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September 13, 2006



-Victor checks for Chelsea's pulse and can't find one. He begs her to hold on. Nico arrives and Victor tells him to take Maggie away. Nico asks what happened to her. Victor thinks she got drunk and passed out but she seems fine. He tells her to take her back to his mansion and keep her there so no one sees her. It is probably what she would want. Nico leaves carrying Maggie. Victor calls 911 and then calls Bo to let him know he found her and it isn't good. Victor tells him to meet them at the hospital and to let the others know. Bo calls Hope, who is with Billie. Hope hangs up and tells Billie that Chelsea is on her way to the hospital. Victor found her and she is hurt. Billie and her race off.

-Nico is carrying Maggie when she comes to. Maggie hits Nico until he puts her down. Nico explains to her that Mr Kiriakis found her and told him to take her to his house so no one would see her. Maggie says she is fine and doesn't need any help. She tells Nico to leave. Nico says he has orders. Maggie tells him to leave or she will scream and say he kidnapped her. Nico reluctantly leaves. Julie and Laura are nearby as they left the courthouse to get some fresh air while they wait to hear about Chelsea. They see Maggie in the park and walk up to her. They are both glad to see her and ask where she has been and why she has not answered their messages. It didn't even seem like she was home this morning when they stopped by to see if she wanted to join them for Chelsea's hearing. Maggie says she was out walking all night. She needed to get out to think and she was just overcome with memories. She tells them it is none of their business anyway. Julie looks at her and says she looks like hell. Julie thinks she has fallen off the wagon. Maggie denies it and says she hasn't even thought about it. The last thing she wants to do is disappoint Mickey and her family even though they are already as she is the reason Mickey is dead. Laura tells Maggie that is not true. Maggie insists it is. Julie gets the phone call about Chelsea. Julie tells Maggie to come with them. Maggie, thinking it will be a good way to get them all off her back for awhile, agrees to go if they lay off her. Julie and Laura agree and they race to the hospital.

-At the hospital, Abe tells Celeste that Lexie is doing well. Celeste says she has a bad feeling about Chelsea and what is to come. She tells Abe she sees death casting a pall around Salem as they speak. Jack, Abby, Max, Shawn, Belle, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Roman, Cal, Alice, Caroline, Julie, Doug, Greta, Eric, Nicole, Laura, and Maggie have all gathered. Everyone is glad to see Maggie out and about. Maggie remains silent and just nods. Shawn mentions that he shouldn't even be there as he doesn't give a damn if Chelsea lives or dies. Belle tells him not to say that. Shawn says it's the truth but he won't have to deal with her much longer regardless as he is leaving. Belle tells him she is not letting him go. Shawn says he is not giving her a choice. Kate is worried sick about Chelsea. Lucas and Austin tell her it will be ok. Kate says she already has one future grandchild missing with Carrie being MIA but losing Chelsea would be too much. Bo, Hope, and Billie arrive. Bo tells Billie to have faith that it isn't as bad as Victor said. Kate and Billie comfort each other.

-The ambulance arrives and Victor races in with Chelsea. Billie, Bo, Hope, and Kate see Chelsea bleeding, bruised, and battered and ask what happened. Victor says she mentioned the names Jason and Barry. Bo says those are the two guys that...and then stops seeing everyone around. Billie takes notice and follows Bo and Hope into the ER. Billie asks Bo what he was going to say. Bo says it's not the time and place. Billie demands the truth right now. Bo says it has to be kept quiet and that is why he kept it quiet for the last few days. Bo tells Billie Jason and Barry raped Chelsea during the organized drug operation that Victor set up back in May in a effort to help find Philip. It was the night Josh died and they both raped her and now it seems they hurt her again. Hope goes to wait outside. Chelsea begins to wake up. Bo asks her what happened and to her dad. Chelsea says they wanted to hurt her because she told on them and because he came after them. They wanted to pay her back and they called her dirty and a slut. Bo asks her what they did. Chelsea says they beat her and they forced her and then she passes out. Bo walks off in a rage as Billie says how could this happen twice and this time she even got beat up. Bo says maybe he should not have gone after them but the DA let them slide after they retracted and Chelsea was refusing putting them in jail out of fear of them and of the public. Billie says he was wrong to take matters into his own hands but understands it. She is furious she didn't know. Hope comes in and asks what Chelsea told them. Bo informs her and says this is all her fault. If she had told him sooner and had not stopped him when he had the rapists, none of this happens. Hope says she feels bad for not telling him but not for stopping him from killing the men. Bo says they deserve to die for this. Victor comes in and says he is partly to blame too as the operation he organized got her into this and he knew of the rape and kept it a secret. Billie asks how many others know. Bo says that's it. Bo and Billie agree the drug operation was not Victor's fault as he did it for Philip but they should have been told sooner about the rape. Victor apologizes. Bo looks at Hope and says especially since she is his wife and she lectured him about trust. Hope says Chelsea wanted it that way. Billie says that Hope should've known better and now look what happened. The doctor comes out and backs up Chelsea's claims that she was most likely raped again. He says Chelsea will be fine but emotionally there is no telling. Bo is furious and asks Hope if she is happy. She let Chelsea off with a break for killing Zack but Chelsea got a much worse punishment now. He asks Hope if she is pleased now as she comes off looking good and still gets to see his daughter punished. Hope says it was never like that. Chelsea was changing so Hope gave her another chance and she never wanted this to happen. Billie says she can't beleive that and either can Bo, who tells Hope he can't deal with her right now. Shawn comes in after hearing everything and tells Hope not to worry about dad. Hope says that Bo is right-it does make her feel good deep down for what Chelsea did and she hates that. She asks Shawn what is wrong with her. Shawn says nothing is and embraces her.

