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October 31, 2006




-Eric and Greta deny that they are hiding anything but Nicole says she knows what she heard and wants the truth. Eric says that the "secret" Nicole heard them referring to was the fact that he never waited for her to return to the suite. He knew as soon as she left that she would not return in time to go to the ball with him so he called Greta out of spite and to make her angry. He knew she would show up eventually and the fact that she is there has proven him right. Nicole asks if that is all the secret was. Greta says that is all there is to it. Nicole admits she is angry that he didn't wait but she understands it and they can talk later. She asks if he still wants to enjoy the rest of the ball with her. Eric accepts and says they do need to talk about their relationship problems. Greta says she should go but Nicole encourages her to stay. She doesn't want any tension and the night is still young. Eric echoes the sentiment. Greta agrees to stay and goes to get some drinks for them all. Roman comes over and says he needs to talk to Eric and they go to talk. While alone, Nicole reveals that she didn't buy their explanation of the "secret" they were referring too. Nicole thinks Greta knows Eric's secret and that maybe they are even having an affair. She wonders if Eric's secret is that he doesn't want to be with her but is pretending so he can get back at her for some of the things she has done in the past. She vows not to speculate and to find out the truth on her own this time since it is obvious Sami won't help and that Greta is involved somehow.

-Julie returns to Alice, Doug, Bill, and Laura and says that Maggie is still where they found her on the roof. Doug is worried she may jump and Julie says there is security nearby that she asked to keep an eye on her. Maggie won't even know they are there and they will follow her around if she should go somewhere. Victor walks over to make sure everything is ok. Julie says it's fine and that Maggie just needs some alone time right now. Victor understands and tells them to give Maggie his best wishes. Bill asks where Don, Melissa, and Sarah went. Laura explains that they left to go to their hotel. They realized their presence was too overwhelming for Maggie so they decided it was best. They are staying in town to help though for awhile. Laura tells Bill that they do need to talk and takes him aside. Alice tells Julie that it's time for her to play the hostess and to spice up the party. Julie asks if Alice is talking about the game. Alice nods in agreement and says that it wouldn't be a party if there were no party games and this is more a party then a ball. Julie agrees and asks Doug to help her as they go to the stage. Meanwhile, Maggie is on the roof thinking about what has transpired this evening and the pain she is feeling. She looks down below and considers jumping for a moment but believes a quick jump like that is too good for her after all she has done. She can't deal with all this and just can't deal with her family right now. She realizes she needs Victor help her through this and decides to go find him despite the fact that she doesn't want to bring him into her world again with all he has to deal with. She races past the guards and they follow her.

-The man Sami is talking too does not answer her questions and runs off. Sami asks how why he is running and that she now knows he is hiding something. He blends in with the crowd as she looks for him and goes off in search. Lucas loses sight of her. He bumps into Hope who gives him the news that Maggie has been found. He thanks her and then meets up with Austin, Abe, Roman, and Shane. Shane explains that security saw a man matching Alan's description enter a few hours ago so he is at the ball. They make all the party goers remove masks to avoid letting anyone dangerous in but the lookout for Alan did not go into effect until after he had already entered. Abe mentions that before Celeste left she had a feeling there would be a huge revelation tonight that would send lives into a tailspin. Roman says they need to find Sami now before she finds Alan. Lucas says he saw her but she is out of sight now. They split up to find her.

-Max and Cassie get bored and decide to leave the party and to go see a horror flick.

-At a house on Salem University campus, Abby and Chelsea are beginning to strip on a table when campus police invade the house. The two men watching Abby and Chelsea grab them and vow to help them. The four escape and a drunk Chelsea and Abby ask the guys how they can repay them for not getting caught. The men tell the girls to come with them. They end up in a car and drive to the park. One of the guys says he has never done it like this before and that it will be adventurous with the fear of being caught in a public place. The girls wonder what they are referring too. Both guys come at them and tell the girls that they will help them finish taking off those clothes. Even while drunk, both girls realize what is going on and scream for help. They manage to evade the guys, who chase after them as they try to get away.

-Sami chases Alan into the kitchen but gets kicked out by one of the cooks, who did not see Alan enter. Roman manages to catch her and tells Sami he is glad he found her. Sami tells Roman there is someone she is looking for and she doesn't have to talk to a waste of time like him. She sees Alan run out the other entrance to the kitchen and runs after him. Roman gives chase but loses sight of Sami along the packed ballroom.

-Julie and Doug announce it's time to shake the party up and that they will be playing one of Alice Horton's favorite party games called "The Dance of Destiny." They asked everyone to fill out a little card as they entered and now they will pick 10 random names out of a hat and match up everyone into couples. Those 5 couples will participate in a competition for the children's wing at University Hospital so they can't refuse this. Doug and Julie then realize this is Alice playing matchmaker after they pull the names out of a hat and smile. They announce that Hope Brady will be paired with Bo Brady. Hope walks over to Bo and tells him it looks like fate has brought us together. Bo tries to refuse but Hope says it's for the children and her grandmother. He can't refuse that. He reluctantly agrees. The next couple matched is Caroline Brady and Victor Kiriakis. Both try to refuse but Julie tells them it's for the children and she knows how much of a philantrophist Victor is. They reluctantly agree to dance for those reasons. The other couple matched up is Jack and Billie. Laura is angry. Jack and Billie don't think it's a good idea but are convinced by Alice to do it for a good cause. Eric and Greta are named the fourth couple, which angers Nicole. Julie picks one name out of the hat. In a fit of rage, Nicole knocks the hat out of Doug's hands before the second name could be announced. He picks everything up as everyone boos her. Eric tells Nicole nothing is going with him and Greta and it will be fine. It's for charity. Julie announces the two final names as Lucas Roberts and...Nicole Walker. Both look each other and refuse. Nicole sees Eric and Greta dancing closely and tells Lucas they are dancing right now and grabs him in a jealous rage. Julie isn't happy Lucas got Nicole and knows it would not have happened had Nicole not knocked the hat to the floor when she was angry about Eric and Greta. Alice tells her all is well. Julie reminds Alice that she knows what she was up to. Alice admits this was not a matchmaking game because it was random. There is a reason why it's called "The Dance of Destiny." It can bring couples together. Doug notes that it won't bring Lucas and Nicole together because it's destined for disaster. They all laugh. Alice reminds them they were married once but that the game can't always set the right people up. They watch Bo and Hope and Caroline and Victor and Julie says that they may have got it with those two seeing how they look at each other despite eveything going on.

