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S&L: Episode 24



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Secrets & Lies: Episode 24
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Written by: Ryan Chandler
Produced by: Ryan Chandler

Opening Video
  • Edward sits at his desk overlooking Port Charles. When Skye enters his office, Edward doesn’t even turn around to look at her. He calls her to come stand next to him.

    “Look at this beautiful city Skye. Isn’t it just amazing? I’ve sat in this office for over 20 years and have watched this city go through wonderful times and horrible times. Your grandmother would sit with me on cold November nights and watch the boats sail into the harbor. Over the past few years, you’ve really matured Skye. And though I don’t always agree with your choice of men, I respect that you have the resolve to go for what you want.”

    Skye looks at Edward, yet he does not break his gaze from the window.

    “I’m getting older and as much as I would like to, I cannot run the day to day operations of ELQ anymore. There is a strong chance that you could be the one to replace me one day Skye. I just wanted you to know that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.”

  • While riding in the car to take Michael and Morgan to Sonny’s, Carly finally gets the phone call that she’s been waiting for. Max asks her why she screamed to which Carly responds that her financial advisor just called and informed her that her bid to purchase an ELQ subsidiary has gone through, and now will be able to purchase another company.

  • Monica meets Audrey outside of Kelly’s. Audrey immediately cuts to the chase. She explains what has been going down between Liz, Lucky and Jason. Monica is surprised to hear what has happened, but tells Audrey that there’s nothing she can do. This doesn’t sit too well with Audrey, who remarks that Monica is choosing to turn a blind eye to her son’s blatant decision to break up a marriage. Monica says that if Elizabeth is unhappy, then she has every right to leave the person who’s not treating her well and move on. Monica goes to leave but Audrey grabs her arm. Looking very sternly at Monica, Audrey warns Monica that if she doesn’t keep Jason away from Liz, then she’s going to have to deal with her. Audrey then grabs her belongings and leaves Monica to think over what she’s just said.

  • Lorenzo shows up at the Haunted Star looking for Skye. Why he’d show up there is beyond comprehension, especially since Skye isn’t actively involved with the casino anymore, but Lorenzo has his own reason for doing so. He finds Luke downing a bottle of scotch and decides to engage in some meaningful conversation. When Luke notices Lorenzo, he orders him to leave. Lorenzo makes subtle hints about he and Skye getting engaged and talks about the wonderful like they’ll have together. Lorenzo cracks that while Luke is busy fending off that she-devil of a wife of his, he’ll be romancing his woman on the beach making sweet passionate love to her. He tells Luke to just accept defeat and back off Skye, or else he’ll have to deal with him. Luke just smiles and Lorenzo and takes another sip of his drink. Before Lo can make his way out of the door, Luke tells Lorenzo that he’s going down soon and when he does, he (Luke) will be there gloating.

  • At GH, Robin has been having a very stressful day. Three doctors went against two of her consultation recommendations and the patients died. Her mother hasn’t returned any of her phone calls, and she recently learned that her cousin Aidan and her father are working on a case in Australia. All she wants to do now is take a nice long shower and relax for the night. When she enters into the locker room, she finds that Patrick has placed some flowers near her locker and a note. While Robin is reading, Patrick sneaks up behind her and kisses her on the neck. Patrick apologizes for the incident with Jamie and wants to go out with Robin tonight. Robin makes up excuses, well they aren’t really excuses, for not wanting to go out. Patrick goes along, saying that he wouldn’t mind staying in with her but Robin turns him down flat. Patrick grabs her flowers and tosses them in the garbage, angry that Robin keeps taking two steps backward in their relationship. Patrick tells Robin that he’s going on vacation for the next week and wanted her to go with him. However, since she obviously doesn’t want to socialize with anyone, he’s going alone. He has a friend in Salem (just Salem, USA, no state) who he’d like to see and plans on having a great time. Patrick grabs his bag and storms out of the locker room. Robin closes her locker door and hits it out of anger. Unbeknownst to Robin, Jamie is hiding close by and overhears everything.
On The Next GH: Secrets & Lies:

- Patrick gets a surprise visitor on his way to Salem
- Luke teams up…..with Tracy
- Lorenzo & Diego begin therapy w/ Lainey
- Alan is surprised when Kevin refuses to talk about Lucy
- Noah begins his plan to help Bobbie


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