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Episode 8




(EXT: San Remos Hospital)

Pamela is taken off-guard by Sophia & Eden. Sophia demands to know what Pamela is doing back in town, and she explains that she had intended to go to Ted & Lily's wedding. Eden reminds her that she wasn't invited, and Pamela seems to just notice her at that, asking her how she's "doing." Eden remembers the last time she saw Pamela, at the Capwell dinner party, when she was split with her alter, Lisa. Sophia defends her daughter, saying the family is doing much better now & she won't be attacking her. When Pamela expresses genuine concern about Samantha, Adriana informs her of Samantha's current condition. Pamela insists on seeing her.

"You're not going anywhere, Pamela. Mason & Julia are in there with their daughter now and the doctors don't want more than two visitors with her at a time," Sophia coldly informs her.

"Well then I just wait. How is Mason? Have you seen him?"

"How would you expect him to be, Pamela?" Eden states firmly "His daughter is in there lying in a coma. How would you be?"

Pamela apologizes if her being there is going to disturb them but insists she isn't going anywhere until she knows her granddaughter is alright. Mason sees the commotion going on through the window and comes out, pulling Pamela aside. She hugs him and expresses her sorrow over Samantha's condition. He thanks her for her well wishes but tells her he think it best she wait at her hotel. Pamela insists she isn't going anywhere, saying she's let Sophia separate her from her son for many years and she won't be kept away by her now. Mason reluctantly gives in and agrees to let her go in & see Samantha. Julia is unreceptive when Pamela enters the room, but can see she genuinely cares for her granddaughter. The ladies agree to put aside their differences and focus on Samantha.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises Building)

---Keith stops by Gina's office before her meeting with Angela. He tells her that he's heard from the buyer and has informed them of the current situation. When Gina once again questions the person's identity, Keith insists that she not worry about details, but instead worry about putting the Capwells in their place, especially after how they humiliated Lily. Gina agrees and asks what the plan is. Keith infroms her that the buyer is sending a candidate for the financial position at Capwell, and all she has to do is make sure that's who they hire.

"There's one problem with that, Keith. I'm not in charge of things: Angela is!"

"Well, then, you'll just have to make sure Angela sees things your way," Keith assures her.

"Frankly, I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand being in a room with that tramp, let alone convincing her to hire someone," Gina says, exasperated.

"You'll just have to figure that out muffin, won't you?"

He gives her a devious look, and she smiles. If anyone gets what they want, it's Gina Blake DeMott Capwell Capwell Capwell Timmins.

(EXT: San Remos Hospital)

---Rafe apologizes again to Mason, but it only goes to further agitate him. Adriana suggests she & Rafe head down to the cafeteria for some coffee. Mason apologizes to Sophia & Eden for not telling them Pamela was in town. He asks what she said, and Sophia brings up Pamela's dig at Eden's multiple personality disorder. Mason apologizes profusely for ever bringing Pamela to that dinner party, but Eden insists that she's past it and that it wasn't really Pamela's fault anyway. Sophia sees that Eden is implying that she was to blame and remembers that she was the one who first triggered Lisa when Eden was a child, by faking her death falling off the Capwell yacht. Mason pulls Eden aside and now alone, Eden asks him how he's really doing. Mason says that though he was a mess, he's more optimistic now. He explains to her his vision of Mary earlier in the day. When he asks if he's crazy, Eden assures him he's not.

"She loved you very much Mason," Eden remembers, "and I'm sure she is up there watching over you."

"She was so perfect, you know? This perfect flower, so pure and innocent, brilliant yet naive. Knowing she's here with me, watching me....... It lets me know that Samantha is going to be okay"

"You still love her very much, don't you? Do you think of her still?"

"Sure I do, more often than I care to admit. I still love her, there will always be a place in my heart that's Mary's and only hers."

They embrace.

