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Episode 7




(EXT: Angela's Beachfront Condominium)

----Angela wakes up, and sees Ted has not slept in bed with her. She hears him in the shower & decides she'll surprise him. She sneaks up on him as he's washing his hair.

"Need someone to do your back?"

Ted turns around and looks at her. "It's done."

Angela senses his anger. "Are you going to stay mad at me for the rest of our lives? We are married now, after all..."

"Not after the annulment we're not?"

She's taken off guard by his words. Angela flirtaciously explains the events of the day before, saying she did it all for him. With that, Ted gets out of the shower & turns the cold water on her.

She gets out, following him to the bedroom, where Ted questions why she didn't go about things differently, telling her that he gave her every opportunity to stop him. Angela tells him that it was all completely spontaneous, though he wonders how spontaneous it could be, given that she had an elaborate dress made. Angela explains that she had the dress made years ago and swore she'd wear it when she married the man she was in love with. She talks about her disappointment in herself when she married David. She tells him that though she went through with the wedding, she couldn't go through with wearing the dress. She further explains that when she saw Ted standing at the altar, the reality of what she was about to do set in.

"I sat there and all I could think of was the day I married David. I couldn't figure out why, since you & David are nothing alike and it seemed so.....unrelated"

"Yes, Angela, it does...."

(cutting him off) "But I realized the connection and it hit me a like a ton of bricks. That day when I married him, I cried.....all day.......because I know I was sacrificing any chance I had of fulfilling that wish- to be with the man of my dreams, hopelessly in love. I cried for that little girl, who's hopes I was shattering. And....yesterday.....if I let you marry Lily, if I didn't open myself up and go for it.......it would've been like shattering her dreams all over again. And..... I..... just couldn't let that happen."

Ted sees the love in her eyes and grabs her & kisses her. "It won't. I won't let it. You're Mrs. Ted Capwell now, and noone's taking that from you."

They kiss again and for the first time, make love as man and wife.

(EXT: the beach & ocean, panning up to Cruz & Eden's House)

---Cruz & Eden discuss the seriousness of Samantha's condition. Cruz says he could kill Rafe for the accident with Samantha. Eden tells him not to blame his brother, though Cruz fires back that Mason & Julia certainly will, especially if her condition is worse than expected, or if she dies even. Eden says that if anything happened to Adriana, she doesn't know what she'd do. She thinks of Julia, not even being able to imagine what she must be going through. Rafe comes down from his sleep, and Cruz has words with him. Rafe tells them that he feels awful and that he'd like to go back to the hospital to make sure she's okay. Cruz thinks it's a horrible idea, saying that he's the last person Mason & Julia want to see.

"That may be true." Adriana says, walking down the spiral staircase, "but I think Samantha will want to see him when she wakes up. In fact, I know she will. Mom and I are going anyway, Uncle Rafe, you can come with us"

Cruz & Eden shoot their daughter a look. Rafe tells her he thinks it best he doesn't go, but to the dismay of her parents, Adriana insists. Eden gives in, and Cruz sees he's outnumbered. He tells them to send Mason & Julia his love, and instructs Eden to have Julia call him when she has a chance.

(mimicing him, yet again) "Have Julia call me. I need to talk to Julia. Have you seen Julia? What is it that the two of you are up to Cruz Castillo?"

"It's work, darlin. And I know you remember the deal, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, Eden, stay out of police business...... You know, some days I feel like I'm married to Ricky Ricardo"

"Well maybe if you'd stop acting like Lucy day in & day out, you'd see things differently. Now I got to go"

(EXT- San Remos Hospital)

Julia wakes up from her nap, and sees Mason has fallen asleep as well. She asks the nurse if there's been any change, and the nurse informs her there hasn't. Julia tells the nurse she'd like to go in & see Samantha when possible, but the nurse informs her the doctor is with her now. Julia inquires about the doctor, wondering about her credentials, since she was so shy about meeting with them the night before. The nurse informs her that Dr. Beckman is very good, while also a very private person. The nurse tells her that she's working very hard on Samantha's case with Dr. Stanley and they're both in there now. She suggests Julia get some breakfast, since they just went in with her & shouldn't be done for sometime. Julia heads for the cafeteria.

Meanwhile Mary & Dr. Frank Stanley go over Samantha's injuries and Mary says she's most concerned with the head injury, which seems to have put her in the comatose state she's been in. They order a different medication for her IV, hoping it will trigger her nerves and bring her out of the state she's in. Mary tells Dr. Stanley that she wants him to do all communication with the parents, saying that it's bringing up some traumatic events in her life and that she can't bear to be around them. Dr. Stanley calls the nurse & tells her to inform the parents he'd be with them shortly. She explains that Mrs. Capwell is in the cafeteria & Mr Capwell is napping. Though she tries to fight it, Mary can't resist going to see Mason in the waiting room. Her eyes well up with tears, as she sees him laying there, so peacefully. She goes for a pillow & gently places it under his head. Startled, Mason wakes up, seeing a blurry vision of Mary looking at him. Frantic, Mary, hurries away, as Mason sits up, calling her name. He wonders if Mary is trying to send him some kind of sign.

----Warren admires the headline about Capwell Enterprises in his business section, declaring that another chunk of company stock has been purchased. He erupts in laughter when he looks at the picture of Ted & Angela in the people page, and the picture he placed next to it of an angry Lily in her dress. He reads aloud the interview with Lily, talking about the disgrace she's experienced because of what Ted has done. As he's heading out, he's surprised to see Cruz standing in his doorway.


