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Episode 11




(EXT: San Remos Emergency Clinic)

---Dr. Stanley checks over Samantha and lets she, Mason, and Julia know that everything looks good and she'll be able to go home that day. Samantha is absolutely thrilled, as are her parents. Samantha asks if Dr. Beckman is around, but Dr. Stanley informs them that she's taken the afternoon off. Julia comments that she's probably spending the day with her husband, but Dr. Stanley informs her that Dr. Beckman isn't married. Regardless, Mason says that it's unfortunate she's not in and that he would have liked to have met her. Julia remains silent, knowing that she has in fact met the doctor. Dr. Stanley leaves them alone, telling them he'll be getting the paperwork started for her release.

"I'd better call Rafe, to let him know he'll be starting today....."

"That won't be necessary, Samantha. Your mother has to go in to the office, but my afternoon is completely open, with the holiday and all. We won't be needing Rafe this week."

Samantha is annoyed with her father but has no choice but to go along with him. Julia tells them that she'd better head off, as she has to stop by the police station to talk to Cruz on her way to the office. In the hallway, Julia spots Dr. Stanley speaking with Mary. Mary sees Julia approaching and tries to avoid her, but Julia corners her.

"We need to talk" Julia informs her

"I really don't have any time right now, Julia, I have a patient that's just...."

"This will only take a minute."

Mary obliges and they head into her office. Mary tells Julia that she's thrilled Samantha will be going home that day, but Julia immediately questions her about why she lied about being married. Mary plays dumb but Julia informs her that Dr. Stanley let the cat out of the bag. Mary admits having lied because she didn't want Julia to feel guilty for keeping her secret. Julia doesn't buy that, saying she feels guilty anyway.

"Well why else would I do it?"

"Maybe because you don't want me to see that you've harbored feelings for Mason all these years. But I see it Mary, plain as day."

"It doesn't have anything to do with that, Julia. I just wanted to give you an unselfish reason for keeping this from Mason- I knew you wouldn't do it just for yourself, it had to be for me as well."

"But now I know the truth, so what's to stop me from...."

"Nothing, I guess. But why, Julia? Why do it? Why put any of us through it when you don't have to? Samantha is going to walk out of that door today & I'm never going to see Mason, or any of you again. That's how I want it. Please."

"It's not your call to make. I'm not promising anything, he's my husband, it's my obligation to be honest with him. He'd want to know......... I have to go...."

"Julia! Julia, wait!" Mary calls to her, but Julia continues walking away, ignoring her. A look of worry comes over Mary's face and a single tear drops down her cheek.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Ted is on the phone, obviously unhappy with the news he's receiving. Angela walks in, seeing how frustrated he is and begins rubbing his shoulders. Ted angrily tells the person that what they're doing isn't good enough and they'd better have answers for him the next time they spoke. Angela asks what's that about, and Ted tells her that another chunk of stock has been bought. Same M.O.- different company, different location. Angela is shocked and worried that if the trend continues any further, the Capwells could lose control of the company altogether. However, she assuages his fears when she tells Ted what a firecracker Joann is. Angela tells him that she has faith that Joann will have things turned around in no time, though Ted isn't so sure, having not even met Joann. Angela offers to take his mind off things and begins to unbutton her blouse. Ted doesn't stop her and kisses her passionately, tearing her blouse open. Without knocking, Lily walks in on them.

"Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me? What a fool I was......tell me, were you this careless while you were engaged to me?"

Ted is embarassed, but Angela couldn't be happier that Lily has seen what's gone on. Angela buttons up her blouse and jokes to Lily that they were even worse during the engagement. Ted tells Angela to back off and asks for a moment alone with Lily. Angela happily obliges, saying she has some things to go over with Joann anyway. Alone, Ted apologizes profusely for what he did to Lily but she's unforgiving, tell him at this point, he did her a favor. She tells him that she's not there to hear his apologies, far from it.

"I need you to sign these Ted."

"What are they?"

"I'm dissolving the mortgage we took out on the house. I don't want it, I'm staying with my mom for now but since we had gone into the agreement together, everything needs your signature on it as well."

"Oh...I'd forgotten.....Of course I'll sign them." he looks them over "Wow, you're taking quite a loss here Lil. Let me reimburse you."

"I don't want your money, Ted. Or your pity. Just sign the damn papers and you'll never see me again."

