Episode 190
Dusty and Meg agree that they need to postpone the wedding justa bit longer so they can work things out between them. Dusty suggests December, but Meg says no and suggests October 18. Dusty agrees and the two are soon joined by Roxie, who came over to return something Meg had lent her. Meg asks Roxie to be her maid of honor and a physically touched Roxie says yes.
Lucinda informs Luke, Lucy, and Sierra that Lily and Holden are wrapping up their cruise and should be hope around the first of October. Luke leaves to meet up with Will, Maddie, and Gwen at the Oakdale hot spot, Ice. After a few drinks, Maddie carries an embarassed, but flattered Luke out on to the dance floor. Meanwhile, Gwen tells Will that she has something that she needs his advice on.
Jason and Henry arrive at Mike and Katie's and tell Mike the bad news about Jason not being able to get a big name wedding planner to surprise Katie. Mike almost throws in the towel on the whole project, but Jason conivnces him that as a team, all three of them can plan the surprise wedding of a lifetime for Katie. Meanwhile, Katie asks Nancy is she's heard Mike say anything about their wedding and vents her frustration that he's been very shady lately.
Andy tells his mother all about the fiasco in Chicago and how Emily won't even talk to him now. Kim says that as much as she dislikes Emily, she can tell that Andy is really in love and happy. Kim suggests Andy give Emily a little space and she'll eventually come around. Meanwhile, Susan tells Emily that she needs to understand that all men are a little touchy when it comes to endangering ones they love. Emily says she doesn't care and that she'd be happy if she never saw Andy again. The converstaion is soon interrupted by Daniel, who asks why Emily doesn't love Mr. Andy anymore.
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