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September 25, 2006



-Victor asks Bo if he is sure he wants to join him. Bo says he has to. Things can't go on the way they are and justice needs to be served even if it means bending the law. Victor insists they are going to be doing more then bending the law. He asks Bo if he is willing to isolate himself from his family and friends and push them away like Victor has in an effort to protect them in case of retaliation. Bo says he will do what he must. Seeing what happened to Chelsea and the island debacle-he realizes now that things have gotten out of hand and need to be stopped. Victor agrees and asks Bo again if he is sure he wants to do this. Bo says he is and that there is no going back. They shake on it. Victor then tells Bo that he should move in with him. Bo agrees and says it brings back old memories. Victor laughs and urges him to move in right away. Bo leaves to get his stuff as Victor pours some brandy and informs Nico of what is going on. Nico mentions that Victor seems happy. Victor says he is-not only will he get his revenge and destroy his enemies but this might also bring his son and him together.

-Maggie asks Hope what she can do for her. Hope knows that Maggie and Victor have become good friends and is hoping that she can talk Victor into discouraging Bo from taking the law into his own hands. She is so worried about him and can't think of anything else to do. Maggie doesn't know if that will work or if Victor will go for it but she says she will try. Hope thanks her and asks how she is doing. Maggie says she would rather not talk about it and needs to get going. Hope thanks her for her help and hopes she feels better. Maggie returns to Victor's with suitcase and notices how happy she is. She asks him what is going on. Victor informs her that Bo is moving in and Maggie congradulates Victor as Bo and him can bond and get closer. Victor agrees. Maggie wonders how Hope will react to this. She asks Victor if this means Bo and him are working together on going after Stefano and other threats to Salem. Victor says Bo needs a place to stay and that is all there really is to it. Maggie goes upstairs to pack as Victor vows to make sure Maggie doesn't interfere and mess things up. Meanwhile, Hope returns home to find Bo packing his things. She asks what is going on. Bo says he came to pick up the rest of his things as he has found a place to live. Hope thought he was just going to stay with Caroline. Bo says plans have changed. Hope asks where she can find him now. Bo doesn't answer and tells Hope he doesn't want to tell her at the moment and goes upstairs to finish packing. Hope is stunned and worried about what is going on.

-Chelsea and Abby watch Cassie and Max dancing on the TV. Abby tries to suggest it's nothing but Chelsea tells Abby to look at them. She told Abby that Max is in to girls like that who will give him what he wants. Abby tells Chelsea to stop acting like Max wants a whore. Chelsea says that Max wants a girl who will put out for him and give him what he needs, just like every other guy. Chelsea admits she doesn't fit that bill as no one would want her, especially now that she is nothing but manipulative slut. Abby tells her to stop thinking like that but Chelsea says it's true. Jason and Barry were right about her. Abby thinks Chelsea is feeling the effects of all she has been through. Chelsea tells Abby that Max and her are through and there is no going back. She doesn't want him and he doesn't want her and she says she wants to be able to party and live without being tied down to one guy. She tells Abby to fight for Max and do whatever it takes, even if it means getting down and dirty. Abby says she isn't like that. Chelsea tells Abby that everyone is a little wild deep down and that it just needs to be tapped into, which Abby will when she feels desperate measures need to be taken. Abby says she isn't even sure if she wants Max. Chelsea says she can see that Abby does and warns Abby not to wait too long to do something or it will be too late. The nurse comes in to check Chelsea, who asks the nurse when she can be released to go party. Abby says goodbye and leaves, wondering if Chelsea is right about her having to do whatever it takes if she wants Max. She wonders if she has it in her to be wild and carefree and if she really wants Max enough to do it.

-Cassie and Max continue to dance until the music stops. They lost the contest but admit they had fun. Cassie can see Max is not completely sober and says she won't hold it against him. Max asks why she is hanging around him. Cassie mentions she is close with the Brady's because she thought she was one at one time and she thought he seemed nice enough and wanted to help him. Max thanks her but says he would rather be alone now. Cassie agrees to leave him but gives him her number and asks him to give her a call. She kisses his cheek and leaves. Cassie then heads to the bushes and makes a phone call to Stefano telling him things went well with Max. She asks what she needs to do now. Stefano instructs her to give Max space but meet up with him randomly every now and then until he instructs her otherwise. He also tells her to use her closeness with the Brady's to keep him up to date on their happenings. Cassie agrees and hangs up. Stefano is pleased that things are going well and says he has big plans for Cassie and Max. He goes to Lexie's room and waits outside as he is awaiting the doctors leaving so he can enter her room to see her awake.

