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-Shawn and Mimi decide to leave the hospital, they say it is time to go back to interviewing surrogants. Jan watches and decides to wait until she has been accepted as their surogant to reveal the truth about Claire. She leaves as well and readies her disguise.

-Philip confronts Rex and asks him if he still has feelings for Mimi, he says he has been watching him and it seems like it. Rex assures Philip he is over Mimi.

-Vivian tells Victor “Oh, I was not attacking! I was just….trying to get her to listen to me by tugging on her a little bit, she was so concentrated on getting ready she didn’t hear me come in!” Kate turns around and says “You lying little-” Victor hushes them and tells both of them he doesn’t care what they were doing, and that he needs to talk to Kate now. He pulls Kate out of the room and shuts the door, Vivian sighs once he’s gone.

-Stefano arrives at the DiMera mansion, the person he called is standing in his office waiting for him, the man is revealed to be….. ALEX NORTH!

-Megan leaves the DiMera mansion and she goes over to Hope’s house, the door is unlocked so she opens it and walks in, she sees some pictures of Bo and Hope on the mantle, she grabs one and throws it on the ground, as she stomps n it she says that Bo will be hers.

-Vivian picks up her phone and says into it “Ivan, meet me at the mansion in an hour.” She thinks to herself as she climbs out the window “Your day will come Kate, someday I will finally be rid of you.”

-Max tells Lilly it is best if he leaves now, Lilly asks to come with him, and Max smiles, he says “Sure.” and they leave together.

-Erin is at the Church, she decides to head back to the Salem Inn to rest. Once she is there she has a strange dream of her and Max kissing.

-Shawn and Mimi decide to interview at the Pub, once they are there Jan walks in with her disguise on and tells them she is here for an interview to be there surrogant.

-Margaret Cochran arrives at the Titan Building, and tels the receptionist she is there to apply for a job!

-The police inform Abe that the body was Thomas Kramer’s body!!!! Abe is shocked beyond words. The officer tells him “Sir… we have no evidence against you, but I hope you know you are a prime suspect in his murder.” Lexie listens outside with nervousness.

-Kayla, at the hospital, begins to wake up!

-Billie arrives at the hospital, runs into Chelsea’s room and says with tears filled in her eyes “Chelsea?” Suddenly Chelsea’s head turns and she says in a weak voice “Mom?” Billie begins to cry and says with joy “Your back! Your back!”

-Marlena arrives at the hospital, John quickly gets up from where he is sitting with Kim and he informs her of all that has happened, Marlena is shocked and before she can get in a word Sami overhears it and yells “No!!!!!! You are not my father!!!” and breaks down in Lucas’s arms, John tells her she has to accept the truth, Kim quickly gets up and says “So do you! We all do! I know this is devastating but we have to accept that you are Roman!” Caroline walks up to him and says “I am so so sorry….. I should have known! You were my child and I did not know it! What kind of a mother am I?” John puts his hand on her shoulder and says “You are a great one… because look how I turned out. I have done this many times, and I do it easily now because I know I have a great new or old family, I have accepted that I am your son. I am Roman Brady!”


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