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Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee


-Caroline and Shawn Sr. quickly rush down to Kayla’s side, Steve tells Caroline in a worried tone to call 911 now, Caroline grabs a phone and does as Steve said, then Steve looks down to Kayla an quietly says “Don’t worry Sweetness, you will not die, I won’t let it happen”, meanwhile in the back of the Pub the Mysterious Woman is walking out the door and says “Well I might not have gotten you this time Caroline, but your time will come, in the meantime though you can watch your precious Kayla die,” then the Mysterious Woman leaves the Brady Pub.

-Nikki walks into Alice’s Bar, she sits down and tells Bonnie, who is standing at the bar counter, that she wants something to drink, Bonnie is still mourning Patrick and does not see or hear Nikki, but she all of a sudden turns around and shouts out “Your Victoria Lord!!!!”

-Abby investigates the secret room in the Spears Mansion, newspapers are everywhere, so are files, then she all of a sudden finds something and looks at it, then she gasps and says to herself that she has to show this to Max, when she runs for the door out of the secret room she bumps into Lilly!

-Jan opens the door to the Spears Mansion, walks up to her room and sits on her bed the person she is talking on the phone to is Nicole, Nicole begs Jan to help her get rid of Sami and Carrie so she can have Austin, Nicole tells Jan that if she doesn’t she will regret it, Jan reminds Nicole that she holds all the cards here because she still has all that evidence on Nicole that she tried to kill Colin Murphy, on the other line Nicole yells into the phone “Listen to me you little brat! I have heard about how you weaseled your way out of going to jail for what happened with Shawn and Victor, and if you don’t help me I will find a way for you to go right back to the houscow!” then Jan says “Fine Nicole, I will cut you a deal, I will help you with Austin, if you help me pull of my latest plan.”

-Marlena walks into her penthouse and sees a note from John saying that he has gone out on business and he will be back in a bit, she thn just shrugs and goes to put some groceries she got up, meanwhile Samantha Evans watches from the window and thinks that now could be her chance to attack Marlena!

-Jack happily asks Jennifer what does she needs to talk about and he plops on the bed, Jennifer tells him to stop acting like that, she then sits down and tells him that last night she ended her relationship with Frankie.

-John arrives at the Dimera Mansion, it looks empty and abandoned but John is convinced that it must be a trick, he decides to see if there is a side entrance anywhere, so he stealthily edges across the walls and to the side of the Mansion, meanwhile Stefano watches out a window upstairs and Celeste, who is chained to a wall yells that Stefano cannot do this to John, but Stefano just ignored her and says “It is my second day back in Salem and soon I will have already gotten rid of one of my enemies.”

-Billie is at her house gathering some gear to take with her to the warehouse she is going to, she tells herself that in just a few hours, it will be time to find out who attacked her daughter.

-Sami hears Austin in Lucas and Carrie’s room, she keeps telling herself that this is the right thing to do, so she goes over there and knocks, Lucas answers it and lets Sami in, Sami walks over in front of Austin and Carrie, she then starts to tear up and tells all three of them that she has to tell them something that will change all of their lives, forever.

-An Ambulance arrives to pick Kayla up, Steve tells them that she is still alive, but she is pushing it, the paramedics asks what happened to her, and Steve answers poison, then the paramedics quickly carry Kayla to their ambulance on a stretcher, Steve watches and tells Caroline that this was because of poison, Caroline asks from what though, Steve then replies the tea, that was the only way and then Caroline wonders who would try to poison Kayla.

-Nikki lies to Bonnie and tells her that she isn’t Victoria Lord, but Bonnie tells her that she knows that she probably doesn’t want anyone to know who she is because the media would be hounding her, but then Bonnie tells Nikki that she will keep it a secre, as long as Nikki gives her and autograph so Niki groans and wonders how she will get out of this one.

-Lilly angrily asks Abby what she is doing here and she is trespassing, Abby gets nervous and answers that she was just coming here to see if Max was around, she starts to leave but Lilly sees the file in Abby’s hand and grabs Abby and shoves her back into the secret room, then she orders Abby to tell her what she was really doing in her mansion.

-Nicole asks Jan what she needs help with now and Jan replies that just with a little disguise and Nicole then says fine and that she will be over in a little bit and then she hangs up the phone, once she does she tells herself that Jan better help her get Austin and that she will not lose another man, meanwhile Jan dances around her room singing that Shawn will soon be hers.

-Samantha slowly walks into Marlena’s penthouse, once she is in there she slowly reaches fr a bottle to hit Marlena with but before she does Marlena walks back in and asks “Sam, what are you doing here?”, then Samantha answers “Wait… you just called me Sam…. That was my nickname…I didn‘t think you would remember…”, then Marlena says that she usually always called Samantha that, then Samantha happily replies that she can still call her that if she likes, but she thinks to herself that Marlena might not even get a chance to, then Samantha tells Marlena that she just came by to see how she was and she was looking forward to spending time with her, then she again thinks that if she does get to spend time with Marlena, then she can finally go in for the kill.

-Jack sits up and tells Jennifer that he hopes it wasn’t because of him, Jennifer then says that it kind of was, because she did it because she still loves Jack and wants to be with him, Jack is shocked and asks “Really, you aren’t joking are you?” Jennifer laughs and says no, she then leans in and kisses Jack.

-John sees an open window, so he climbs up to it and climbs inside the Mansion, he then tells himself that that was too easy and then all of a sudden guards burst in! John then says “I knew it” and attacks the guards, he manages to knock out a few after delivering some punches, but he can’t deal with them all so he kicks some of them down and runs out the door and into the hallway, he runs towards Stefano’s office because he hears some voices inside, he breaks down the door and then sees Stefano and Celeste! John is shocked and yells to Stefano “How are you alive?!”.

-Billie walks out the door of her house and prepares to go wait at the docks until five a clock, then she will go into the warehouse, as she is walking out with her gun she says that whoever attacked Chelsea will pay, and she walks off.

-Austin asks Sami what is it and Sami replies that it is something that could make Austin leave her, then Carrie says that she is confused and then Sami tells them all that she has a confession to make, she begins to cry uncontrollably and tells them all that she didn’t blackmail Lexie because of what she said that night Lexie came over to their apartment claiming that she had to tell them all something about Sami, Carrie asks the real reason Sami blackmailed Lexie and Sami then says through tears that she blackmailed Lexie because she wanted her to tell Carrie she could not have healthy children with Austin! Sami then tells Lucas that that is why Carrie chose him over Austin, Sami said she had to do it so Austin would be with her instead of Carrie. She tells all three of them she is sorry, but she had to confess this because if someone else did, everything would be disastrous like all of her other relationships have been. Sami then breaks down in tears and then Austin pulls her up and asks her how could she do this to him, Lucas and her own sister. He says he thought she would have learned not to scheme in the first place by now, he does tell her he considers forgiving her, but he might not, Carrie walks over and slaps Sami, she says she is disgusred with her and that she just now lost her baby and now she finds out her own sister has betrayed her yet again! Lucas just stares in disgust and as Carrie begins to tear up as well Lucas comes and comforts her. Sami is in hysterics and ignores Carrie’s slap, instead she pulls out of Austin’s grip and tells him to not even consider forgiving her, she says that she does not deserve him and then tells him that their relationship is over, she then comments that he probably doesn’t care anyway since he loved Carrie all along, and then she says “Goodbye Austin” and runs out of the room in tears.


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