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September 21, 2006



-Hope begs Shawn and Bo to make up. Alice calls Shawn over and reminds him that what he is getting into is very dangerous. Life is too short and he would never forgive himself if something happened and he never made things right with his father or anyone else in Salem he cares about. Alice also reminds Shawn that their family has always been able to forgive because everyone makes mistakes. Shawn looks at Bo. He walks over and tells Bo he doesn't know if he will ever forget his part in Zach's death or his supporting Chelsea. He understands she is his daughter but all she has done is destroy lives. He does promise to try to move on from this and to try to forgive him. Bo appreciates that. Hope then asks them to hug. They do and Hope looks on happily along with Alice, Caroline, Doug, and Julie.

-Shawn realizes that he should say goodbye to some people now as he won't see them before he leaves in the morning. He hugs Abby, Frankie, and Jack who all wish him well. He hugs Shane, Abe, and Roman. Roman wishes him well and thanks him. Shawn asks for what. Roman says he knows he is doing this for Belle and Philip among other reasons and he says he is proud of the man he is becoming. Cassie arrives. Caroline asks what she is doing there. Cassie says she heard Shawn was leaving and has been looking everywhere (in reality, Cassie is spying for Stefano and using her past connection with the Brady's to do so). Shawn tells Cassie he isn't leaving until tomarrow. Cassie says goodbye to him and thanks him as he was the one that found Rex and her. Shawn recalls the times Cassie and him spent together and says they were definitely unique. They laugh. Shawn says goodbye to Maggie and hugs her. He tells Maggie he misses Uncle Mickey too and he hopes she gets better and makes it through this. It is what he would want. Maggie nods. Shawn embraces Laura and then makes his way to Doug and Julie. Julie, with tears flowing, begs him to be careful. Doug seconds that and says he is proud of him for doing this. They all three hug. Caroline then wishes him well and tells him that Grandpa Shawn would be proud of him. Shawn says he hopes he makes them all proud. Alice says she is sure he will and she knows Tom and Mickey will look after him. Shawn hugs Alice and says he will miss her. He recalls the special times they shared together. Alice begs him not to get into as much trouble as he did when he searched for her ruby. They laugh. Shawn tells them all he loves them. Bo asks Shawn if he is going to say goodbye to him. Shawn says not tonight. He wants to save some for tomarrow and he does have to get going as he has some stuff to pick up. Hope asks if he needs help. Shawn says he will be fine and wishes everyone well and leaves. Hope tells Bo and everyone else that she doesn't know how she will deal with this. She asks Bo what will happen if something happens to Shawn. Bo promises he will be fine.

-Caroline overhears Doug, Julie, and Laura talking about Maggie. Laura says that they are still putting the plan in motion that they hope will help Maggie. Caroline says she thinks they should also be worried about her returning involvement with Victor. Maggie overhears and asks what Caroline's problem is. She asks why her and everyone else is so worried about her being around Victor. Caroline says it's not good for either of them with everything going on and she thought Maggie understood that. Maggie says she understands quite clear and she thinks that Caroline is the one that should be staying away from Victor. All she does is hurt the man and now she is trying to her from being a friend to him like he has been to her. Maggie tells Caroline and everyone else to stay out of her life and leaves. Alice tells Caroline, Doug, Julie, and Laura that they need to back off a bit before they push Maggie further away. Alice says Maggie just needs to find her own way. Laura, Doug, and Julie take Alice home while Caroline ponders why Maggie and Victor spending time together bothers her so much as they are only friends. She says that Maggie is right-all she does is hurt Victor but she has no choice as this is for her family's sake.

-Cassie asks Abby why Max isn't with her. Abby says Max is with Chelsea. Cassie says she was at the hospital and Chelsea was with Kate and Max was nowhere to be found. Cassie sees that Abby gets upset at the mention of Max's name and asks if something is wrong. Abby tells Cassie that everything is fine. Cassie remembers how happy Max and Abby were when Chelsea and her saw them at Salem Place. Cassie suggests that the bublle must've burst and now it seems Abby can join Chelsea in the loser's club since she struck out with Max. Abby tells Cassie to back off. Cassie tells Abby she is sure that Max will come back to her if Abby gives him what he needs unless Chelsea gives it to him first. Abby hauls off and slaps Cassie, calling her a bitch. Jack and Frankie asks what happened. Abby says it was nothing. Jack says that Cassie seemed like a nice girl and was a comfort to him while trapped in the castle. He doesn't understand why Abby would hit her or anyone. Abby reluctantly apologizes to Cassie and tells her father it was a misunderstanding. Jack apologizes to Cassie too and asks what happened. Cassie says it was nothing. Jack walks away and asks Frankie what just happened. Frankie says it must be a girl thing. Cassie smirks at Abby and leaves while Abby coldly stares at her as she leaves.