-Abby can see Max is worried about Chelsea. Abby says she is worried too and even after everything she can see he still cares. Max says he hopes she is ok.

-Bo and Billie announce that Chelsea will be fine but she is shook up and hurt pretty bad. Bo fills Roman in and says they need to find Jason and Barry. Roman says they need Chelsea a statement because otherwise they can't do anything. Bo says that those guys need to be off the street. They already were let go once and he let them go because of Hope. They can't get off again. Roman says their hands are tied without a statement from Chelsea. Bo throws the coffee pot across the room getting everyone's attention. Bo says he will not let his daughter or anyone else get hurt again and says he is sick of these rules. Roman urges Bo to calm down, as does Caroline. Victor says that Bo is right. The rules only let loved ones get hurt and he learned that. Caroline warns Victor to stay out of it. Victor says the system is easily manipulated and can't be trusted. Roman tells Victor he will always respect him because of Isabella but after his affair with Caroline recently and with him seemingly getting back to his crime roots with his alleged involvement in the warehouse explosion, he can't listen to his words of wisdom right now. Hope tells Bo to listen to his family and let everything just play out. Bo looks at Billie and asks her if she has faith the system will punish who hurt their daughter. Billie says she is only concerned with Chelsea and that it is best to let the chips fall as they may right now. Bo is disgusted that they can all beleive in something that let two punks get away with rape the first time so they could just do it again. Bo says he lost faith in the system before and went back to give it another chance but not anymore. He is taking matters into his own hands. Roman warns Bo not to do anything rash. Bo walks out. Hope follows and begs Bo not to do anything stupid. Bo looks at her and warns her not to get in his way this time and walks off. Roman asks Hope where Bo went. Hope says she doesn't know and that is what scares her.

-Caroline lashes out at Victor for supporting Bo turning his back on the system. Victor says it's true and that too many have been burned by it for it to not be true. Caroline says it makes her sick seeing him becoming what he said he would never be again. Victor walks off and says to Caroline it makes him sick seeing what is happening to his loved ones and he needs to do something about it. Caroline looks at Victor and asks him what he is going to do. Victor walks off as Caroline worries what he may do. Maggie is nearby and hears the whole exchange. She hears Victor call Nico, who explains what happened with Maggie. Victor says it's fine but he needs his help on making sure the men thay hurt Chelsea pay for their actions. Victor leaves the hospital, with a curious Maggie on his tail.

-Chelsea is moved to a private room. Kate thanks the doctor, who tells Billie and her not to bother Chelsea as she is sedated. Meanwhile, a groggy Chelsea is having a dream about Jason and Barry hitting her and calling her slut. They are all over her and then she wakes up. She gets out of bed and says if being good didn't work maybe being bad will. She limps to the door and sneaks past the nurses desk and into the stairwell.

-Shawn asks Hope if she is ok. She says she is worried about Bo. Doug and Julie tell her that everything will be fine. Julie notices Maggie is missing. Caroline joins them and Hope asks her if she is ok as she looks upset. Caroline says she is fine. Roman comes over and says he can't find Bo anywhere. Caroline asks about Victor. Roman asks why she would ask that and asks if Victor is missing. He sees the look on Caroline's face and remembers Victor supporting Bo earlier. He calls the station and tells them to keep a lookout for Detective Bo Brady and Victor Kiriakis. Meanwhile, Billie goes in to check on Chelsea and finds her missing. She races in to the waiting area and announces Chelsea's gone right as Roman gets a phone call...telling him Jason and Barry were just found dead in the river. Roman announces the news to everyone. Caroline, Hope, and Billie look on worried as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next "Salem Lives:"

Carrie to Shane: I am begging you...please don't tell anyone I am here.

Abby to Max: Are you sure you are really over her?

Caroline to Victor: Did you do it? Did you kill those boys?

Maggie: No, he didn't.

Julie to Maggie: Where did you go?

Hope to Bo: Brady...you didn't do what I think you did...please say you didn't.

Billie to Chelsea: Chelsea, I need to know where you were.

Bo to Roman: I am done with you...with all of you!!!!

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WTF?! :blink: Chelsea just got attacked and she's wanting to seek revenge?!

I don't think ANY woman in America would be THAT naive.

Chelsea's such a douche! lol...

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