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October 30, 2006




-Nicole continues to watch Eric and Greta as they enjoy each other's company and are sharing a very close dance at the ball. She steams up at this sight, vowing to do whatever it takes to keep her man away from Greta-At all costs. She will not just lie down and take this. He is the love of her life and she is going to fight for him. Nicole moves in closer to hear what they are talking about and hears them discussing a "secret" and how they can't let Nicole or anyone learn it. A fed up Nicole finally reveals herself and demands to know what is going on and what they are hiding.

-As Bo and Victor are chatting with some of Salem’s socially elite, both men turn around to suddenly see Stefano and Alexandra standing there. Their conversation is very tense:

Victor: Well, well well. I didn’t know you could actually open the lid to your coffin long enough to climbed out of it.

Stefano: My, my. I see your manners have taken just as big a hit as your empire. Especially since it now seems you have went into the explosion and demolition business.

Bo: Look whose talking. How many secret hideaways have you blown up after one of your many disappearances?

Lexie: You would do wise, Bo, to talk to my father with the utmost respect. He’s had your family’s number for more years than you care to remember.

Bo: Lexie, I’ll give this bastard the same respect I would give a janitor. Actually, I would give the janitor more, seeing as his day’s work is honest.

Stefano: Watch your tongue, Bo Brady.........

Victor: No Stefano. You watch how you speak to my son. You see, the reason why Bo and Roman and everyone else never could take you down is because their sense of honor in dealing with you always got in the way. I, on the other hand, have absolutely no problem wiring your toilet to explode the next time you feel the need to use it.

Stefano: I have grown tired of your threats, Victor. Soon, we will see who will be left standing. Salem will be mine, and you.....you will be a distant memory.

Bo: Take your best shot, old man. We’re more than ready.

Lexie: We intend to do just that. Now, if you will excuse us.......

Victor: Yes. Have a wonderful evening.......while you still can.

After walking away from each other, Stefano and Alexandra run into Abe and Roman. After asking them why they are there, Roman looks Stefano dead in his eyes and tells him in no uncertain terms:

Roman: Don’t try any of your crap here tonight, Stefano. Or, I swear to God, I’ll put a bullet in your tail that will last a lifetime.

Stefano: Now, now, Roman. You should be thanking me. If not for me, you still would be having nightmares about your past. Although if you were, they must have been blank memories.

Roman grabs Stefano by the collar, as Abe jumps in and pulls him off.

Stefano: How dare you put your hands on me?! Touch me again and I’ll have you brought up on charges!

Abe: For what? I didn’t see anything. Just like I didn’t see you and Victor make threats to each other. Get the point?

Stefano: (Angrily looking at Abe and Roman) Very well. You’ve made you point. Just stay away from me from now on. Is that too much to ask?

Roman: No. Not at all, as long as you and Victor play nice. If not, I have no problem locking you both up. Now get out of my eyesight before I change my mind.

Lexie: (Pulling on Stefano’s arm) Come, father. No need getting into this again.

Stefano: Yes, my darling. (Turning to Roman) One day, you will pay for your insolence. You and that entire family of yours.

Roman: Don’t do that, Stefano. Come after my family........and not only will I forget I have a badge, you just may end up face down in the Missouri River.

Both men stare at each other as they all separate. Roman and Abe then seek out and find Victor. This meeting goes just as well as the previous one:

Roman: Victor, we have to talk.

Victor: Go ahead.

Roman: Why are you so intent on turning Salem into some mafia battleground? I just had words with Stefano over the very same thing. Do you know how many people could get hurt, or KILLED, if this continues?

Victor: Roman, I still respect and admire you, and no matter what our differences, you will always be like a son to me. Hell, I brought you back to Salem 16 years ago. My motives may have been more on the devious side, but it all turned out pretty well. But, ever since Stefano has rebuilt his criminal empire, I have had no choice but to do the same. To protect my family and loved ones, especially after what happenedon the island, is something I have to do. And, to be frank, I am not and will not accept any interference from you, Abe or anyone else. For God Sakes, Roman, just stay out of this!

Roman: I can’t do that, so long as my brother is involved. He’s already broken Ma’s and Hope’s hearts. Austin and Lucas are involved too so Kate and that family is a mess. They are all worried that this mess you’ve gotten them all involved in will end their lives. So, friendship aside, if you go up against Stefano, I’ll have no choice but to try and bring you to justice as well.

