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(EXT Shot: the ocean, panning to Cruz & Eden's beach house)

--- Eden was pleasantly surprised when Cruz stopped home for lunch. He quizzed her about why she was dressed up, since she wasn't originally supposed to go in to Capwell. She explained about the takeover bid & the board meeting that CC had called. Eden started to say that the whole thing has reminded her of the last time this happened years ago.....when she paused, Cruz finished her thought, that it reminded her of Robert Barr & his attempted takeover. Eden said she's reminded of it every day...... not only had she taken a life, but it was the life of someone she once loved. Cruz reiterated that it was self-defense, and that she thought it was his twin brother Quinn. Getting back on topic (and changing the subject), Cruz asks her if she has any idea who would want the company, and she seems to have no idea. Years ago she would have thought maybe Minx Lockridge or Lionel, but it doesn't fit, since the person is being so secretive, whereas the Lockridges would be rubbing it in CC's face. Eden turned things around on him, asking Cruz how things were going in his investigation. He told her the drug ring he's working on taking down is very thorough and tight-lipped. He says that it's frustrating, because 20 years ago, he'd have been able to take them from the inside himself, but now, with his notoriety, they have something of a rookie, Tim, working the inside.

"Selfishly, I'm happy. After all, I've had to spend years worrying about you, not knowing if you're safe. Time & again you came back to me and while I felt a sense of relief, that worry was always there, in the pit of my gut, because I knew you'd wake up and do it all over again. Let Tim's wife deal with that now. I've done my time." Eden said, softly but forcefully.

Cruz smiled. "You have, darlin, you have." His beeper went off. "That's work, I gotta go"

"Anything I can do to help?" Eden asked, grinning.

"Yeah. Stay out of it & go to your meeting." Eden grimaced at him. "Oh there is one thing you can do..."

"What's that?" she asked

"Tell Gina Hi for me."

Eden smirked at his humor. "Tell Tim the same from your wife." He kissed her and headed out the door.

---As the elevator arrived at the ground floor of the Capwell building, Angela & Ted finished putting themselves back together. When they walk out of the elevator, Ted grabs her and tells her he's sick of playing games. He tells her he thinks she has feelings for him and all she has to do is say the word. Angela reminds him that while they have fun together, a committed relationship is not what either of them signed on for. She tells him that's she's done that in her life with David and it didn't work. Ted reminds her that that marriage didn't work because she wasn't in love with David. She throws in his face that it didn't work with Warren and she loved him too, which hurts him. Angela again reiterates that she likes Ted, she likes the fun they have and the sex is amazing, but it's just fun for her. Ted tells her he's officially cutting her off, which she laughs at. He claims to be very much serious, and that since he's marrying Lily the next day anyway, consider that their last rendezvous. Angela is disbelieving. When Ted angrily walks away from her, ending things for good, Angela, alone, shows her vulnerability in her face. She hurries off to the ladies room, to get composed.

---Julia shows up at the SB Chronicle and asks to see her nephew Warren. When he refers to her as "Auntie Julia", she scoffs, reminding him that they aren't so far apart in age. Julia asks him point blank if Augusta & Lionel have anything to do with the current crises at Capwell. Warren plays coy, saying that they live overseas in London and he doesn't know their day-to-day business lives. Julia doesn't let him evade the question so easily and wonders aloud if he may be involved. He admits while he'd love nothing more than to wipe the egotistical smiles off CC & Mason's faces, he's doing no such thing. Julia admits she's relieved, but Warren begins interrogating her on what is going on at Capwell, and she recounts the story of what's going on & the secrecy behind it.

"Intriguing. Too bad the person is shrouded in so much secrecy. I'd put them on tomorrow's front page, if I could find them," he says

After she leaves, Warren is on the phone to a contact, telling them to find out everything they can about the Capwell takeover.

