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-Maggie rushes in to her house to see Mickey on the ground, she screams and tells Mickey she will call 911, but Mickey weakly tells her to stop, saying the inevitable has come.

-Alex falls after being shot, clutching his neck, he screams for Stefano to help him, Stefano calls for someone to get a medic or something in here!

-Andre laughs and says indeed he did, he then shoves John off and Bo tells Andre to put his hands up or he swears he’ll shoot! Victor, Caroline, Sami, Lucas, Lexie, Celeste, Faux Roman, and Anna all happen to walk in. Andre tells them they are just in time, and Anna screams “TONY?!” Faux Roman pulls out his gun as well as everyone else stands back in horror, Andre tells Anna it’s not Tony, and it’s Andre! Victor scoffs and says “Your alive still? Why don’t you just give up? You’re a nutcase and have lost every single time you rival us.” Andre just laughs and responds that everyone in this room is about to die, Anna walks up and slaps Andre, and attacks him but Andre pushes her off and grabs her, he tells them if anyone shoots Anna will die, but all of a sudden a shot from someone fires through the window and hits Andre!

-Marlena sighs as she cannot get the door open, but all of a sudden someone swings it open! Viewers cannot see the face but Marlena is shocked to see who her rescuer is!

-Stephanie and Kim walk around the cemetery in Llanview, seeing if there is anything about Steve there like a grave or something, and they walk straight into the Lord Mauselom!

-Max tells Chelsea he’s moved on, she is horrified. He tells her it’s true.

-Belle screams for Philip to stop, but Philip is in a panic and tells her he loves her and Claire too much to lose them now, he pushes both of them in his car and drives off before Shawn can stop him!

-Rex is walking around in one of the bad parts of Salem, he is in emotional pain after al that has happened with Mimi today, and while he is alone he finally admits he still loves her! As he is sitting on a bench a woman (Annie Burgstede) walks by and says “Hey stranger.”

-Bonnie visits Mimi in jail, and tells her she is gonna get Mimi out of this okay and Mimi will get her marriage back. Mimi tells Bonnie she has lost Shawn for good and right now they need to focus on how to get her free, she wonders how all this evidence was even found anyway! She says she gets why Cassie would frame her, but she doesn’t get how they found evidence that supports Cassie.

-Jan is alone in Belle and Philip’s loft, she sits down and remembers how she was the one who pushed Cassie out the window, she then thinks to herself that Mimi has to go down for it, and then she also recalls how she got all that strange FAKE evidence on her doorstep that stated that Jan was under hypnosis by the DiMera’s a couple of years ago when she tried to kill Victor, stalked Shawn, kidnapped him, and blackmailed Mimi. She then also wonders who sent her the file on Claire and the video of Mimi and Bonnie talking about Claire.

-When Abby runs into Lilly she has odd flashbacks of her and Lilly in the secret room of the Spears Mansion, but Abby brushes them off.

-Maggie tells Mickey they can’t give up now, but Mickey says they are not giving up, but simply accepting what has to happen sooner or later, Melissa and Sarah come down from upstairs are shocked to see Mickey like this, Melissa tries to call 911 but Mickey says to her the same thing he said to Maggie. Maggie, Melissa, and Sarah are all in tears after a few minutes, Mickey is getting to the point where he cannot breath anymore and Mickey tells them between breaths that his life is complete because he had wonderful children, a great family, and most of all a great wife. Melissa and Sarah kiss Mickey goodbye and tell him goodbye very emotionally and both break down in each other’s arms, Maggie finally kisses Mickey one last time, accepting the fact he has to go, and she tells him she loves him, he manages to barely smile and he gets out before he slips away “Goodbye, my love.” and he closes his eyes and we see Mickey’s spirit leaving his body and going up with Tom Horton to heaven. Maggie says “Rest in Peace Mickey.” and the screen fades to black with an image on screen of the loving, wonderful, kind, Mickey Horton.


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