Victor: (Staring at Roman, standing very close) Try if you must. Bo, Lucas, and Austin are grown men, capable of making their own decisions. They have decided to see this through with me till the end, especially Bo.

Bo: (Walking up to the small group) I sure have. I’m sick and tired of you always thinking you can run my life, Roman. Today it ends.

With Hope and Caroline looking on, Bo does something that shocks everyone.

Bo: (Looking at Abe) This is my badge. Since this badge signifies all the times Stefano has gotten away scot-free for his crimes, just like any other criminal, you can have it. I tried changing Salem for the better, but if scum like the DiMeras can walk around, it's not justice for me.

Hope and Caroline look at Bo, blown away by what they have just witnessed. Hope begs bo not to do this and Caroline begs Victor to stop it but to no avail. Bo and Victor reiterate they are just doing what they must. As Bo gives his badge to Abe, Hope turns to Caroline, saying that if that man can turn his back on all that his is, all just may be lost, for him as well as anyone else who joins this war.

-While everyone is still reeling from the previous scene, Abe takes Bo’s badge, puts it in his pocket, and walks away. He runs into Celeste and Alexandra, having one heated conversation. When Abe asks what’s going on, Celeste turns and tells him that Alexandra is demanding to see Theo, at the DiMera Mansion. Abe turns and looks at Lexie, telling her she is out of her mind if he thinks he will let Stefano anywhere near his son. He says she may see Theo anytime at the house but he can go nowhere near her father. Abe also tells her that the thought of that man as his grandfather still causes him to vomit his breakfast every morning. Lexie tells Abe that his insults do nothing but let her see how he really is. She says fine. Have it your way. She is now done with both of them, and as far as she is concerned, they both can go straight to hell. Celeste is beside herself, telling Lexie that she is lost if she feels Stefano is a alternative to her and Abe. She also reminds her that no matter what, she still loves her, and will be there when she needs her, which she feels will be very soon. Lexie doesn’t think so, and to prove it, she gets on the microphone and tells everyone at the party that as far as she is concerned, every single one of them can rot in hell. Stefano grins in approval, and as she leaves the podium, gives Abe and Celeste an evil stare.

-Witnessing all of these happenings is a mysterious person. The person is dressed in a hooded costume with a white ghost mask on to conceal their identity. This person mentions to themself that they have not been in Salem in quite some time. The person also mentions how they wreaked havoc the last time they were here and, now they have returned. The person's agenda is a mystery and the person says in a muffled voice:

Mystery Person: These people don’t have one clue what’s coming for them, but they will very soon. As God is my witness, they will feel my wrath once again.

-As Max and Cassie watch Alexandra and Stefano leave the party, Max turns to Cassie and says he never thought a Halloween Party in Salem would be so eventful. Cassie concurs, saying that she never knew Lexie had it in her, which makes Max ask Cassie what her relationship is with her family. She tells him that as far as she is concerned, she will always be a Brady no matter what her last name is. Max tells her that makes him happy. He then says he will be right back, he needs more punch. She says she will wait right there. As he leaves, she turns her back, revealing an evil smirk on her face.

-While Max walks by, he does not notice the intervention that is going on with the Horton family. Alice, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Lucas, Sarah, Melissa, and Don are all around Maggie trying to persuade her to let them help her move on and work through Mickey's death. Maggie is trying her best to get away from her family. Melissa tries to convince her that no one, absolutely no one blames her for Uncle Mickey’s death. Who knew that something like that would happen if they stayed on the island with everyone? Everyone agrees, especially Alice, who tells her that she is a daughter to her, and if she doesn’t hold Maggie responsible for her son’s death, then why is she doing this to herself? With Victor looking on secretly and cheering the Hortons on, Maggie says that no matter what anyone says, she is responsible, and will never feel the same again. Don grabs her and tries to talk some sense into her but all Maggie can hear in her head is the voices of her family and friends blaming her. She recalls Mickey's death and and how she wanted to stay on the island, with him wanting to stay with her. She also recalls blurting out Victor's secret pland and his angry tirade on her. Crying hysterically, Maggie screams for everyone to just leave her alone, and runs past Doug and Don into the night. Laura tries to grab her to calm her but she gets past her. Julie cryptically says that they need to find her or something bad may happen that they don't even want to think about.