---The board meeting commences, with CC, Ted, Gina, Angela, Eden, and Mason in attendance. CC says that the reports he's receiving are astounding, and within weeks, or even days, the whole thing could come to a head. Eden asks what, if anything, can be done to prevent it. Gina suggests just taking the company off the market altogether, which Mason laments would be disastrous for the company. They'd lose all kinds of revenues and credibility with their investors as well as other companies they do business with. CC suggests that Gina take it back down to the Day Care center and play with people on her level. Gina reminds him that she speaks for his son with her, Channing IV, which makes CC see red, yelling at her for having the audacity to question the love and loyalty he has for his son, after all the trickery she pulled off in the first place. When Gina starts going into detail about the Sperm Bank, Mason interrupts and suggests they get back to the issue at hand. Angela says that some time ago, she was working with a company in a similar situation and they brought in a financial specialist, who was able to crack the numbers, slowing down and eventually halting the takeover attempt. Angela tells them that time is of the essence and that the sooner they get someone, the better. CC retorts that with everything on his plate, meetings with CEOs, dealings with his associates and the general schedule he works, HE'S to be expected to go running to find some junior math genius to get us out of this mess? Gina chimes in, saying that she's got the time and is willing. CC scoffs at the offer, but Angela speaks up and says that she could work with Gina on finding the right person. Gina is insulted, claiming she doesn't need Angela's help and it's not a 2-person job. CC disagrees and immediately puts it to a vote, where they all vote against Gina. Angela will spear-head the search and Gina will assist. As the meeting adjourns, Gina warns Angela to stay out of her way, and Angela reminds her that Gina will be assisting her and not the other way around. Gina storms off.

---Angela, alone in the board room with Ted, asks him if he was impressed with her power in the meeting, if it turned him on. She locks the door, starts kissing his neck, and just as he's about to get passionate, Ted stops himself and tells her that he meant it- it's over between them. He's committed to Lily. Angela retorts that he wasn't so 'committed' a few hours ago, and Ted replies 'that was then.' He walks out of the room....

At the front of the Capwell building, Warren stops CC & Mason at the door and begins badgering them about the takeover attempt, asking for quotes. Mason gives a "no comment" and when Warren pressures him, Mason tells him that his "rag" and the "leigh person that runs it" aren't worth giving a nugget of information to. Warren then asks them why they think the person is being so secretive?

"Maybe it's another long-lost illegitimate child CC. You have a few of those, no?" Warren jabs

"You punk. I should expect such little class from a Lockridge. You get the hell out of my building!" CC angrily yells

"Ahhh, but I'm not a Lockridge which...... oh I'm sure you remember CC, hell I could be a damn Capwell for all I know, since you won't submit a DNA sample" Warren shot back

"Let me tell you something, son...."

"Son? I like the ring of it....."

"...For you to be a Capwell, I would have had to touch that mother of yours. Fortunately, unlike your father, I've had the good sense never to do that. Good day Lockrid.... oh , whoever the hell you are"

---At the station, Vic tells Cruz of the problems Tim is having in the investigation, saying that he's not trusted yet by these guys and the D.A.'s office is upping the pressure on them to crack the case open. Cruz goes over in his head who could help him, who he could use. Cruz flashes back to Angel Ramirez, whom he last saw when he was incarcerated. Cruz tells Vic that Angel would be perfect to send in undercover. He knew his family for years and decides to go talk to him.

At the jail, Angel is resistent to helping Cruz in any way. He reminds him that he put him there years ago, and asks why the hell he should help him in anyway. Cruz says he hasn't let him make an offer yet.

"Aight. What u offerin then Castillo?"

"Your freedom."

Angel smiles at the offer, and asks for something in writing. Cruz says he'll have Julia draw it up, and they can proceed with a judge.

-----As music is playing, happy couples are shown together. Cruz & Eden, at home, in bed together. Julia & Mason, sitting in bed, talking. Ted & Lily, toasting with Keith & Gina. Ted leaving for the night.

Cut to Angela, home, alone, with a glass of wine, humming "Here Comes The Bride"

"Here's to you Angela Cassidy." She raises her glass and drinks.

THE END.........for today


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