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October 12, 2006



-Doug and Julie bring Alice to the courthouse. Laura meets up with them and asks why they are there. Alice explains that she is speaking on Abe's behalf. She has always been close friends with Celeste. Laura explains she is there as a psychiatrist and to also seak for the best interests of the child. They all agree it will a tough decision as they care for both Lexie and Abe but it may be best for Theo to live with Abe based on the Stefano factor and the fact that she almost died because of her connection to Stefano. They are all stunned when Maggie arrives. Alice, Julie, and Laura embrace her and are very happy to see her. Maggie explains that she came to make sure the judge rules in favor of Abe. She insists the Dimera's must pay and she wants to make sure they don't destroy any more lives. Julie says they are all so happy to see her. Maggie explains she would never have come if not for wanting to see the Dimera's lose this case. Laura asks Maggie if she remembers that this is Lexie losing. Maggie insists that she is a Dimera and that she should pay. She says that Mickey's blood is on the hands of that family. Julie and Laura are disturbed. They go off to a corner and admit they are both worried about her. They head back over and ask how she is doing at Victor's. She says she is doing much better. Julie asks if she wants to join them later at Alice's for coffee but Maggie refuses. She says she is busy and doesn't feel like it. Julie whispers to Alice that she is worried. Alice reminds her of their plan and asks Julie to have patience and hope for the best. Hope arrives and is also pleased to see Maggie. They embrace. Hope asks Maggie how Bo is doing and if he is coming. Maggie explains that Lucas, Austin, Victor, and Bo are busy. Hope is stunned that Bo wouldn't even come to show his support. She asks Maggie to watch over him as a favor. Maggie says she will do her best.

-Billie asks Jack if he really wants them to spend time together again. Jack says it shouldn't even be an issue as they are friends. Billie says they should talk later as people are starting to arrive and she sees Laura is here. Jack agrees that they shouldn't cause anymore tension or drama and he needs to go interview some people anyway. He says he will talk to her later. Billie is pleased that Jack and here are working things out. Hope sees Billie and asks why she is there. Billie says Abe asked her to come. Hope says she would've came anyway but that Abe wanted as many character witnesses as possible since it is him against the Dimera's. Billie says that it is going to be difficult because Lexie and Abe are on opposing sides. Hope agrees but says she is supporting Abe because of Stefano and Lexie alreayd nearly died herself because of Stefano. Billie agrees and thinks Theo is safer away from that. Hope asks about Chelsea. Billie tells Hope what happened the night before and how Abby and Frankie had to save her. Hope is shocked. Billie says she doesn't know what to do and that she needs Bo. Hope says they all do. Meanwhile, Laura comes over to Jack and asks how he is. Jack says he is fine but busy trying to acquire some information on the custody case since this is a big story dealing with the commissioner and the Dimera's. Laura agrees but wanted to make sure he was ok after what happened with Billie and Abby. Jack says he is fine and happy as a clam. Laura is suspicious and wonders if something is going on that he isn't saying.

-Roman arrives with Caroline, Frankie, and Shane. Cal arrives behind them. Roman is stunned to see him. Cal says he still remembers being Roman and still considers Abe a good friend, along with Lexie, so he came for support. Caroline hugs him and is happy to see him. Shane and Roman explain they are there to speak for Abe and to make sure the Dimera's go nowhere near the baby. They do care for Lexie still despite everything she has done with Carrie and Austin and all but they feel Theo is best with Abe. Caroline and Cal agree. Frankie goes into the courtroom. Nicole and Eric arrive and say they came to support Abe. Greta also arrives too and says she is there as support as well despite not knowing both Abe and Lexie well. Cal sees Laura and calls her over to talk to her. He asks if the shrink she was sending for to treat him has called yet. Laura says she has had something happen to delay her but that she will be in Salem very soon. Cal thanks Laura for doing this and says he is looking forward to remembering the past, good or bad, and moving on. Caroline bumps into Maggie and says she heard Maggie is living with Victor. She asks how they are both doing. Maggie says she is doing much better thanks to Victor and Victor is just fine so Caroline has no reason to worry about him. Caroline says she is worried because of Bo, Victor, Lucas, and Austin all working together on bringing down the Dimera's and all the crime in Salem and she thinks that is reason to worry. Maggie says all is well and that Caroline need not concern herself. Maggie walks away while Caroline seems unsettled with the conversation.

