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Episode 47



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Episode 47
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Written by: Ryan Chandler


[Georgie brings Carly her cup of coffee as she goes over some important paperwork. Lulu arrives and tries to see what Carly’s doing. Carly is able to hide the papers from Lulu. Lulu wonders why Carly is being so secretive, but all Carly will say is that if all goes well, she will definitely ask Lulu for her help.]


[Dillon and Maxie hang out together at the PCCC. Maxie runs into Lucas as she’s on her way to the restroom. Lucas waves to Dillon, then dives in the pool. As he comes out of the pool tossing his hair back, Dillon is unable to take his eyes off him. Lucas breaks Dillon’s stare when he asks him if he liked his diving stunt. Dillon tells him it was cool. Maxie comes back and sees that Dillon is a little distracted by something.]


[Alexis and Sam decide listen for the guards. When they figure out they are alone, they use the key to sneak out of the door. Alexis begins to panic when she’s unable to find the desk on their floor. Sam calms her down and tells her to take her time. Alexis slowly begins to remember the layout of the floor and they find the phone.]


[Ric and Sonny surprises Nikolas at home and tells him that he isn’t there to fight. Stan was able to enhance the audio and they play the tape for Nikolas. Nikolas listens to the tape. When it reaches a certain spot, he keeps rewinding it, believing that he’s able to recognize one of the voices. Nikolas asks if this will be able to enhance even more. Sonny tells him no, but if Nikolas wants he can keep that copy.]


[skye walks into the living room fumbling through her purse. When she looks up she sees Lorenzo staring at her. They engage in some meaningful conversation, with much innuendo between them. On a serious note, Lorenzo asks Skye what her aspirations are. Skye mentions that all she is to be loved. She wants to be loved by someone who will love her unconditionally and accept her for who she is, flaws and all. She wants to be married and have kids. Even though she’s unable to have children, she would love an adopted child just as much as she would if the child came from her. Skye gets the great idea to go visit Adam in Pine Valley. Though skeptical, Lorenzo agrees that it might not be too bad.]


[After watching Lucas kiss Brandon, Bobbie stumbles into Kelly’s drunk. She doesn’t see Carly and Lulu and goes over to pick up her order. She sloppily hands over the money. When she turns around she bumps into John Durant. Durant apologizes in his own backhanded way, Bobbie lashes out at him. Carly tries to get Bobbie to calm down but Bobbie won’t hear any of it. She begins poking Durant and getting in his face. Durant smells the stench of vodka on her breath and arrests her for public intoxication. Carly tries to get John to change his mind but he won’t.]


[sam gets to the phone first and calls Jason’s cell immediately. She is surprised when Jason doesn’t answer the phone]

SAM: Jason?

PERSON: Sam? It’s Liz. Oh my god, Jason’s been looking for you for months now. What happened? Why did you go away?

SAM: Liz, you’ve got to find Jason. I didn’t go away. I was kidnapped. So was Alexis.

LIZ: You and Alexis…kidnapped?

SAM: Yes! Liz, stop asking questions and listen. We are being held by Helena. Please Liz, get to Jason!

ALEXIS: Liz, it is very important that you tell Ric as well. We need them both if we plan on getting out of here alive.

LIZ: I got it. I’m going right away. Alexis, just hold on.

[Liz hangs up the phone. She calls Ric and Lucky and ask them to meet her at Jason’s penthouse. Afterwards, she rushes to Jason’s place and updates him on the situation. Jason arranges for a trace to be ran on his phone so they can find Sam and Alexis.]


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