"Salem Lives" Insider Week of 9/18/06


Victor (John Aniston) thinks he has a partner in his son, Bo (Peter Reckell).
Bo's downward spiral takes him in a shocking direction this week on Salem Lives when he turns to his biological father, Victor. The week begins with Bo drowning his sorrows at the Cheatin Heart. "Bo is coming off bascially turning his back on his loved ones and calling it quits with Hope," previews HW Tim Lowery. "He is not in a good place but we start to see him wonder if he did the right thing and if he should make things right." Things change when Victor, who is looking for Bo, approaches him and they have a long talk. "Victor reiterates to Bo that he agrees with the actions Bo thinks is necessary to protect those he loves," says Lowery. "Victor tells Bo that the police and the current system have always had it wrong in that innocent people get punished while the guilty go free to hurt again and that is what happened with Chelsea and many of their loved ones." Victor leaves Bo with an open invitation to join his fight against Stefano and his enemies and to take action with guranteed results. "Bo is left wondering if Victor has it right and his ways are more effective. You may have to push loved ones away but if it protects them then you have to do it," notes Lowery. Bo does some soul searching and, by week's end, ends up on Victor's doorstep. "He asks Victor what he has to do and how far they need to go," previews Lowery. "Victor just tells him as far as they need to in order to protect the people they love." The question is...can Bo commit to this? "The fans will just have to wait and see," teases Lowery. "The war is just beginning and the dividing lines are just being drawn. The real drama is still yet to come," promises Lowery.

Sami (Alison Sweeney) learns a secret...and admits her own!!!
Sami makes yet another surprising decision this week on Salem Lives when she admits her scheme to break up Carrie and Austin. The week begins with everyone reacting to Shane's reading of Carrie's letter. "For starters, no one is really buying what was in the letter," says HW Tim Lowery. "Roman, Austin, Lucas, and even Sami question it." Austin and Lucas then think about the island and all the bad things happening in Salem of late. "They start to think that it may make sense and that Carrie may be afraid to raise a child in Salem with the Dimera's around and so on," notes Lowery. During all this, Austin goes off on his own and just starts lashing out about missing Carrie and what could be his child. Austin is unaware that Sami hears everything from Austin admitting his love for Carrie to Austin's belief that Carrie's child is his. "Sami feels burned but also isn't surprised," says Lowery. "She has been wondering of late whether she should start anew romantically away from Lucas and Austin because they both love Carrie and now this happens. She had suspicions here and there but now it's a reality she must face." After hearing Austin, Sami realizes the real reason Carrie left is because she didn't know who the baby's father was and didn't want to destroy The Roberts/Reed family and all their lives. "It's typical Carrie as Sami realizes and Sami just starts thinking about why she has wasted all these years going after Austin and Lucas, both of whom have Carrie on a pedestal," previews Lowery. "She returns home to Will and he mentions how he always hoped one day their family would be stabile and he would have somewhat of a normal life. Sami realizes her problems with relationships are a main contributer to that." By week's end, Sami has collected her thoughts and decides yet again to do something that is very unlike her. "She chose to tell everyone about Carrie a few week's ago, which was a change, and now this," notes Lowery. "She calls everyone in and tells them about the lie Lexie and her collaborated on to break up Austin and Carrie. What happens after that is just pure drama and hell for Sami," laughs Lowery.
Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts): As previously reported, Sumpter is taken over the role from Christopher Gerse. He first appears on September 20.
Stephen Nichols (Steve "Patch" Johnson): As previously reported, the actor is returning. He will first appear from the back of the head on September 22 and his face will be revealed on September 29.
Brandon Beemer (Jason) and J. F. Pryor (Barry): Both actors last aired on September 11.
Jason Cook (Shawn Brady): Cook last appears on September 25 after a heartbreaking goodbye with Belle (Martha Madison). As previously reported, the role is not being recast at this time.
Previews and Sneak Peak for Week of 9/18/06
-Jack comforts Billie.
-Roman confronts Shane about Carrie.
-Max realizes he isn't over Chelsea and pleads with her to let him be there for her.
-Austin's secret is out.
-Hope gathers the family together to help her save Bo.
-Belle turns to Shawn's family to keep him from leaving Salem.
-Sami learns Austin's secret.
-Kayla's search puts her in danger.
-Chelsea and Bo push away loved ones and rebel.
-Sami contemplates her love life and makes a big decision.
-Carrie comforts Alan when his past comes back to haunt him.
-Frankie advises Abby to go after Max.
-Shawn says goodbye to friends and family.
-Cassie comes on to Max.
-Kayla is the key to Stefano's revenge against Victor and the Brady's.
Red Letter Days!!!
Monday September 18: Sami learns the truth about Austin and Carrie.
Friday September 22: Shawn says goodbye to the rest of his loved ones and prepares to leave Salem as Belle plans a last ditch effort to stop him. Also, on this same day, Sami confesses and Bo gives Victor the answer to his offer.
Next Week: Sami undergoes a change that stuns everyone. Bo moves in with Victor. Hope realizes how far gone Bo is. Belle says goodbye to Shawn and makes a decision. Kayla's dreams come true. Chelsea tries to convince Abby to take a ride on the wild side. Stefano has plans for Cassie...and Max.
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