Around the corner, Mary is seen listening, clutching her clipboard. Mason's words move her to tears, but she regains her strength and composure, and heads to her office.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Gina enters Angela's office and attempts to be cordial. Angela sees right through it, telling her to stop with the pleasantries- she's well aware she's not Gina's favorite person right now. Gina says that's an understatement, telling her she's disgusted by what Ted & Angela did to her daughter. However, Gina tells her that she's not going to let it get in the way of business, which Angela agrees to. They begin interviewing candidates and none seems to impress them. Joann Walsh then enters, and they grill her. Angela is impressed with Joann's qualifications, but Gina is unsure. When Gina questions her about her references, Joann swiftly answers all of her questions, even pointing out the foolishness of some of them. Gina tells her that her tone is not appreciated, especially since Gina would be one of her bosses. Angela laughs off Gina's suggestion, telling her to remember how much power she actually has around there. Gina acts completely unimpressed by Joann, though her acting is more realistic than she thought it would be and Joann obviously rubs her the wrong way. When Angela expresses her desire to hire Joann, Gina warns her not to jump into anything and thinks it should be given more careful analysis & thought, perhaps even CC's approval.

"Don't be ridiculous, Gina" Angela scoffs "We need CC's approval? This coming from you? CC wouldn't approve of your hairstyle, Gina, much less a business decision you make. Ms Walsh, we look forward to working with you. Kathleen, our secretary, will take you down to Human Resources to fill out some paperwork."

"Thank you so much Ms Cassidy"

"It's Mrs. Capwell now" Gina shoots her a look.

"Sorry, Mrs. Capwell. You won't regret this"

When she leaves, Gina argues with Angela about not even paying attention to her opinion. Angela tells her the decision is made & she'll have to live with it, ordering her out of her office. In the hallway, Gina calls Keith and informs him that everything went according to plan.

"You and whoever this mystery buyer is better know damn well what you're doing. That woman, Joann, is a shrew if I ever saw one. "

Keith reassures her that they're doing the right thing and tells her keep following the plan and everything will work out in their favor.

"You're going to have everything you've ever wanted baby. Just play this right"

(EXT: San Remos Hospital)

---Pamela and Julia come out of Samantha's room, informing the others that there hasn't been a change in her condition. Rafe asks if it would be alright if he saw her and Mason balks. Julia convinces him that it couldn't hurt to let Rafe see her and he gives in. Mason spots Pamela eyeing Sophia and takes her down to the cafeteria. Rafe and Adriana go in to see Samantha. Julia expresses her concern to Sophia & Eden about Mason. Eden fills her in on what Mason told her earlier about Mary. Julia remembers what a good woman Mary was and understands why Mason hasn't shared it with her. Julia tells them that she has a good feeling about the hospital as well and tells them about Dr. Beckman. Sophia thinks it's strange that Dr. Beckman is being so guarded and Julia begins to agree. She decides to track her down herself and thank her.

In Samantha's room, Rafe takes her hand and apologizes for putting her there. He tells her how awful he feels, especially in letting his emotions from Lily's rejection cause him to put her in danger. He begs her for her forgiveness and promises to see her through until she's well. He & Adriana are amazed when Samantha opens her eyes.

----Julia walks the hallways, searching for Dr. Beckman. She inquires to a nurse who informs her that Dr Beckman is in her office and directs her to it. Julia barrels into Mary's office, startling Mary, who stands with her back to Julia. Julia goes on about how grateful she & her husband are, but expresses concern about Samantha's still being in a coma. She asks her to fill her in on what's going on and give her the realities of the situation, but Mary remains silent. Growing frustrated, Julia approaches her and Mary steps away. Julia asks her why she's so concerned about speaking with her and why she's been desperately avoiding them. When Mary still doesn't speak, Julia grabs her and turns her around. Julia's mouth drops when she realizes that Dr. Beckman is MARY!!!!!

THE END................for today


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Great episode juniorz. I loved the ending especially.

I don't know if anyone else does this but I keep seeing

the performers in my mind in the roles. All of them are

the ones you have cast, but every so often Gordon Thomson

overrides my visions of Lane Davies. I guess the two of them are the

2 Masons that made the most impression on me.

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Thanks so much Steve- I told someone the other day

that when I write the dialogue, I actually hear the

character/actor's voice in my head & use that. I

re-read it, doing the same thing & edit anything that

doesn't sound right.

Gordon Thomson & Lane Davies are definitely the two

Masons that I enjoyed most as well, but Lane just

is the epitome of that role. I've been trying to write

Mason like Lane's Mason. For the mostpart, I've been


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