-After watching Maggie run out of the party, Jack starts out towards the door, in his effort to join in looking for her. After having a talk with Kate about what has been going on with Jack, she takes Kate's advice to heart and decides her mother is right. She must clear her name with Jack and prove she is telling the truth. She will not let Laura make her look bad to the people of Salem. Billie stops Jack, saying that the other Hortons can handle it. Jack says he is still a Horton by marriage, even if Jennifer is dead. Billie tells him that they need to talk. Jack can’t believe it. He says she really has shown her true colors. Maggie is missing, and maybe out there doing harm to herself, and all she can think about is herself. Billie says that she is sorry for stopping him, but they need to iron out what was left up in the air earlier. Jack tells her there is now nothing to iron out, and asks her to leave him alone. Billie is stunned that he is acting this way towards her as he seemed civil with her earlier when she didn't want to talk. Jack says seeing how much Lexie has changed and recalling he changed from such an evil person to a halfway decent one makes him wonder if Billie could change from the person he once knew her as, or maybe this is who she really is just like everyone said and he just was blinded. As he walks away, Billie looks at him sadly, wondering if they will ever be on the same page again.

-Another party is heating up near the Salem University campus. Chelsea has gotten so intoxicated that she is starting to act in a destructive manner. Abby's sipping of a beer has turned dangerous as she is participating in drinking games and saying it's fun being reckless and not worrying about anything. She loves being bad and says she never wants to stop. Two men, who have been watching both girls, walk over and start getting rather friendly with them. Instead of Abby stopping Chelsea, though, she joins her in standing on a table and beginning to strip their clothes off.

-Roman returns to Austin, who is searching for Sami. Austin explains that Lucas is with the Horton's helping Maggie but that he is keeping an eye out for Sami or Alan. Austin and Shane comment on how eventful these Salem parties are. While looking around, Austin spots Sami by the desert table. Lucas returns to them and says he is looking for Maggie and explains what happened. Austin tells Lucas that he has found Sami and thinks they need to tell her that Alan may be nearby or even at the Ball. Roman and Shane agree it's time Sami knows he is out of jail and how he played a role in what happened with Carrie a few weeks ago, especially since he could be nearby or in the building. Roman and Shane go with Abe to check with security about Alan. Austin tells Lucas that he is going to go over to her and tell her while Lucas keeps an eye out for Alan and goes to help find Maggie. Lucas says it may be better for him to do it as Maggie could not have gotten far and alot of people are looking for her already. Austin sees the look of worry and love in Lucas’s eyes, and agrees to the plan since it doesn't matter who does it as long as it's done. Lucas tells Austin thanks. As Lucas makes his way over to Sami, the song If You Leave Me Now by Chicago starts to play. Sami is reminded of Lucas as they once danced to this song and she reminisces about her time with Lucas, and tears start to form in her eyes. When she turns to look for him, she spots him walking towards her. She smiles and, as she starts towards him, bumps into a costumed Alan who happens to walk right in front of her not knowing it's her due to her costume:

Alan: Oh, I’m so sorry. My mistake.

Sami: Oh, it’s no problem, really. I guess I was just locked in on someone else.

The man turns to walk away.

Alan: I know how that is. Well, you have a good evening.

Sami: Thank you. Same to you.

As Alan starts to leave, Sami grabs the cloak he was wearing, and stops him dead in his tracks by asking:

Sami: I recognize that voice. I hate to be so rude, but have we met each other before?

Alan does not answer, but is now panic-stricken, as the scene fades to black.

Next Time, On Salem Lives.............

Hope to Bo: Well, would you look at that. It looks like fate has brought us together again.

Caroline to Victor: I don't want to this. Why? Are you afraid of what might happen?

Shane: Alan is here...

Roman to Austin, Shane, Abe and Lucas: We need to find Sami before it's too late.

Sami: I need to find that man. Why was he so familiar?

Alan: I can't let that woman find me. She knows me and no one can know I am here.

Nicole to Eric and Greta: I want the truth. What is going on?

Billie to Jack: May I have this dance?

Maggie: Oh my God...You've come back to me!!!

1 Comment

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Oooooooh.... I loved the conversations between Abe and Stefano.You write Stefano so well.

And I LOVED the ending, wonder if Sami will really find out who he is or not.

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