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November 8, 2006-HAPPY 41ST DAYS!!!




Act 1: Scene 1- Chez Rouge Dining Room

Melissa, Sarah, Don, Bill, Laura, Doug, Julie, and Alice are all gathered together awaiting Maggie to appear. Maggie enters via the kitchen.

Maggie: Hello, everyone. Thank you all for meeting me here this morning.

Julie: Maggie, what is going on?

Melissa: Yeah. You seem...pleasant.

Maggie: That's because I am am, dear. It's time to move on from all the guilt and pain. I'm back, everyone. I really am back.

Everyone reacts joyfully and individually embrace and greet Maggie:

Melissa: Oh, I am so happy.

Sarah: Ditto!!

Don: Now that is the Maggie I remember!!

Laura: Good for you, honey. (kisses Maggie)

Julie: I am so happy to have you back!!

Doug: Same here, sweetheart.

Bill: Welcome back!! Mickey would be very happy.

Maggie: I know.

Alice: Now, where's my hug?

Maggie: Aww...Alice. I could never forget you.

Alice: I love you, dear.

Maggie: I love you too and I missed you so much. I missed all of you so much.

Julie: Well, we did too, darling, and it is so good to see you like this.

Maggie: I realized what was going on and I had to stop it before it was too late. I need to move on and I am going to take the first step today, which is why you are all here.

Don: What are you talking about, Maggie?

Maggie: I am talking about me needing everyone's help to reopen Chez Rouge.

Act 1: Scene 2- Sami's Apartment

Sami is making breakfast when Austin walks out of the bathroom, just finished with his shower.

Sami: Morning. Can I get you some breakfast?

Austin is looking at something in his wallet and does not answer.

Sami: Austin!!!

Austin: Oh, sorry. What?

Sami: What are you looking at? (looks at wallet) Oh...

Austin: Yeah...I miss your sister. I miss Carrie.

Act 1: Scene 3-Salem Police Station

Roman and Shane are looking over some files in Abe's office when Lucas walks in.

Roman: Lucas, what's going on? Is it Sami?

Lucas: Yeah. I want to know what measures you are taking to protect her from Alan.

Act 1: Scene 4-Cell in Dimera Underground Compound located in Sydney, Australia

Steve is watching Kayla sleep. Kayla is clearly dreaming and murmuring his name. Steve looks at her frustrated and confused.

Steve: What am I going to do? She loves me so much and I feel nothing for her. I can't just give her false hope. I haven't remembered anything since waking up in captivity. I feel nothing for her or for this so called family she says I have. I can't do this to her. I can't do this to a family who will have such high expectations of me. I have to end this.

Kayla (waking up): Umm...what did you say, Steve?

Act 1: Scene 5-Salem Park

Hope is walking through the park, lost in her own thinking.

Hope: I am so worried about you, Bo. Our family has been through enough and now you putting us through all this. I wish I knew how to put an end to this nonsense you are involved in before you get killed.

Hope turns around and comes face to face with Bo.

Bo: You can't put an end to it. I am doing what I have to do and I am not going to say it again. Just accept it Hope and move on.

Hope: No!! I won't. I am not going to stand by and watch you get yourself killed.

Act 1: Scene 6: Brady Pub

Caroline is at the bar when Victor enters and makes his way to the bar.

Caroline: Well, isn't this a surprise. I don't remember the last time you've been in the pub much less seen me without it being a chance encounter.

Victor: I don't have time to talk, Caroline. I apologize in advance if I am being rude but I just need to order some breakfast and get going.

Caroline: Well, you are being rude and I don't like it even if we aren't on good terms lately. What is the rush?

Victor: I am going on an important trip and there is no time to waste.

Caroline: Must be some trip because I have never seen you this serious about a business trip before. Where are you going?

Victor: Not that it is any of you business but, if you must know, Sydney. Sydney, Austrailia.

"Salem Lives" theme plays.

Act 2: Scene 1- Chez Rouge Dining Room

Doug: What a brilliant idea!!

Julie: Yes, it is. It's what uncle Mickey would want.

Maggie: Exactly. I am doing it for Mickey (walks over a large portrait of him) ...to honor him. This portrait will be seen by patrons as they walk in so they will always know that the man I love is the man that gave me my dream back. My dream of running a gorgeous, five star restaurant. Mickey gave me the world and was everything I looked for in a man. I owe it to him to pull myself together and make him proud of me and getting Chez Rouge up and running is a good way to start. It's the least I can do for all he gave me and all the special times we shared.

Maggie then hears the song "Always" playing.

Maggie: Wow...is that fate?

Doug: Or just my wife.

Julie: I was just going to put on some music since it seems you are going to want us all to clean up the place and this happened to be the first song on.

