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Episode 12



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(EXT: The Lockridge Estate)

---Warren admires his latest newspaper article, calling Capwell Enterprises a "turkey" that hasn't been able to fend off it's hunters. The doorbell rings and he is stunned by who is standing on the other side of it.

"Happy Thanksgiving Son!!" He stands there, staring at her. "Well, aren't you going to give your mother a hug?

"What about your father too son?"

Warren hugs them both and is happy to see him. He is confused, however, about what they're doing in town. Augusta insists that's nonsense, no way would she let her only son spend the holiday alone. Warren claims he was going to go out and eat, but Augusta insists that she'll be cooking a full meal with all the trimmings.

"Not pigeon, I hope" Warren says, referring to a Thanksgiving years before.

"No, not pigeon dear. The catering company will be by shortly, with all the trimmings."

Looking at their luggage, Warren asks them how long they plan on staying in town and is shocked to hear that they'll be around through the holidays. Lionel tells him that he can run the business from there for the next month or so. Warren asks if they've heard from Laken, and Augusta tells him she's spending the holiday in Brazil, where she's been working for the Red Cross. Augusta pries and asks Warren if he's seeing anyone special, which he claims not to be. Lionel then notices the newspaper article and is thrilled with the picture of CC and the headline. Warren asks him if he knows anything about who could be behind the takeover attempt but he claims to know nothing, though he admits to admiring whoever is doing it. Augusta is surprised that Julia didn't invite Warren over for Thanksgiving, but he tells her they're going to the Capwells for Thanksgiving. Augusta heads out, saying she wants to catch her sister before she goes for Thanksgiving dinner.

(EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House)

---Cruz wakes Eden up, tickling her nose with a feather. She wakes up, feigning annoyance with him. He kisses her and wishes his wife a Happy Thanksgiving. She returns the favor and they begin kissing. Eden contemplates staying home for Thanksgiving, just the two of them.

"I don't think Mr. C would like that too much."

"Frankly, I don't really care if Mr. C likes it or not. I want to spend the day in bed with my husband."

"I'm not arguin with you darlin"

They begin kissing again, though they're interrupted when they hear Adriana yelling for them downstairs. They head down there and Adriana scolds them for not being ready to go over to CC & Sophia's house. Eden asks what she would think if they spent the day together there, just the three of them and Rafe. Cruz interrupts, saying they should go over to CC's, especially since Rosa has worked so hard cooking for all of them. Eden protests, saying Rosa of all people wouldn't mind, but Cruz insists. Eden is suspicious of Cruz's sudden change of heart. She tells them that she'll get ready and they can all head over to her parents together. Cruz interjects that he needs to make a stop on the way and that he'll meet them all over there. Before Eden can argue, he heads upstairs to change, as Rafe passes him on his way down.

"What's going on with him?" he asks them

"That's what I'm going to find out. Can you take Adriana with you to my parents house?"

"Actually, I wasn't going to....."

"Oh, you're going buster, don't even attempt to argue with me. It's Thanksgiving, you're family and you're going to spend the day with your family...."

"Ok, ok, I get it. I can take her, no problem."

"Thank you. It's time I find out just what your brother's been up to.

(EXT: Mason & Julia's House)

---Mason tends to Samantha, making sure she's comfortable as she's seated. Julia watches Mason being so tender with his daughter. He catches her and Julia is even surprised herself at how emotional she gets. She claims it's because she's so happy that Samantha is ok. Julia suggests they get going before CC has a coronary waiting for them to arrive. As she says that, there's a knock on the door. They are stunned to see Pamela standing on the other side of it.

"Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!"

"You too mother"

Mason embraces her, but explains that they're going over to CC's for dinner, where she obviously wouldn't be welcome. Julia apologizes for Mason, claiming that had they known she was coming to town, they would have had Thanksgiving there. Pamela tells her there's no need for apology, that she thinks it's a good thing that they have the family to spend the holiday with. Sensing another guilt trip, Mason scolds her, insisting Julia speaks the truth. Pamela informs her son that he truly is misunderstanding her- she's happy for them and really doesn't mind spending the holiday alone, so long as they see her later. Mason of course agrees and begins to head out the door, telling Julia & Samantha that there's something he wants to do for the holiday before going over there. Julia questions him about what it is, but he doesn't give her much to go on.

