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Secrets & Lies - Ep.6



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Secrets & Lies: Episode 6
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Written by: Ryan Chandler

As Jason is coming out of the shower someone knocks on his door. Walking downstairs shirtless, Jason opens the door and is surprised to see Audrey Hardy there. Jason grabs a shirt from his closet and asks if he can get Audrey anything. She turns him down.

Jason: So…what can I do for you Mrs. Hardy?

Audrey: You can help me by backing off Elizabeth and allow her and Lucky to fix their marital problems.

In New Jersey, Ric brings supplies to someone off camera. He updates this person on his family and the status of his career. Ric says that eventually he’ll have to let Alexis in on why he keeps traveling to New Jersey.

Mac & Felicia are having breakfast at Kelly’s when Bobbie walks in. The smell of alcohol radiates from her body. Bobbie asks Mike to get her a bagel when Felicia asks her how she is. Bobbie says that her life is just great. Tony’s moved away, her family rarely speaks to her, and oh yeah, her son likes guys. She’s just great. Felicia tries to give Bobbie some advice but due to her inebriated state, Bobbie doesn’t react as well as Felicia had hoped. Bobbie yells at Felicia for giving her unwanted advice. When Mike tries to calm her down, Bobbie throws the plate at Mike. Mac walks over to diffuse the situation. Smelling the alcohol, Mac has no choice but to arrest Bobbie.

Back at Jason’s, Audrey asks Jason to give Elizabeth some space. She understands that he is going through a rough time right now, but Elizabeth is not someone who he should be confiding his feelings in. She says it’s bad enough that Liz has hero worship for Jason, but now he’s using her as an emotional crutch. She respectfully asks him to stop. Jason gives her a blank stare as he shows her out of his place. A moment later his phone rings. It’s Elizabeth.

Jason: Liz, I’m glad you called. You are never going to believe what you’re grandmother did.

At the Quartermaine Mansion, Skye takes the ring Alcazar gave her out of her pocket. She stares at it and flashes back to last night with Lorenzo. Skye then puts the ring back in her pocket and prepares to go into the den, unaware that Luke is inside….

Coming up next…a special ICU episode featuring Luke and Skye.

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