Maggie: Yeah. I left the CD in there a long time ago before the island mess. Mickey and I were dancing in here after hours...so many memories.

Julie: We all have them. Right, honey (moves close to Doug)

Doug: Yep.

Alice: Loved ones may come and go but it is through our memories that they remain with us...in our hearts. I keep Tom with me everyday and there are times it feels like he is right here with me. Look inside your heart, Maggie. You will find Mickey there too and he will help you through even the darkest hours.

Julie: Grandma's right.

Bill: Isn't she always?

Doug: Memories may fade but they never go away. We all have them and they can keep us going should we a loved one.

Julie: They can also strengthen bonds with those you love who are still with us. We all have been through so much and there are just so many...

Long flashback montage of Maggie and Mickey, Doug and Julie, and Alice and Tom set to "Always" by Sarah Vaughan and Billy Eckstine (written by Irving Berlin)

Act 3: Scene 1-Sami's Apartment

Sami: I know you miss her. I'm sorry.

Austin: It's ok.

Austin is looking at picture from his and Carrie's wedding in 1997.

Austin: That was an incredible day. We finally were married.

Sami: After everything I put you through...

Austin: That's in the past, Sami. I only want to remember the good times. Man, Carrie and I had alot of them...

Long Austin and Carrie montage plays set to "I Only Have Eyes For You" by The Flamingos.

While Austin is reminicising, Sami looks at a picture of Lucas and her and a montage of Lucas and Sami moments plays set to "Home to Me" by Josh Kelly.

Sami: Some day Lucas...maybe some day we can make it work. At least...I hope so.

Act 3: Scene 2-Brady Pub

Caroline: Why on earth are you going to Syd...

Victor: Forget it.

Caroline: What?

Victor: Forget the breakfast. I will get it elsewhere. I am not in the mood to play twenty questions.

Victor walks away and out of the Pub as Caroline follows behind him but stops, realizing she has customers.

Caroline: Ugh...Victor. When is this madness going to stop?

Salem Lives Midpoint Theme plays.

Act 4: Scene 1-Cell in Dimera Underground Compound located in Sydney, Australia

Steve: Kayla...there is something we need to talk...

Kayla: I heard you saying something about your not remembering...wait!! Oh my...that's it. You remembered something while you were holding me all night, didn't you?

Steve: Kayla...

Kayla: I knew it!!! It was all that talking we did about your past and just holding each other...all together it hit a chord with you and...

Steve: Kayla...

Kayla races into Steve's arms and embraces him.

Kayla: I am so happy. When we get out of here, we can revisit so many places that had meaning for you and for us. Hell, you may even remember before we get out of here.

Steve: Kayla...

Kayla: This is so exciting. Final...

Steve: Kayla!!! (grabs hold of Kayla)

Kayla: Wow! What's wrong?

Steve: This is wrong!! This is what I was talking about when you were waking up. I don't remember a thing. I don't feel a thing and that is the problem. I have no memories and, therefore, I don't feel anything for you or for this family I hear about. I have not remembered a single thing since waking up in captivity. If it weren't for overhearing the guards, I wouldn't even know my name or that I had family out there.

Kayla: Ok. You don't remember. You will, especially when we get out of here and are rescued.

Steve: Kayla...you don't get it. I can't give you false hope. I can't give this family of mine false hope. I can't return into their lives with the high expectations they have of me. I can't put them through that disappointment if I don't remember. I can't do that to you either.

Kayla: You will remember and it will be...

Steve: No, Kayla. We don't know that and the chance of me remembering is slim. You know it is. Your a doctor.

Kayla: Sure but...

Steve: No. No buts. I want to end this before too many people get hurt. Before you get any more hurt then you are going to be. If we escape...if we are rescued...I want us to go our separate ways. It's best for everyone...

Kayla: No!! It's not best for anyone!!! I can't beleive you are giving up!!

Steve: I'm not but...

Kayla: No buts. I never gave up on you back then and I won't now. You are throwing in the towel but I am not going to let you. Not after all we've been through...there is no challenge we haven't overcome and we certainly won't fail to overcome this one.

Steve: I don't remember what we've been through or...

Kayla: I do!!! I do and that is why I am not going to give up. I never gave up on you and I never will...

Steve/Kayla montage plays set to "The Rose" by Bette Midler.

Kayla: You can run, hide, whatever...I won't stop. I lost you once and I am not losing you again. There were times when you didn't want to fight for us but I did and I will again. This is not over...we're not over.

Act 4: Scene 2-Salem Park

Bo: I wish you would just give it up. You know I am serious about this.

