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Episode 228



  • Andy informs Emily that an old photographer friend of his called and they're going to Spain to shoot a very high class fashion model by the name of Yasmeen Borklov. He tells Emily that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and while he won't be doing any of the photography, he owes his friend for getting him out of a jam a few years ago when some stock agencies were hounding him about some copyrighted photographs. Surprisingly, Emily understands but tells Andy he better hurry home. The two lovers make one final roll in the hay before Andy starts packing.
  • Henry arrives at WOAK upon orders from Kim and brings along Jason for the ride, still not letting the former Hollywood star out of his sight. Kim rushes them into her office past all the swarming paparazzi. Immediately, Kim starts hashing out ideas for the telethon she and Henry have been planning in Hal's memory. Henry tells her that he won't be heading up anything, especially when his best friend is still nowehere to be found.
  • While Jack, Mike, Margo, and Lyla all search for Katie, Panzico threatens Katie with her life when he catches her trying to escape again. Panzico gets a call from his spy that Jack and Mike are closing in but Margo and Lyla are way off track. Panzico smirks that he knows just the perfect place to re-locate Katie to...a place where Lyla will look first and then he can finally confront Lyla after all these years. As he rattles off the address...413 Embassy...Katie secretly traces a message in the sand.."Don't go. 413 Embassy". Panzico hangs up the phone and violently escorts Katie (now blindfolded) out of her holding cell in the abandoned warehouse. As Katie kicks and screams for Panzico to let her go, she unknowingly knocks dirt over her message, which now reads..."Don't go. 413 Em".
  • Erin thanks the Snyders for their generosity and the good meal as she leaves. Luke and Maddie are astonished the girl made no attempts to steal anything and bid her a good night. As Erin walks out, she recalls bumping into Holden in the kitchen and stealing his wallet. Later, Lucinda arrives and determines that the best way to make Craig leave town is with what he knows best...money. However, she lost her ID card to the safe at Worldwide and needs Holden's for access. He reaches in his back pocket and...nothing. Meanwhile, Erin arrives at WOAK with a new coat. She manages to avoid all the paparazzi and peeks inside to see what's going on in Kim's office. Kim immediately dismisses her. As Jason turns around, he catches a glimpse of the girl leaving and snaps back around. Kim and Henry chuckle. Kim jokingly asks Jason what's wrong...he looks like he just saw a ghost.


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