-Laura can't stand seeing Jack and Billie dance. She notices they look like they are getting past the tension between them. Bill tells her he knows what she has been up to and it needs to stop. Laura realizes that Kate called him and brought him back to stop her from interfering. Kate comes up behind her and tells Laura she guessed right. Laura calls her a hypocrite since she always interferes. Kate says she is trying to change. Laura rolls her eyes. Kate tells Laura she will not have her playing games with her daughter as Bill tells Laura he won't have her playing games with Jack or Abby either and that all this must stop. Laura walks away in disgust.

-Maggie walks in and sees Victor and Caroline dancing. She then turns around and runs away in tears as the sight of them reminds her of Mickey and herself. She goes back to the roof and falls over her own feet.

-The closeness between Bo and Hope and Victor and Caroline is evident. No words are even being spoken and the deep love in their eyes is clear. Hope tells Bo she loves him. He stays silent. Victor tells Caroline he has dreamed of dancing with her so many times and now it's coming true. He never thought she would be in his arms again. Caroline says she never thought so either.

-Lucas knows Nicole is dancing with him to make Eric and Greta jealous so he calls out to Shane and pushes him on Nicole to dance. Lucas goes off to find Sami. Nicole says what the hell and dances with Shane, who finds himself being dragged across the dance floor.

-Max and Cassie are returning from their film and walking through the park. A storm is beginning to move in and thunder and lightning are noticeable. They hear screaming in the distance and follow it. They come across Abby and Chelsea being held by the two guys they met. Max calls out to them and tells the two men to stop. One of the guys pulls a knife out and asks Max what he plans to do to make him stop.

-While dancing with Jack, Billie says that everything feels ok right now, like there is no tension. Jack says he knows what she means.

-Maggie gets up off the ground on the roof. She then hears a voice call her name from behind. She turns around as lightning strikes and sees Mickey standing in front of her. She is shocked he is there and runs into his waiting arms in tears.

-Alan is near the circuit box and decides to cut the lights so he can escape unseen. He selects the right switch and turns the power off. Everyone stands in the dark.

-Hope and Caroline realize Bo and Victor took off. Hope notes that Bo didn't even say he loved her back. Caroline says she has never felt so close to Victor like that in years. They wonder if maybe they ran off to avoid giving in to them and that maybe there is still hope of saving them. Meanwhile, in the staircase, Bo and Victor are slowly making their way down. Victor says they can't give in and they need to stay away from their loved ones to protect them and to do what they have to do. Bo says he knows but it hurts like hell. Victor says he knows it does but it is necessary. Bo tells Victor he knows, especially after tonight, that he still loves ma. Victor looks at him and tells Bo they have to go. Bo shows a small grin and then follows him.

-Alan tries to make his getaway but Sami still manages to spot him. Eric is near him so Sami yells out to him to stop that man. Eric grabs him and asks what is going on. Sami says she doesn't know but will find out right now. She says she would've never thought he was hiding something but his running convinced her of that. She demands to know who he is as she recognized that voice. Roman realizes they are too late and that Sami has found Alan. The whole ballroom is focused on Sami, who is yelling and demanding the man to reveal his identity. Frustrated, she tells Eric to just pull the mask off. Eric does and, as lightning strikes, the mask is removed to reveal Alan's face. Sami stares at him in shock and disbelief.

Sami: No...it can't be...

Lucas: Sami, it's ok...

Lucas stands behind her and tries to support her as she falls back on Lucas.

Sami: It can't be him Lucas!! This can't be!!!

Alan: It's me, Sami. Alan Harris in the flesh.

Sami: No...

Lucas: Sami...

Sami: No!!!!!!!

Lightning strikes and thunder and Sami's scream can be heard as the screen fades to black.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Max: I won't let you hurt them.

Cassie: Max...no!!!!

Eric to Nicole: Why did you feel the need to try to make me jealous?

Nicole to Eric: Why did you feel the need to do the same thing?

Jack to Billie: I want to beleive you...

Billie to Jack: Then why don't you?

Laura to Bill and Kate: I will do what I want and no one will tell me otherwise.

Maggie to Mickey: I am so happy you came back to me.

Maggie to Mickey: I am here for you Maggie but this is not a cheerful visit. I am here to give you a warning.

Sami to Alan: Are you trying to tell me you changed? Yeah, like hell!!!

Alan to Sami: Your sister beleives me.

Sami: What? What do you mean my sister? (clips of a shocked Roman, Lucas, and Austin looking on)

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