Life in Salem has just told the audiences of a HUGE and TREMOUNDOUS return for the holidays!!!!! They say they have to thank computers for this one, and saying that tells all.....
Because of modern technology, and Days pulled it off once before years ago, MACDONALD CAREY will be returning in spirit form for the holidays as none other than the man who started the core family, the Hortons, on Days, Tom Horton.
"On the 41st anniversery we did something special by bringing Days vet John Clarke (Mickey) back. I felt that was not enough though, so, I got together with some of our computer specialists and I asked if they could do what they did back in 2000, and 2003, by having Tom Horton appear in spirit to the Horton family. They said they could, and they don't think they could get him to say any words, but at least having him appear will be enough. And, of course, being Tom's long time wife legally and spiritually (I say that because at one time Alice discovered her marriage was not valid) Alice will understand what Tom tries to tell her." the headwriter says
It will be a wonderful holiday season for Life in Salem and the Hortons, that is for sure.
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