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(EXT shot- the Capwell Mansion)

---Ted wakes up, and is surprisingly tense on his wedding day. He walks down to the breakfast table, where he sees CC holding a newspaper. CC shows him the headline- which reads "Youngest Capwell to Marry.......Amidst Crises at Family Company" CC asks Ted if he said anything to Warrren, and Ted is insulted he'd even think so. When CC wonders aloud if Angela may have been the one to give the inside sccop to her ex-lover, Ted explodes, defending Angela and blasting CC for placing blame for the company's problems on everyone but himself. CC fires back that for someone who's getting married to Lily today, he seems awfully passionate about his ex-lover Angela. The argument continues, until Sophia comes down & interrupts. She calmly tells CC that this is supposed to be a happy day for the family and she's not letting anything ruin it, certainly not business. When CC continues to protest, saying this company is his baby & he's built it from the ground up, Sophia replies that Tad is their baby. They've nurtured him, cared for him and watched him grow from a boy to a man. Sophia tells him it's time he put his living babies over his other baby. CC gets defensive, saying he always puts his family first.

"When it suits you CC. I'm asking you- for me- I need this day. I want the family to all be together and enjoy the celebration of Ted & Lily's wedding. Kelly's going to be coming home today and I don't want her walking into a war zone." Sophia stated.

No sooner did she say that then did Rosa enter the room, saying Kelly was on the phone. CC & Sophia's faces lit up. When CC went for the phone, Rosa told him that Kelly has asked to speak with Ted.

"Nonsense. Let me talk to my daughter...." he said, but before he had the chance, Ted grabbed the phone and started talking to Kelly. A short conversation ensued, "that's too bad" and "I understand" were heard from Ted's end, responding to her. They hung up and Ted told CC & Sophia that Kelly wouldn't be making it for the wedding. CC asked why and Ted told him that she claims she missed her flight and wouldn't be able to get another one in time for the wedding. When CC said he'd send the Capwell jet, Ted reminded him that Kelly is in Switzerland at the moment and the jet wouldn't do much good, since the wedding is this afternoon.

---- A figure is shown, driving in a car. The person is very much covered up, obviously in some sort of disguise. They continue driving, looking at some sort of directions, and they finally pull up to what is revealed to be Mason & Julia Capwell's home.

(EXT Shot- the beach, panning up to Mason & Julia's home)

---Mason, reading the newspaper, is infuriated by all the details Warren has incorporated in his story. Samantha mentions that Julia went to see Warren the day before. At first, Julia claims to have told him nothing.

"Well if you're innocent as you say, Ms. Wainwright..."


"Yes, Ms Wainwright, you wouldn't mind taking the stand then? Since you have nothing to hide....."

"And who will play Judge & Jury? You Mason?"

"No, I'll be playing the part of attorney. Samantha will be your judge."

Julia (sarcastically) "That sounds fair."

Mason begins his interrogation, laying into her about her close relationship with her nephew and her much more strained relationship with her father-in-law. When Mason continues to badger her (and Samantha overrules her badgering the witness objection), Julia cracks and admits that she may have told Warren more than she originally led on. Mason tells her that CC is going to go through the roof, Julia responds,

"Oh that will be something brand new for him, won't it. CC is just the most even-keeled, sweetest guy I've ever met- I just can't imagine him all red in the face, vein in his neck popping, head bobbing violently as he becomes more enraged. Should be delightful to see"

Samantha tells them that she's going to Adriana's to get ready for the wedding. Julia is pleasantly surprised she's going.

"Well I hate Lily, but this is a Capwell wedding. CC doesn't 'do' dull"

---outside, the figure watches as Samantha crosses over to Cruz & Eden's place

Julia tells her to let Eden know she'll be over shortly. Julia apologizes to Mason for the trouble her 'talk' with Warren has caused. Mason let's her know that it's all right and it'll be entertaining, at the very least, to see his father all worked up today.