-Abe and Celeste arrive in his car. Abe says he checked in with the sitter and everything is fine. He assures Celeste everything will work out fine. Celeste tells abe she doesn't think so. She had a vision and he was upset and everyone was in a outrage. Abe hopes she is wrong and that everything will go well. Celeste asks Abe how he thinks Lexie will react to so many of her friends siding with him. Abe says it will get ugly and may push her towards Stefano even more.

-Cassie calls Stefano from in the courthouse and says that many of the Brady's and Horton's are there. Stefano orders Cassie to sit with the Brady's so no one will learn she has embraced her Dimera heritage. Cassie understands and goes over to Caroline and embraces her. Stefano asks Lexie outside the courthouse if she is ready and willing to do what is necessary. Lexie says she knows she will have to do whatever it takes and play as dirty as possible to win. She knows she is going to lose Abe but she can't lose her son. Stefano says he will do whatever he can to help. They enter the courthouse and everyone gives them a cold stare. Lexie goes over to meet with her attorney, Cameron Reese. Abe is stunned to see her, as is Roman. Cameron tells Abe he has one hell of a fight on his hands. Abe says it won't be the first time he has battled her and he warns Cameron he will fight with everything he has and not give up his son. Cameron says they will see about that. Frankie warns Abe to keep his emotions in check because, with Cameron and the Dimera's involved, it could get very ugly.

-Sami arrives and realizes she is late. As she is about to walk in the courtroom, Stefano stops her. Sami tells him to stay away from her. Stefano says he has a friendly warning for her. He tells Sami that she will pay for bringing Lexie down with her in their little scheme and he will be sure to help Lexie personally get revenge on her. Sami asks if that is a threat. Stefano says it is a promise and welcomes her to life as a Brady. He admits he used to respect and like her as she wasn't the average good-hearted Brady but now she has become a target just like the rest. He walks off smiling and tells her he will see her inside. A frightened Sami enters the courtroom where Eric asks if she is ok. He knows when something is wrong with her. Sami lies and says she is fine and can handle it.

-Lexie looks around the room and sees no one sitting on her side of the courtroom and all her friends sitting on Abe's side. Lexie lashes out saying she now knows where their loyalties lie. Hope stands up and begs Lexie to understand. They want her to be with Theo but it's her family and Stefano. She almost died herself because she walked into a trap meant for Stefano. Hope asks Lexie if she wants that life for Theo. He is much safer with Abe. Lexie says she knows what is going on. She knows they all hate her because of her involvement with Sami in the sceme to break up Carrie and Austin and she all knows no one ever forgave her for her actions in regards to Zack and the baby switch. Hope says what happened with Zack was in the past and she knows that Lexie made a mistake sleeping with Tek and that the whole scheme with Sami stemmed from that. Billie stands up and tells Lexie they just think Theo is better off staying with Abe. Celeste tells Lexie to leave the Dimera's and work something out with Abe. She may even be able to fix her marriage. Abe insists that isn't possible but that they can work something out. He hopes that Lexie sees him as a good father, just like he sees her as a good mother despite everything. He doesn't want full custody but wants to share it providing she breaks with her father and the Dimera's. Lexie says that is never going to happen, especially not now that she sees they are all against her. She has lost everything from her marriage to her job and while she is partly to blame, it is not all her fault. She is sick of being a loser and that is what she will be without embracing her birthright. She was wrong to give that up and to deny herself of being a Dimera. She is where she belongs and tells Abe to prepare for a fight and tells everyone in the room that they are now her enemies just like they are her father's. She will make them all pay for their betrayals and for their actions. Sami looks on frightened as Cassie looks on secretly pleased and proud. Celeste and Abe are appalled. Abe whispers to Celeste that he will do what he didn't want to do-he will have to go for full custody to protect Theo from the Dimera's. Celeste agrees he needs to do what he must and then asks for God to help her daughter. Stefano whispers to Lexie he is proud of her and assures her they will win and she and their family will have all the success and happiness they deserve. Judge Fitzpatrick then enters as everyone rises. She calls the court to order and tells everyone to be seated and officially begins the hearing.

The screen then fades to black as the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Maggie: Abe Carver deserves his son and the Dimera's deserve to burn in hell!!!

Sami: I don't think Lexie is in the right situation to care for and protect Theo like a mother should.

Lexie: No one gives a damn what you have to say you [!@#$%^&*]!!!

Abe: Your honor, please. I love my son. Do the right thing and keep Theo with me.

Lexie: There are some things I feel should be told to the court your honor and I am sure you will find them rather interesting.

Stefano: Everything is going exactly as planned. It is only a matter of time before Salem feels the full wrath of the Dimera's.


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