-Victor's doorbell rings. Henderson is off so Victor answers to see Shawn there. Shawn says he was picking up some stuff and thought he should come by and say goodbye as he won't have time in the morning. He asks Victor if he harbors any bad feelings towards him for the Philip situation. Victor says he doesn't although he has issues with Belle for not going with Philip. Shawn says that is partly why he is leaving. He hates seeing what she has become because of their relationship and he wants to honor Philip in a way by doing this. Victor says that he is proud of him and that Philip would be proud. He tells Shawn to be careful as there is enough tragedy going on. They embrace. Victor walks him out. Victor goes back to his drink and paper when the doorbell rings again. He opens the door to Maggie. Maggie is crying and says she went home and she wanted another drink to deal with the pain but she doesn't want a repeat of the night before. Being around Victor helps with dealing with the grief and temptation so she asks if she can stay with him for the night. Victor lets her in and says of course she can. They embrace and Maggie says she doesn't care what anyone says as they are friends and they need each other. Victor agrees and says he will always be there to help her just like she has been there for him. He walks her into the living room.

-Billie asks Bo how he is doing. Bo says he is frustrated and has alot on his mind. Billie begs Bo not to head down the wrong path and go all vigilante on them all. Bo says he will do what he feels he has to but he has to think first. He is frustrated and something needs to be done. He will not stand by and watch his loved ones continue to get hurt and suffer at the hands of the Dimera's and other threats. Their daughter got raped twice and the second time was because of a flaw in the system. Bo tells Billie no one will stop him from doing whatever he feels he needs to do. Bo walks away. Jack asks if everything is ok. Billie says she is afraid for Bo and for everyone that cares for him.

-Roman, Shane and Abe are talking. Abe asks Roman if he has spoken with Bo. Roman says Bo won't even look at him and he doesn't want to start something with Shawn leaving. Roman then gets a surprised look on his face and tells Abe he just thought of something very interesting. Shane asks what it is but Roman stays silent and says he doesn't know. He needs to think it out a little more first.

-Hope asks Bo if he will be there in the morning to say goodbye to Shawn. He says he will and is happy Shawn and him made up. Hope asks if this has changed his mind at all about taking the law into his own hands. Bo tells her what he told Billie-he has alot of thinking to do and he will do whatever he feels is necessary. Hope tells Bo that she is ready to talk and work things out and they need each other with Shawn leaving and everything else. Bo asks Hope where she was weeks ago when he wanted to talk. Bo tells Hope he can't talk with her right now as he has to think about some things and needs to work on proving he did not kill Chelsea's rapists. He also is determinded to protect the people he loves from now on as he will not stand by anymore and watch all this tragedy. Something needs to be done no matter what it is and how far he needs to go. Hope tells Bo she is scaring him. Bo says it is scary because nothing is being done but he is going to make sure it does. Hope tells Bo to let the right people handle it. Bo reminds Hope they are both cops so they are the right people but the system and doing things by the book has failed him too many times. If he needs to go an alternate route to see justice served, so be it. Hope begs Bo again but Bo pushes her away. He reminds her that if she had told him about Chelsea's rape sooner or even let him do what he wanted to with the rapists in the alley, it is possible things would've never gotten as bad as they are. Hope apologizes but says Chelsea made her promise and Victor knew as well. Plus, she couldn't just let him lose control and kill those guys. Bo says Victor is not his wife and she had a obligation to tell him. As for the rapists, she and most people already think he killed them so maybe Hope should've let him do it then and there even though he was merely trying to scare a confession out of them. He looks at Hope and says he is not going to defend or explain himself or his motivation to her or anyone else. He takes off and slams the door behind him. Billie, Jack, Frankie, Abby, Caroline, Roman, Abe, and Shane look on in horror along with Hope as she cries for Bo to come back and not to do this as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next "Salem Lives:"

Victor to Maggie: What are you saying?

Maggie to Victor: You are my strength and the only thing keeping me from falling apart and I don't know why.

Kayla: Is someone there?

Stefano: Kayla Johnson is the key to destroying the lives of my enemies and, most of all, Victor Kiriakis.

Hope (with Bo) to Shawn: We will miss you.

Belle: I am not letting you go just yet Shawn.

Abby to Chelsea: Where's Max?

Chelsea to Abby: You mean he isn't with you?

Cassie to Max: What do you say you and I steam up the dance floor?

Sami: There is something I need to tell you all.

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