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Episode 10




(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Gina and Keith fantasize about what things would be like if they were in charge of Capwell Enterprises. Gina envisions Angela as the janitorial service and CC as her secretary. Keith sees Eden begging him for a job, telling him how powerful he is. He also sees himself talking Angela into cheating on Ted........ with him. When they get back to reality, Gina wonders how much power she & Keith will actually acquire when this 'mystery person' takes over. Keith assures her that everything is on the up & up and if they continue to play their cards right, Gina will be the CEO before Christmas.

"It would be a Christmas miracle," Gina muses.

"Baby, it ain't gonna take a miracle, especially now that you got Joann hired on. Things should just fall into place now"

"I don't like her" she asserts

"You don't have to like her muffin, but remember, she's on our side. Working against her is working against us"

Her ears perhaps ringing, Joann then knocks at the door. Gina introduces Joann to Keith. Joann is impressed when he tells her he's a District Attorney. Gina notices Joann giving Keith a once-over, which she doesn't take kindly to. Keith tells her he too is impressed with her business credentials. Quickly putting an end to their love-in, Gina asks Joann what it is she needs. She tells her that she needs some company files that she wasn't given, to better prepare for the meeting with CC. Joann is surprised that Gina had no idea about it, considering Angela had informed her about it the day before. Joann then says that CC probably doesn't feel Gina's input is needed, considering the subject matter is financing, not Gina's strong suit.

"Excuse me? You don't even know me, Jo ANN, so I wouldn't go around throwing around assumptions you have."

"They're not assumptions, Gina. I've done plenty of research about the company, I know exactly what you do here and how you got here at all. You certainly don't have room to be insulted. How about you let me handle the numbers & I'll let you handle Gina Jeans. Deal?"

Joann smiles at Gina, who restrains herself from punching her lights out.

(EXT: Skyscraper in LA, zoom in to sign in front, Wayne, INC)

--- Elizabeth Wayne sits at her desk, reading through her files. Her assistant, Kat, comes into her office, informing her that there's a Pamela Conrad there to see her. Pamela enters and Elizabeth immediately questions her about what she's doing there. Pamela informs her that she's passing through town and thought she'd pay her old friend a visit. Elizabeth reminds her that they aren't friends.

"Allies. Scorned Women. People with something in common, whatever you want to call it."

"We have very little in common Pamela"

"Yes, but it's the exception that I'm here to talk to you about: CC Capwell"

Elizabeth trembles at hearing his name and asks Pamela to explain herself. She tells Elizabeth that it's time to let CC & Sophia know that they don't control their lives. Pamela goes on about how they have both been hurt deeply by them in the past and that it's time to set things right. When Elizabeth claims she bears no ill will toward CC & Sophia, Pamela asks her why it is that she hasn't spoken to Sophia in nearly 30 years then. Elizabeth admits that they caused her pain but she's eradicated them from her life and is now a successful businesswoman, CEO of her own company. Pamela admits to being envious that Elizabeth has something to call her own, which she does not. She asks Elizabeth if she's been following the crisis at Capwell, which she admits she has. Pamela tells her it would be the perfect opportunity for someone like herself to strike. Elizabeth asks her if she's behind the takeover and Pamela denies it.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not interested, far from it. CC banished us both from his life, Elizabeth, just erased us and went about his life as if neither of us ever existed. Wouldn't it be divine for us to come back & return the favor? Don't answer me now, just think about it. I'll be in touch."

(EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House)

---Lily stops by Cruz & Eden's to see Rafe and is happy to find him alone. Lily expresses her concern over Rafe's accident but he claims to be fine. Rafe tells her he was sorry to hear of what happened on her wedding day. Lily tells him that she's humiliated and she feels like a fool for ever trusting Ted. Lily also tells him how terrible she feels about the way she treated him, someone who genuinely loved her. She admits that he caught her off guard and that she still has feelings for him.

"But you were going to go through with the wedding, Lily, weren't you"

"Yes" Lily says quietly, bowing her head down.

Rafe tells her that it devastated him when she didn't respond to him. He also explains the outrage and the terrible feeling he had in his gut watching what he thought to be her walking down the aisle. Lily tries to apologize, but Rafe continues, saying that he went into such a rage he couldn't even see straight. He tells her that his rage practically caused Samantha's death and put things in perspective for him. As much as he cares for Lily, it doesn't seem to ever work out and their relationship seems to do nothing but cause them both pain. Though he feels sorry for her for what happened, he tells her that he thinks he needs to be alone for a while now, maybe to learn to love again. He also doesn't think he can get a handle on his feelings, especially with her constantly going back & forth. Lily tells him she knows he still loves her, but if it's space he needs, she'll give that to him. But that she will be waiting for him, if and when he's ever ready.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---CC calls Joann into his office for their meeting. She asks him where Angela is and he informs her that the meeting is just for the two of them. CC tells her that he's checked her out and is impressed with her extensive background. He cites her success at Cory Publishing, Titan Publishing, and Spaulding Enterprises as just a few examples. Joann (Kim Rhodes) winks that she was especially fond of her time at Cory. CC hopes she'll be just as successful at Capwell and asks if she's had time to read through the paperwork. She has and Joann informs him that she's been going through the files and they are in serious trouble. CC asks if breaking off divisions of the company would work, or even splitting the stock, which Joann tells him would be a disaster. She informs him that through her research, she found they had a similar problem in 1990, when Barr Industries attempted a hostile takeover. He remembers that Eden prevented that from happening.

"With all due respect to your daughter, Mr. Capwell, that's not entirely true. Though they weren't in with the literature you gave me, I pulled up some files about your merger with Armonti Enterprises back then. That's what saved you....."

"Yes but that worked only because my wife, Sophia, was the President and no changes would be made in day to day operations. With any other person or company, God only knows what they would want to do... That's not a chance I can take"

"What about losing your company altogether? Are you willing to take that chance? A merger will prevent that and from what I can see, it may be your only option."

"Nonsense" says Pamela, entering " You built this company, CC, for your children, so they'd have something someday. You can't let some other company come in & take half of it. This company will be Mason's some day, and...."

"Pamela, who the HELL let you in this office? Because whoever did- they're fired! My company doesn't concern you- You're no longer in my life and lady, I like it that way. Now get out of here before I call security and have you thrown out!!!"

Pamela asks Joann to excuse them and she obliges. Pamela tells CC that she's the mother of his eldest son and she deserves his respect. She informs him that though she may have just faded away before, that will not be happening now. Pamela tells him that he took her son from her, her life from her. But no more- she's taking it back, all of it!! CC tells her she can have any life she damn well pleases, so long as it doesn't include him. He asks her how long she plans on sticking around in town and she's vague.

"Just what is it you're doing here anyway, Pamela?"

"Ahh, patience my love, patience. You'll know soon enough why I'm here. So will Sophia."

"You stay the hell away from us, Pamela"

"Perhaps had she taken that advice and stayed away from my husband, we wouldn't be where we're all at now in our lives. Choices. Our choices have consequences, CC, sometimes grave consequences. You of all people should know that."

THE END.................for today


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Thanks Tish! I'm not sure how this one is

going to play, since it features mostly new

or less popular characters. I actually am

finding myself transforming Lily, which just

kind of came to me. There are endless

possiblities for her I think, which surprises me

considering when I started up the blog, I

wasn't sure what I was going to do with her past

the wedding.

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