"To show gratitude, Julia. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and that's what I need to do........before enjoying the holiday with my family. I'll be there in time for dinner.....if I'm late, tell dad to start without me."

He opens the door to head off and runs into Augusta.

"Thankful to be leaving as well......"

"Hello to you too Mason. That husband of yours, really Julia, he shows no respect......"

She gasps, stopping in her tracks when she sees Pamela. Pamela smiles at her and wishes her a Happy Thanksgiving. Augusta asks her if she's going to CC's as well, which she isn't of course. Augusta suggests she come to their house for dinner, and though Pamela is apprehensive at first, Augusta is able to talk her into it. Pamela heads out, kissing her granddaughter good-bye & wishing them a happy holiday. Rafe and Adriana arrive, to see if Samantha would like to head over to the Capwells with them. Of course, Samantha jumps at the chance and heads off with them. Now alone, Julia and Augusta fall into their usual banter.

"What was that about?" Julia asks

"What was what?"

"Cut it Augusta, this is me you're talking to......Inviting PAMELA for Thanksgiving dinner? Why....I mean....why....what's the point? What's the angle?"

"No angle, I just hate to see anyone spend the holiday alone...."

"Oh please, would you can it? You don't give a rat's behind about Pamela Conrad"

"True.......You make me sound so sinister Julia, really. I could see she was upset and I extended an olive branch. It's as simple as that."

"Nothing is simple with you, Augusta"

Augusta concurs and asks Julia how everything is going in her life and her marriage. Julia claims everything to be fine, but Augusta senses the worry in her voice and pushes it. Julia admits that there is something wrong. Augusta asks if Mason is cheating on her or drinking again, but Julia claims it's neither of those things. Augusta continues to press and Julia finally admits that Mary is alive. Augusta insists she must be mistaken, that it's impossible. Julia tells her it's true, she saw her with her own eyes. She tells Augusta the story that Mary told her about Mark McCormick taking her to the clinic and her being in a coma for four years. Augusta questions that, claiming Mark is dead and she knows that. Julia remembers back to Hal Clark's murder investigation and Mark's bones being discovered. Julia is puzzled by this major hole in Mary's story, but Augusta interrupts her train of thought with another question.

"What about the baby?"

Julia's still deep in thought.... "Huh...What? The Baby? What baby?"

"She was very much pregnant when she supposedly died, Julia. You didn't ask her about the baby?"

"Oh my God. The baby.........The Baby!!!"

(EXT: California roads, outside of Santa Barbara, in a poorer section)

---Cruz drives and Eden is seen following him. Eden wonders aloud where Cruz could be going, since it's obviously not the police station. She is stunned when she sees him pull up to a small house with a 94 Ford Escort parked in the driveway. Eden parks across the street, still donning her scarf and sunglasses. She reaches to the glove compartment to pull out her binoculars. She sees a young hispanic girl answering the door & inviting Cruz in. Not recognizing the girl, Eden becomes even more suspicious. Frustrated that she can no longer see what they're doing, Eden gets out of the car and heads toward the house. Eden begins to get an eerie feeling as she approaches, and is visibly frightened. She stands to the side of the window, too nervous to peek in. She finally gets up the nerve and is stunned by what she sees.......

It's Angel Ramirez, free as a bird, shaking hands with Cruz, introducing him to his family. Horrified, she runs off and heads back to her car.

"Angel...what could he be doing with ANGEL, of all people? And why is Angel out of jail?"


---Mary exits the OR, and Dr. Stanley asks her how everything went. Mary claims everything went fine, no complications and that the little boy should be just fine. She heads down the hall. Meanwhile, Mason approaches the nurses station, asking where he can find a Dr. Beckman. He claims that he's donating a Thanksgiving dinner to the children's wing and wanted to speak directly to her about it. The nurse informs him that Dr. Beckman is in surgery, but Dr. Stanley comes out claiming she's done. Dr. Stanley is delighted with Mason's generous gift and offers to take care of the details. The nurse then spots Mary, donning her surgical mask, and points her out to Mason. Dr. Stanley tries to stop him from going, but Mason ignores him and heads toward her. Her hair still stuffed in her cap & surgical mask on, only Mary's beautiful hazel green eyes can be seen.

(The camera takes on her angle on things, as she watches Mason approaching her, completely frozen)

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"Dr. Beckman! Dr. Beckman!, Dr. Beckman!"

THE END........................for TODAY


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