He obliges, though mentions that he wishes they could remain friends somehow. Lily sees red and informs him that her friends wouldn't ever humiliate or degrade her in the way he did. She tells him that any hopes he may have for a friendship he might as well save for something more feasible happening. Like hell freezing over. She tells him that the worst part of it all is that she gave up a really great guy for him, someone who loved her & would have moved heaven and earth for her. He tells her that if that person truly loves her, they'll be together. Lily raises her hand and slaps him across the face. She SCREAMS at him how it isn't that simple, that some men don't take betrayal so lightly. Some men have real feelings and are hurt when someone they truly love disappoints them. She tells him that she can't believe she ever could have loved someone so arrogant and selfish as he is. She finishes it off by informing him she hopes that he & Angela have a life of misery for what they've put her through.

---Outside of Angela's office, Joann sits their, awaiting their meeting. Gina bumps into her there, claiming to be dropping off some marketing research for Gina Jeans to Angela. Gina asks Joann how her meeting with CC went and Joann fires back that it was peachie.

"CC can be a tough sell. I hope he wasn't too hard on you"

"He was fine, Gina. I don't see how this is any of your concern."

"What's with the haughty attitude? I'm just trying to be...." she chokes on the word, "Nice..... We're on the same side you know."

"Really? Because you sure don't act like it."

"I don't act like it? Look, lady...."

Gina calms herself and apologizes if she's come off the wrong way. Gina asks Joann what, if anything, she proposed to CC to counteract the takeover. Joann refuses to divulge anything, telling her that if CC wanted her to know that, she'd have been at the meeting. Gina becomes infuriated, claiming that Joann doesn't know anything about her relationship with CC yet continuously makes these innocuous references to it. Angela then arrives, asking Gina what she's even doing there. Gina gives her lame Gina Jeans line and Angela sarcastically tells her she looks forward to reading the report. She invites Joann into her office and Gina begins to follow them.

"This is a private meeting Gina. So run along. Go on..." she shuts the door in her face.

Gina angrily begins to walk away when Angela re-emerges.

"Oh Gina! By the way, your daughter's in the building."

"Lily's here. Where is she?"

"Ted's office. She walked in on us in........ let's say a compromising position. Just thought I'd give you something to chew on. You can go now." Angela smiles as Gina storms off.

In her office, Angela and Joann go over everything that was said in the meeting. Angela is impressed with Joann's merger idea, though she doesn't think CC will go for it. She tells Joann that CC likes being in control and a merger threatens that. Angela asks what was going on with Gina and Joann tells her how Gina was hounding her about the meeting. Joann tells Angela that she doesn't trust Gina, nor does she like her very much. Angela thinks that Joann's instincts are dead on and tells her she'll be keeping her eye on Gina......

(EXT: Capwell Estate)

---Someone watches from the foyer as Sophia reads through a magazine in the den when Rosa comes in with the phone. Rosa informs her it's Dr. Normandy on the line, something about her test results. Sophia asks Rosa to please leave her alone, though Rosa is hesitant. Rosa finally obliges her employers wishes. Once alone, Sophia asks the doctor to lay it on her. Dr. Normandy insists that she come down and speak with him in person, but Sophia is resistant, saying the holiday is the next day and she just doesn't have the time. She is adamant that she can handle whatever news he has for her, good or bad. He informs her that all the tests have confirmed what he had feared- she has a brain aneurism. He tells her there are treatment options but she immediately questions how far along it is. He tries to get her to see him in person for him to better explain but she demands to know. He admits that it's pretty far developed but that it's treatable. Sophia asks if he can get rid of it completely, but he tells her all that can be done is to keep it from rupturing, though there would be no guarantees. At this, she becomes silent, clutching the phone and crying. She hangs it up and bursts into tears. Rosa comes in and sees how upset she is.

"Oh, Sophia, Sophia... what is it? What's wrong?...........Sophia talk to me, I hate seeing you like this...."

"I......I.......Oh Rosa"

Sophia collapses into Rosa's arms, sobbing. Rosa hugs her, gently stroking her hair as she sobs.

"Sophia, you're scaring me....."

"Oh Rosa......it's.....an ...... aneurism.........there's not much they can do........It's like I have this ticking timebomb inside of my head and it could just.....at any moment.....just" Sophia begins sobbing again uncontrollably.

"Oh Sophia, my God......Oh...."

Rosa hugs her as she cries there, uncontrollably so. The camera pans to the person eavesdropping in the foyer............

IPB Image

She laughs. "It couldn't be more perfect....."

THE END....................for today

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