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October 18, 2006



-Laura is thinking out loud what to do about Jack and Billie when Hope arrives and is shocked to overhear what Laura is saying. Laura explains to Hope she does not feel bad about what she is doing. Hope tells Laura that they have always been close friends and it's no big deal even if something more does happen. Jennifer and Billie were friends and she knows Jack and Billie were close. If Billie could make him happy and she seems to, Jennifer would be happy. Hope implores Laura not to let her hatred for Kate blind her. Laura insists it's not. Hope knows that Laura is trying to protect her family but she tells Laura that Jack needs to move on and it can't always be about what she wants or approves of. She is not Jack's mother nor can she tell him what to do. She understands Jack and Laura are close but she is only going to make things worse and tear the family apart by scheming to mess things up. Laura asks hope if she wants Billie with Jack to make sure she stays away from Bo. Hope admits she isn't worried about that. She understands they have a daughter and that occupies them and she knows Billie and Bo are through. Laura asks if she is sure. Hope says she is sure and that Billie is the least of her concerns. Laura asks how Bo is. Hope says she wishes she knew because she hasn't seen or talked to him and she is very worried. Laura assures her it will work out but Hope isn't so sure. Hope admits she has a feeling things are only going to get worse.

-Billie arrives at the Kiriakis mansion and asks if Bo is there. Henderson says he is and that he will announce her but Billie just plows her way in and walks in on Bo, who is looking over some papers. He asks Billie what she is doing. Billie tells him his daughter needs him and that it is up to him to decide what is more important-revenge or family. Bo asks what is going on. Billie fills him in on what happened last night and how Frankie and Abby had to save Chelsea. She tells Bo that he can't remain isolated anymore. She doesn't know what is wrong with him but his family needs him. His daughter needs him more then ever. Bo says he is doing what he has to do and what is right. Billie tells Bo he can't justify avoiding his family and being isolated from them. The choice is his and their daughter needs both of them before it's too late. Bo recalls learning about Chelsea's rape and being in the hospital after she was raped again. Bo tells Billie he will go with her to start a search. Billie thanks him and says he is doing the right thing and acting like the Bo Brady she knows and everyone loves. No tells Henderson he is leaving and to tell Victor what is going on. He tells Billie to call Hope and tell her to call the station and get some units out to search. Billie asks why he can't call. Bo admits he would rather not risk calling the station and talking to Roman or Abe and having to argue back and forth. Billie agrees. Bo tells her to call once she has done that and they will meet up later and compare notes. They wish each other luck and go off in separate directions.

-Chelsea walks the streets of downtown Salem, still hung over and recovering from being high the previous night and early morning. She sees some guys she knows in an outside alley near a convenience store. She asks what they are doing. They recognize her as Chelsea Benson and they smell the booze on her. They ask her if she has been partying. She says she has and that she is looking for more fun and asks if they have any ideas. She is handed something and she asks if it's meth. The young man nods. Chelsea looks at it and says that this is what she meant by partying and that this is excellent. She hopes to have the night of her life as the guys promise she will.

-Max is having a beer at his garage when Cassie comes in and asks if he wants company. He asks why she always shows up when he is a mess and is hitting the bottle. She says she has radar. She tells him how she was at Theo's custody hearing and fills him in. Max asks if she is happy her aunt lost Theo. Cassie lies and says it was right considering being a Dimera is dangerous and unsafe. He asks if she feels scared. She lies again and says she does and that she would rather not be a Dimera. Max tells her she is not a Dimera and that she isn't even close. She is still a Brady from what he can see. He embraces her as she secretly sports an evil smirk. Abby walks in and slams down a wrench to get their attention. Max asks what she is doing there. She says she had to talk to him but didn't realize he was busy. Cassie leaves and says she will let them talk.

-Max asks what is wrong and if Abby is going to yell at him again. She tells him she is. She asks what is going on with Cassie and him. He tells her nothing and that it seems they are friends. Abby asks what he means by "seems." Max clarifies by saying a friendship is developing. Abby sarcastically says she is happy for him and that his spending time with Cassie is keeping him from being there for people he says he cares about. Max reminds Abby he already apologized for the Chelsea incident and doesn't know what happened. Abby asks him to admit he hung on her and then, once he admits it, they can work through it. He denies it again and reiterates he doesn't know what happened. Abby tells him Cassie happened. Max tells Abby not to blame her. There is nothing with her and she had no reason to answer his phone and hang up. Abby can't beleive he is supporting Cassie and ignoring everyone else. She tells Max they needed him last night and he let them down. Max apologizes and tells Abby about his talk with Chelsea earlier. Abby tells him it is too late for him to do anything for Chelsea and that he has had his chances. Max reminds Abby that she was with him all summer when he backed away from Chelsea and asks why she didn't try to convince him to keep pursuing Chelsea to find out what was going on. Abby says she shouldn't have to do a thing. If he cares, he would do it on his own and he has shown of late he doesn't. He is with Cassie everytime she turns around and is turning into a person she doesn't recognize. She tells Max she is done wasting her time and energy. She can't look at him and never wants to see him again. He tells her she is overreacting and wants to know if there is more to this. She recalls talking to Frankie about how she feels about Max. She lies and says there is nothing else. His behavior of late disturbs her and that is it. She then walks off angry as Max wonders what is going on. Abby gets in her car and cries, wondering why she keeps lashing out and making things worse instead of opening up to him about her feelings. Seeing him with Cassie just infuriates her so much and she can't get angry anymore. She needs to do something and to tell Max how she feels like Frankie told her to. She decides to go back in the garage and talk to him to make things right. She goes back in but the garage is locked and Max appears to have left the back way. Abby is disappointed and hopes she hasn't blown her chance. Cassie is watching nearby and says that Max is on his own and right where her and her grandfather want him.