"I was about to knock, you got a minute?"

"For you, sure"

Cruz tells him that everything he's going to say has to be kept off the record & between the two of them. Warren obliges, and Cruz tells him that Angel Ramirez is being released from prison sometime in the afternoon. Warren remembers articles about Angel, the former drug dealer and murderer that Cruz had taken down years before. Warren also recalls that he was given a life sentence, carrying a minimum of 45 years. Cruz tells him how prison has reformed him and that his wife has stuck by him. More importantly, however, he informs Warren that the reason for this is that the SBPD is using Angel for an undercover investigation. He explains that everything thusfar has been kept low-key, but once he's released, it will be a matter of public record. He informs him that the local TV stations have agreed to a blackout of the story, but he knew Warren's newspaper hadn't been included.

"What really makes you think you can trust this guy though, Cruz? Do you honestly think he harbors no resentment or ill will toward the man who put him in prison for his entire life? Does Eden know about this?"

"No, she doesn't, and I wanna keep it that way. Look, whether I or the Police Department can trust Angel ain't your concern, man. I just need this favor....... Can I count on you?"

Warren looks at him. "Well I do kinda owe ya one, since you got me out of that attempted murder wrap and all...."

"I wasn't gonna bring it up but.....now that you mention it...."

"Yeah, Castillo, I got your back. I suppose I'll be getting the exclusive once you nail these guys...."

"You'll be the first to know"

They shake on it. Cruz gets ready to head to the station, but not before Warren asks him if he's seen the Ted/Angela article. When Cruz admits he has, Warren ribs him, trying to get him to admit he enjoyed seeing Ted taken down a peg that way. Cruz denies it at first, but gives in & they share a chuckle about Gina dumping the entire wedding cake on Angela the previous night.

----Back at the hospital, Dr Stanley apprises Julia & Mason of Samantha's current condition. He tells them that she wasn't responding to the IV they had given her previously, so they've decided to try a different one. He explains that it's stronger and they're hoping it will trigger a response. He advises them that familiar voices and people surrounding her will also help, though very few visitors at a time, so not as to disturb her. Julia inquires about Dr Beckman, telling him they'd like to thank her for saving their daughter's life. He explains that Dr Beckman is seeing patients and, being as small a facility as they are, is very busy. He offers that if they insist on thanking her, a donation to the children's wing would be appropriate. CC & Sophia arrive, with CC heading right for Dr Stanley. He asks him why his granddaughter hasn't woken up yet. When the doctor tries to explain, CC informs him that he has 24 hours before he takes her to a larger facility, where she can be aided by teams of doctors and specialists.

"You'll be doing no such thing, CC. This is my daughter we're talking about, mine & Mason's. These people saved her life last night and are working around the clock to give her the best possible care. She's staying right where she is!" Julia informs him

"I'm sorry Julia. I know you must be devastated right now- I can imagine what you're going through, but understand that I'm only doing this because I love my granddaughter very much. I just want her to have the best possible care."

"And she's going to get that, Dad," Mason says, "right here."

Julia sees Eden, Adriana, and Rafe approaching. Trying to avoid a scene, she asks Mason to come in & see Samantha with her. He tells her to go ahead and that he'll be in shortly. When Rafe expresses concern for Samantha's condition, Mason hits the roof, explaining that had in not been for him, she wouldn't be in this condition. Adriana quickly defends her uncle, saying that he's just concerned and that it's not anybody's fault. Mason tells her while he understands her defending her uncle, he needs to take responsibility for crashing his motorcycle while obviously enraged over the wedding. It dawns on CC what is going on.

"Wait a minute, YOU, YOU did this to my granddaughter? You put her in this condition? What the hell were you thinking son?"

"Mr Capwell, I'm so sorry, if I could change places with her I would. It was an accident. I feel awful"

"That's all you can say? Do you really think that your sorrys and accidents will matter to me if she doesn't make it? You just better pray she does..."

Eden gets angry with her father, telling him that Rafe feels terrible and it does nobody any good to place blame & make things worse. CC tells her to calm down, that he has to leave to go to Capwell anyway. Sophia tells him she thinks that's a wise idea. She informs him that she'll call if there's any change. Mason goes into the room, joining Julia by their daughter's side. Walking by in the hallway, Mary stops and sees them at both sides of Samantha's bed, each holding her hand.

"You did the right thing, Mary. Look at them. Look how much they love each other, and their daughter. How could you have even thought of destroying that? I won't......I never will....."

---Back in the waiting room, Adriana, Rafe, Eden, and Sophia all contemplate Samantha's condition. Eden tells her that she wishes CC had been calmer, but Sophia understands it. How could he possibly be calm when she's an absolute mess. Sophia stands up and walks toward the window to Samantha's room. Her eyes well up with tears as she sees Mason & Julia by their daughter's side, crying. Eden sees her mother getting upset and walks next to her, putting her arm around her. Suddenly, the moment is interrupted when they hear a familiar voice behind them.

"Nurse, Nurse! Please, I'm looking for information about my granddaughter's condition? Can someone help me please."

Sophia & Eden turn around, amazed.

"I believe I can give you the information you're looking for."


"Hello, Pamela."

THE END..........for today


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