Hope: Well, so am I. You, Austin, Lucas...you are all going to get yourself killed and I will be damned if I am going to stand by and lose someone else I love. I can't beleive you, Brady. After all we have been through...losing Zack, Shawn in the Marines, you and I...after all we have been through you are willing to put it all on the line. We have a chance, Bo. We just need to sit down and work out our trust issues and get past all the blame and guilt. We can get back what we lost but not with you allying with Victor. Doing that...doing that can make us lose it all. Don't do this, Brady. We have lost each other so many times and I don't want to again if we can help it. Please, Bo. Remember our life together...are you willing to throw the chance of more moments like those away?

Bo/Hope montage plays set to "Tonight, I Celebrate My Love for You" by Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack

Hope: Well, Brady? Are you really willing to sacrifice our family? Our you willing to give up on us for good and just throw it all away just to be involved in this damn war?

Act 5: Scene 1-Chez Rouge Dining Room

Jack enters and hears the song "Beautiful" by Amy Grant playing on the radio.

Maggie: Thank you Jack so much for coming. I am so glad you are going to formally announce the re-opening of Chez Rouge in The Spectator.

Jack: No problem. I am just happy to see you like your old self again. (walks away distracted)

Maggie: Everything ok?

Jack: Jennifer loved that song. She always used to play that album when she was cooking. She just loved that country music and I never knew why. She even brought up one day moving to Nashville.

Julie(yelling out in background for Maggie) Aunt Maggie!!! We are missing 41 plates from the special event china set.

Maggie: Oh, dear. That's the antique 1965 set that I use for special gatherings and they are limited edition and no longer available. I better get in there (runs off) .

While alone, Jack remembers Jennifer in a montage set to Amy Grant's "Beautiful."

Alice: Hello, Jack.

Jack (Turns around out of distracted state): Mrs. Horton, (kisses her)how nice to see you.

Alice: You too, darling. I heard you were coming and I am glad because I need to speak with you.

Jack: About?

Alice: Something very troublesome and something I think Jennifer would find troublesome as well.

Jack: And that is...?

Alice: You letting minor disagreements come between your friendship with Billie.

Jack: Well, I wouldn't exactly call them minor disagreements.

Alice: Darling, if I say they are minor disagreements, they are minor disagreements.

Jack: Ok...

Alice: Jennifer would want you to be happy.

Jack: You are acting like Billie and I are going to be more then friends. Billie can't give me what Jennifer did. We are just friends and it can never be anything more then that.

Alice: Don't be so sure. Some of the best relationships have stemmed from being best friends first. You never know what could happen. Billie is a friend and you too have always been close. Don't lose that kind of friendship over squabbling. It's not worth it, dear. Go and talk to her. Work things out.

Jack: You know what? You have never steered me wrong before so, yeah. I am going to do it as soon as I finish something quick for the paper.

Alice: Good for you and don't wait too long. Good luck!

Jack: Thanks Mrs. H. Say goodbye to everyone for me (kisses her and runs out as Alice smiles and laughs a bit)

Laura and Bill overheard the conversation and Laura is angry.

Laura: Why would Alice talk to Jack and encourage him to work things out with Billie?

Bill: Because I asked her too. I told her what was going on and she agreed with me.

Laura: She knows what I did?

Bill: No, not yet anyway but she will if you don't hold to your word.

Laura: Fine. I won't lie though. I hate that she just pushed them back together.

Bill: Well, that is your problem. Excuse me. (Bill leaves).

Laura: Yes, it is my problem and I intend to fix it.

Act 5: Scene 2-Salem Police Station

Roman: Lucas, we are doing everything we can. We also have to focus on this damn war between Victor and Stefano that you are wrongfully a part of too so it's not easy. We have disguised men in Sami's building and we have them outside of it as well. We are investigating Alan's time in prison and what he did prior to finding Carrie on the island. Hopefully, we come up with something. Not to mention, Austin has moved in with Sami. Wait a sec...your jealous. Your jealous that everyone is doing something to help Sami but you. Austin is in there and you can't stand it.

Lucas: No, that's not true. I am sorry for barging in. I am just concerned.

Roman: Well, thank you. I appreciate your concern as I am sure Sami does. Your a good man, Lucas.

Lucas: Thanks. Cya later.

While alone, Lucas makes a vow:

Lucas: I am not just going to stand by and watch everyone else take action. I will help Sami too...in my own way.

Roman and Shane leave Abe's office and Roman returns to his desk.

Shane: Hey, Roman. I am headed down to see Forbes to see if he came up with anything on Alan in prison.

Roman: Alright.

Roman looks up and notices a fallen down picture frame. He lifts it up to see a picture of Marlena. A montage of Roman/John and Marlena then plays set to "Up Where We Belong" by Jennifer Warnes and Joe Cocker.