-Eric and Greta have returned from the hospital outside of Salem and are awaiting word from the specialist about the tests he ran on Eric. Greta tells Eric to think positive and have faith. Eric says it is hard when every single test he has had has been negative. Greta holds his hand as the phone rings and Eric answers. He has short discussion and seems unreactive at first. He then slowly hangs up and Greta asks what happened. Eric says nothing is changed and that he could die any day now. He is running out of time. Greta comforts him. Eric says he is running out of time and Nicole isn't even there. He returned to Salem to be with her and his loved ones and she is more worried about work then anything else. Greta urges Eric to tell them all. It is the right thing to do. Eric refuses and says he would rather die alone then have people feel sorry for him. Greta says he won't day alone-she'll be there and she promises she isn't going anywhere. Meanwhile, Nicole is at another business meeting and seems frustrated. She keeps thinking about Eric and how long the meeting has lasted already. She tries to close up the meeting but the client and his advisors can sense Nicole wants to end this and they all feel insulted by her desire to choose whatever she has to do over the overseeing of a potential blockbuster deal. Nicole apologizes but notes that the meeting has gone on for long enough and it's late. Nicole asks if she can at least make a phone call. All in attendance approve. She calls the suite. Eric has fallen asleep on Greta's lap and she is watching TV. She answers the phone. Nicole is stunned to hear her and asks what is going on. Greta lies again and says she is only doing what Nicole wanted and is trying to figure out what is going on with Eric for her. Nicole doesn't buy it but pretends that she does. She asks to speak with Eric. Greta says he stepped out but that she will tell him that Nicole called. Nicole thanks her and hangs up. Greta gently runs her fingers through Eric's hair as tears stream down her face. She says she feels so helpless and hates all this. She wishes there would be a miracle but knows that there won't be. She just hopes he is at peace with all this and that everything works out the best it can in the end. Nicole returns to her meeting and is asked if everything is ok. Nicole says it is and that she can stay as long as they need her now. She doesn't need to be anywhere or with anyone.

-Victor asks Maggie how she could do such a thing is reveal details of what him and his allies were planning. Now Stefano knows something is coming and lives are in more danger then before, especially his life and the lives of Bo and everyone else involved with his efforts to purge Salem of the Dimera's and any other threats to the happiness of all of them. Maggie says she is sorry and hates the Dimera's so much. Shehas the fight with Caroline and had a blowup on the stand when she attacked the Dimera's verbally. She was just losing it and was out of control. Victor says sorry won't cut it and that all his plans are ruined now. The surprise factor is gone and it is back to the drawing board. Maggie says she will make sure it will never happen again. Victor reminds her of her reputation as a gossip. Maggie says that is in the past and she is definitely not the same woman. Victor says he can't take a chance. Lives depend on it including Bo's, Lucas's, Austin's, and his own as well as the lives of everyone in Salem. He can't have blowing something by blurting something out. Maggie promises it will never happen again. Victor says he will make sure it will never happen again and he tells her he is finished. He wants her out. She doesn't understand and asks what he means. He angrily tells Maggie that he is not going to take a risk and have her ruin everything. He wants her out of his house and out of his life. A crying Maggie tells Victor he doesn't mean that. He coldly stares at her and says he does. He says he wants it done immediately or he will arrange for her stuff to be moved out. He then walks away as Maggie reminds Victor they are friends and that she needs him. She continues to yell to Victor she is sorry and that she needs him. She screams he can't do this and that she thought they were friends. She crumples to the ground and screams for Victor to come back and that she can't go on without him. She needs him. She takes hold of a park bench and breaks down in tears.

The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Bo: Where the hell are you Chelsea?

Billie to Hope: Bo is looking for Chelsea.

Hope to Billie: Let's hope this means the Bo we know is coming back to us.

Sami to Lucas: I just don't want anything to happen to you.

Carrie to Alan: Open up to me. Just tell me!!!

Alan to Carrie: I can't!!! You don't understand!!! You don't understand what I have been through.

Julie to Alice: Everything is all set and, hopefully, this will lead to the breakthrough we have been waiting for with Maggie.

Victor to Lucas: I can find her and I need your help. I said some things I regret and now I am worried about what she may do.

Maggie: I don't want to live. Take me!! I want to be with you Mickey!! Take me now!!!


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