"Between Gina, the article, and your part in it, Dad will be like Yosemite Sam on speed today." They laugh, and Julia heads over to Eden & Cruz's. Outside, the mysterious person watches Julia driving away. The person picks up the newspaper, with the article about Capwell Enterprises, then picks up a picture of Mason.

---Eden reads portions of Warren's article aloud to Cruz quoting such lines as "men who are such cold and callous businessmen as CC Capwell make plenty of enemies- the only question is, which one is doing in his company?" Cruz says that Warren seems to have a good handle on things, which Eden thinks is too good. Adriana emerges & tells them that Samantha is on her way over. Cruz asks if Julia is coming over, since he has something to discuss with her. Eden asks if it's related to the case and Cruz says yes, but won't give her any more information. Eden tells him that it's her brother's wedding day, so she was hoping that work would be getting a break today. Cruz says he'll be all hers for the wedding and after, but there's something that needs taking care of immediately. Samantha arrives and lets Eden & Cruz know Julia will be following shortly. The ladies begin doing their hair & makeup, when everyone hears the sound of a motorcycle in the front.

"That can't be Julia" Cruz says

Jumping off the bike, Cruz recognizes exactly who it is.

"Hey big brother" says Rafe, as he's throwing off his helmet.

"Who is THAT?!?" Samantha inquires to Adriana.

"That's my Uncle Rafe, my dad's younger brother" Adriana replies

"Much Younger..." Samantha says, under her breath.

Cruz asks him about Lisa and Rafe tells him he left her years ago, but hasn't told anyone in the family. When Cruz asks why, Rafe says he was embarassed- Lisa completely duped him and the baby was never his in the first place. It was Rich Landers, a punk they had gone to college with. Rafe talks about Lisa and how she ruined everything with Lily, which makes Eden & Cruz see the light as to why he's suddenly in town. Cruz tells him he should stay away from Lily & let her to be happy. Samantha asks why he'd even want her, and Rafe tells her how he's never stopped loving Lily, all these years, but felt too much shame in coming back for her, after what happened. Adriana says that he doesn't deserve her then, that if he loved her like he said, his pride wouldn't have gotten in the way. Eden proudly agrees with her daughter & scolds Rafe for coming back now, to put Lily in such a precarious position. Rafe says he won't be stopped, to which Cruz replies that he can guess again. Just then Julia arrives, and Cruz has to step aside to speak privately with her. When Eden wants to come, Cruz tells her it's police business and to stay here and watch Rafe.

"Just stay here & keep an eye on my rebel brother" Eden mimics.

Alone, Cruz tells Julia of his plan to use Angel Ramirez to break up the SB Drug Ring. Julia balks at the idea of putting the dangerous and violent former gang member Angel back on the streets. Cruz talks about the Ramirez family, and how much prison has actually changed Angel. Cruz tells her that if anyone should be nervous about Angel being free, it should be he, not her. Julia questions whether Angel can even definitely infultrate the organization but Cruz is confident. They head downtown, to get the paperwork filed and see if they can work on a judge before the wedding.

Rafe sees his brother driving off with Julia and immediately starts putting on his stuff to leave. When Eden blocks the door to stop him, he begs her to let him go. He tells her of the pain he's in, and will always be in without Lily. At the very least, he claims he has to see her, just so he can live with himself. Samantha is visibly annoyed, while Adriana is visibly touched by what he says. She shoots her mother a look and Eden looks at Rafe. Seeing his brother in his eyes,

"Go. Just...... Go. Do what you have to do. I understand that kind of love Rafe and I understand your need to go to her. Just.....she's in a different place in her life now, she's getting married you know so...... just don't set yourself up for a huge fall."

Rafe assures her he won't and takes off on his motorcycle.

---Back outside Mason & Julia's, the figure sits, obviously contemplating whether to go inside. It's revealed to be a woman, as she puts on her makeup in the car. Mason hears a knock at the door. Thinking it's Julia or Samantha, he walks up to the door still talking as if it's them and when he opens it........... he freezes.



"Hello Son"

THE END........for today


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