Roman: Haven't see this picture in awhile...God I miss you, doc.

Meanwhile, Shane gets a phone call walking down the station hallway. He answers it:

Shane: Oh my...Kim!!

Kim (Patsy Pease): Hey there. I was just calling to check in and say that your house here is still in one piece.

Shane: How is good ole London?

Kim: Fine. Just fine. The kids are fine. You won't beleive what I was doing this morning.

Shane: Do share.

Kim: I had something caught in my wheelchair so I bent over and found this old box of videos you had stashed and I found our wedding video and watched it. It reminded me of some great times.

Shane: Yeah. We sure had alot of them.

Shane/Kim montage now plays set to "Friends and Lovers" by Carl Anderson and Gloria Loring.

Shane: I wouldn't trade any of them in for the world.

Kim: Nor would I.

Shane: I am glad you called, Kimberly.

Kim: So am I.

Act 6: Scene 1-Sami's Apartment

Austin: Well, I am going to finish getting dressed.

Sami: Ok.

In his bedroom, Austin looks at a picture of Carrie and sighs. Meanwhile, Sami stars at a photo of Lucas, Will, and her as a family and begins to cry while Lucas is looking at the very same picture in his wallet when he opens his wallet in his car.

Lucas: I will protect you, Sami. You can count on me. Our family can count on me.

Act 6: Scene 2-Brady Pub

Caroline is washing the counter when the phone rings.

Caroline: Hello, Brady Pub?

Stephanie (Shayna Rose): Grandma!! It's Stephanie. I need you!!

Caroline: What's wrong, Stephanie?

Stephanie: Grandma, it's mom. She's missing.

Act 6: Scene 3-Cell in Dimera Underground Compound located in Sydney, Australia

Steve: Kayla, please.

Kayla: No!! Don't beg me to stop because I won't. I won't give up. You will remember Steve and we will be together as a family like it should be. We were robbed of too many years together and I am not losing anymore. No matter what I have to do to make it happen it will. You will remember and we will be together, mark my words.

Act 6: Scene 4-Salem Park

Bo: Hope, I am doing what I have to do for our family. For all of us. This is the way it has to be and you just have to accept it.

Hope: You don't want this, Brady. I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to do this. Don't do this, Bo. Get out before it's too late.

Bo: Just let it go, Hope. Leave me alone and let me do what I have to do. (walks off)

Hope: Damnit Bo. I am not finished with you yet.

Bo walks around the corner and bumps right into Victor.

Victor: Bo, just the man I am looking for. We gotta go!! Don't worry...I have your bags already packed and in the car and Lucas and Austin will watch things while we are gone.

Bo: Wait, what the hell? Where are we going?

Victor: We are going to Sydney, Australia. This is it, Bo. My men tracked Dimera there and he is an open target. No distractions. We take him out and his whole empire. What do you say?

Bo: I got involved in this to bring an end to Dimera's reign so, yeah, I'm in. The quicker, the better. This way we can move on with our lives.

Victor: Good. We agree. Come on...the jet is fueled and ready.

Victor and Bo head for the limo, both unaware that Hope just heard everything they said.

Hope: Oh no, Brady. I am not going to stand by and watch you kill yourself. I going to be your backup on this one. Guess I am headed for the outback...

Act 6: Scene 5-Chez Rouge Dining Room

Alice, Maggie, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Don, Melissa, and Sarah look on at the dining room and admire their hard work.

Julie: It looks really great, Maggie.

Alice: Yes, Mickey would be proud and he will be proud when it re-opens.

Maggie: I hope so. I want to him proud. I want to be the woman he was proud of again.

Julie: You already are, Maggie. You just lost yourself for awhile but your back.

Maggie: Yeah, well I feel like I need to prove myself and this will be my first step. Thank you all for helping me. You are always there for me. All of you. If it weren't for you never giving up on me, I'm not sure if I would've ever found my way back.

Alice: It's what we do, darling. We will always be there for you...for everyone all the DAYS OF OUR LIVES.

Maggie, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Melissa, and Sarah all huddle close to Alice with Maggie and Julie embracing her as the Days theme plays in the background as MacDonald Carey says, "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the DAYS OF OUR LIVES ."

The screen then fades to black.

On the next Salem Lives...

Caroline to Roman: It's Kayla...she's missing.

Hope to Maggie: What the hell are you doing at the airport?

Maggie to Hope: I am going to the outback.

Jack to Billie: Oh my God...it can't be.

Billie to Jack: What?

Jack to Billie: My brother, Steve. He's alive...

Eric to Greta: I am giving up, Greta. Nicole and I are over. The end is near. I know it.

Nicole: Maybe it's time that I leave Salem...for good.


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