’s business. She can take care of herself just fine and walks off, leaving him frustrated. He turns and sees Victor and walks over to him, vowing that he will put an end to this war, once and for all. Victor stands toe-to-toe against Roman and tells him to give it his best shot. The screen freeze frames on both men as they stare intently at each other, as the screen slowly fades to black.

On The Next Salem Lives..............

Kate: Doctor, what can you tell us?

Caroline: Are the girls going to live?

Frankie to Max: Admit it. You have fallen for Abby...

Cassie: It's no longer about you, grandfather. I want Max...for myself.

Eric to Nicole: There is no hope...and you need to accept that.

Greta: I have news...about Eric

Victor to Maggie: Are you going to listen to Roman? Are you going to stay away from me?

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Hehe, loved the ending. And I can just imagine a cold look on Victor's face of blankness but you can tell he is evil just by the way he looks at Roman.

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