-Sami admits how sorry she is. Austin, Lucas, and Kate rip her to shreads for her actions. Austin says that Sami manipulated Carrie into choosing Lucas via Lexie. Lucas thinks Carrie would've chosen him anyway but Austin thinks otherwise. They start arguing and Kate breaks it up. Kate mentions how it is the same old Sami who never changes. Austin and Lucas agree, as does Nicole. Eric, Will and Roman express how disappointed they are and Shane says it is stunning how Sami never learns from her mistakes. Sami says she has now and will prove it to him. She has finally realized you can't make someone love you or feel something for you as it does nothing but cause pain and ruins lives. She is still in the same situation as she was before scheming and plotting her whole life. She is still alone and single so it is clear what she has been wasting her whole life doing is wrong. Life is too short and she needs to make changes and grow up. She has finally realized she needs to take full responsibility for all her actions and can't try to deflect the blame. Nicole and Kate roll their eyes. Lucas says he will beleive it one he sees it. Everyone is also shocked that Lexie would do such a thing. Roman tells Shane they will need to tell Abe. Sami apologizes to Will and says she will make it up to him and prove how good of a mom she can be. She vows this time she will change and grow up for real. No one beleives her and Will cites the fact that she says that all the time. Sami says she is serious this time and will prove to all of them she is changing. She mentions how she told them all where Carrie was in the mountains. The "old" Sami would never have done that as keeping Carrie away would've been the better option in her mind. The fact that she confessed her secret rather then let someone expose it should mean something too. Austin says it does but it took a long time fomr Sami to own up. Sami understands and hopes they will all forgive her and she will do her best to prove she is really changing this time. Lucas asks her how she plans to show them this time she has changed and asks what is so different. Sami says she has the perfect action that will show them all right off the bat she isn't kidding and that this is the real deal. Sami tells Will to start packing up his stuff tonight. He asks why. Sami says that he is moving in with his father tomarrow and that she is giving Lucas sole custody of Will until she can really make them all proud and show them a different Sami. They won't file legal papers or anything, it will only be like an incentive to make sure she is serious this time. If she fails, then they will go to court and she will give him sole custody officially but she doesn't plan to fail as she is serious about changing this time. Everyone in the room looks on stunned as Sami asks them all if they beleive she is serious now.

-Belle tells Shawn he can't go. She can't live without him. Shawn says she is showing why he is leaving in the first place. He reminds Belle of his reasons. He needs to get out of Salem and away from everything. He also needs to do this for himself and, in some way, as a honor to Philip. It is a way for him to make up for all his mistakes in the past. His relationship with her has changed her. The Belle he used to know would never break a promise and she did that to Philip, her husband and baby's father. She let him go off alone to recover while she stayed here fawning over him. Belle says that they love each other and more separation would only cause more pain. Shawn disagrees and says that them being together is causing more pain for their families and Philip's. He reminds Belle that they are cousins. Belle says it doesn't matter but Shawn says it does and they just don't feel right together anymore. Shawn admits it hasn't felt right since before the Salem Stalker ruse. The airport announces that Shawn's flight is about to board. Belle realizes this is really happening. She grabs on to Shawn and begs him one last time not to leave. She doesn't know what she will do. Shawn is finally hit with the realization that he is leaving and begins to have doubts as he holds Belle in his arms. Belle and Shawn them remember all they have been through as a montage is shown to the song they danced to at the Last Blast Dance, "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain . They both begin to cry and Belle remembers what she told Cassie when Mimi and Rex were leaving and that sometimes, when you love someone, you have to put them before yourself. Belle understands she has to do that now as Shawn has valid reasons for going and alot has changed. Belle begins to wonder if maybe it is for the best. Shawn realizes Belle is coming to accept the idea and that he can't worry. He is making the right decision for everyone and Belle and him. It will all work out the way it will.

Belle: Well, you need to go. Your plan is almost done boarding.

Shawn: Yeah...I guess. Look, Belle. I don't want you to think I stopped loving you. I know some of my reasons for leaving may sound that way but...

Belle: I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes. A love like ours doesn't just go away. It never goes away. You can act like it's not there but it always is.

Shawn: Your right.

Shawn walks up to a crying Belle, kisses her, tears streaming down his face now.

Shawn: I will also always love you. I will never stop.

Belle: Shawn...I love...I love you too.

Shawn: You take care of that family of yours and keep an eye on things for me, ok?

Belle: I will and if your mom, dad...I will do anything for your family if they need my help. You know that.

Shawn: Well, they are your family too.

Belle: Yeah. It's still weird.

Shawn: Well, thank you. I guess this is goodbye then.

Belle: Yeah...goodbye. Damnit Shawn!!! How am I going to do this? How am I going to say goodbye? I don't want to say goodbye!!!

Shawn: I have to go.

Belle: No!!! Please!!! Just a few...

Shawn slowly walks away as Belle grabs hold and won't let go.

Shawn: It's the last call. I have to go. I love you Belle.

Belle: Shawn...how am I supposed to go on without you?

Shawn: Go to Philip. Go to Claire. They are your life. Goodbye Belle.

Belle: Shawn...I love you!!! I love you!!

Shawn: I love you.

Shawn looks back, turns around, and boards the plane as a tearful Belle look on. The song "I'll Be" begins to play again in the background as Shawn takes his seat on the plane as Belle watches the takeoff process and then witnesses the plane life off the ground and into the sky. On the plane, tears streaming down his face, Shawn looks at a picture of Belle and him and whispers a final goodbye. Meanwhile, Belle stares out the window almost hoping Shawn will come back. She gets up and begins to walk but then collapses to the ground in tears. A airport employee asks if she is ok. She answers that she will have to be but, right now, it seems like she never will be. The screen then fades out on Belle crying and Shawn on the plane and then the credits roll.

On the next Salem Lives...

Belle: There is only one thing I can do now.

Abe to Lexie: I want to give us another chance.

Stefano: You will be happy with Abe over my dead body, Alexandra.

Sami: Even if takes me my whole life, I will prove to you all that I can change and be a person you all can be proud of.

Hope to Bo: Please don't this!!

Bo to Hope: I have to do this, Hope. You can't stop me...nothing and no one will stop me.


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Um....*wipes tears off face* I wasn't crying. Nope. Not one teardrop. I....*starts bawling*

(Beautiful send off for die hard Shelle fans...Hope Shawn comes back..maybe in the form of a recast)

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That was so hard to do

because I never cared

for Shelle but I love

Martha so I gave her

something good :lol: .

Shawn will be recasted

but not for awhile. The

cast is big as it is and

I have something in

mind for him that

needs some buildup


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