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October 11, 2006



-Austin, Lucas, Victor, Nico, and Bo are all looking over maps and property blueprints. Victor says they need to be well-informed to prepare for their attack on Stefano. He does not want to make a mistake like the last time. Bo asks if that is a confession. Victor smiles and says that is in the past and they need to move on if they are going to accomplish anything. Maggie comes downstairs and says hello to everyone. Lucas embraces her and asks how she is doing. She explains she is better not being around the memories and not around the whole family. Lucas reminds her to call if she needs anything. She asks why Lucas and Austin are there and they fill her in on their plan to bring Carrie home. Lucas beleives Maggie will be against it but she explains she is on Victor's side too. Things need to change and after all the death and destruction on the island, including Mickey's death, Stefano and all those who have hurt them need to pay. Lucas is happy she understands. Maggie walks over and starts looking and messing up the order of the blueprints and maps. Maggie asks what they plan to do. She asks Victor if he is going to blow up something else like he did the warehouse. Victor urges her to keep quiet about that as the more that speak about it the more likely it is of him going down for it. She apologizes. Bo asks Victor if he can talk to him for a moment.

-Bo takes Victor into the den and says he needs to warn him. He knows he is only helping Maggie out and that they have grown close but she has always been a gossip queen and nosy and they don't need her blowing their plans or interfering. He reminds Victor of what she just did going through the materials they were looking at. Victor agrees it is a risk having her around but she has no place else to go and they have become good friends. He promises Bo that if things get out of hand he will put an end to the living arrangement.

-Lucas tells Austin he is surprised Maggie accepted them joining Victor. Austin once again asks if he is sure they are doing the right thing. Lucas says this is the only way to clean up Salem and make sure Carrie feels safe and secure enough to come home and stay in Salem. Maggie overhears and thinks it is a brilliant idea. Lucas says it is their only shot. Bo and Victor return. Victor kindly asks Maggie to leave them be as they have business. She understands and says she will be upstairs. She says goodbye and leaves. Victor tells Bo that everything is just fine. Bo warns him once again to keep an eye on her because one slip-up could endanger their lives and the lives of others. Victor is sure it will all be ok and tells them all they need to get back to researching and planning. They all sit down and begin to discuss plans and strategies against Stefano and all their other enemies.

-Billie arrives at the courthouse for Theo's custody hearing. She is there to support Abe and realizes she is early. She bumps right into Jack, who is covering the story for The Spectator. They say hello and explain what the other is doing there. They both try to say goodbye but Jack turns around and tells Billie he can't do this. They are friends and nothing more and this is wrong. Billie says it is really what is right. She still can't find Chelsea and he has issues with his family. Their families need special attention right now without interuption and distraction. Jack says they are only friends and that there are no distractions. He agrees to talk to Abby and Laura and make sure there are no problems. Billie refuses saying they need to think about their families. Jack mentions how they are adults and have a right to do as they please as long as they obey the laws and then Jack lists all Billie has done for him and she returns the favor. Jack asks if she would at least come by a few times a week instead of always being around everyday. Billie says they shouldn't see each other at all but Jack refuses to agree with that and admits he was wrong last night to even want to do that. He tells Billie there is nothing to worry about and that they are only friends. Billie is reluctant but Jack begs her to let him have his "old" friend back." She agrees and they embrace. Jack reminds her that he will take care of Abby and Laura.

-Max is outside the Deveraux garage sitting in a lounge chair when Frankie comes over and taps his shoulder. Max jumps as Frankie asks where he was last night. Max insists he was busy. Frankie asks if it was with Cassie. He says it is none of his brother's business but then Frankie guesses Cassie. Max stays silent. Abby then interupts the discussion in frustration. She tells Max how she called him last night to ask him for help. She explains how Chelsea got drunk and high and was going to have sex with two guys. They reminded her of her rapes and she screamed and began to say "No!" She had wanted the sex before but changed her mind now. Abby didn't have Bo's number on her but did call Jack, Billie, and later Frankie them man who saved her and Chelsea. She tells Max she called him and heard music, like from a bar, in the background for a second and then a hangup. He explains he never hung up on her. Abby lashes out at Max telling him Chelsea needed him again and he let her down and that she needed him too. She put her life on the line to help Chelsea and he was nowhere to be found. He hung up on her and went about his business. He has been so upset of late for abandoning Chelsea over the summer without ever asking or trying to find out why she was pushing him away and now he abandons Chelsea again along with her. Max insists he has no idea what she is talking about. Frankie asks if his friend, Cassie may know what happened. Max decides to give her a call to meet them for answers.

-Cassie arrives and asks why Max wanted to see her. He explains Abby's claims and then asks if she picked up his phone and hung up when he went the bathroom at the Pub last night. Cassie lies and says she did nothing of the sort. She never even knew Max had has cell until he came back and asked her if anyone called. Max asks her if she is lying. Cassie acts offended and says she has no reason to lie. She would never just hang up his phone since it could be an emeregency. Abby wonders if she is lying to but Cassie denies everything and says she has nothing to gain. Frankie says that she had Max to gain. Cassie says she still considers herself a part of the Brady family and they feel the same way. She has changed alot and Chelsea does feel like family to her as she still feels like a Brady. She doesn't care for her but would never want to hurt her. Max says he beleives Cassie. Abby is stunned and says that means that Max did hang up. Max says he has no clue what happened but he did not hang up. He never even got a call last night. Abby gives up and says it doesn't matter as it is too late to change anything. Max asks where Chelsea is. Abby explains that no one knows. She then tells him in a sarcastic tone to have a nice day just like he had a nice night while Chelsea and her were in danger and it could've been much worse if Frankie hadn't come. Max apologizes and says he wants to find out what happened. A disgusted Abby walks off. Frankie tells Max and Cassie he doesn't know what happened but warns them that if they continue to hurt Abby they will have to deal with him. Frankie leaves. Max apologizes to Cassie for the interrogation. She understands and says she does need to go as Theo's custody hearing is soon. They say goodbye. Cassie privately breathes a sigh of relief as her and her grandafather's plans were nearly ruined. She needs to make sure no one catches on until their plans are in full motion. Meanwhile, Abby goes in the house and admits she does beleive Max and that he did not hand up. She thinks Cassie had something to do with it but isn't sure. She lays on her bed and begins to cry, wondering why everything is such a mess and when she and her family will finally find happiness.

The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Stefano to Sami: I have a warning for you Samantha.

Abe to Celeste: It will all work out for the best.

Celeste to Abe: No, darling. It won't.

Stefano to Lexie: Are you prepared to do what is necessary?

Lexie to Stefano: Yes. I am going to play as dirty as I need to and do whatever it takes to hold on to my son.

Hope to Lexie: Just please understand...

Lexie to Hope: I understand completely and now I realize what is really going on. I hate you all!!!


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