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TWOO: 2006 Fall Previews + Rumors



Autumn is a season of change. So much can also be said about The World Of Oakdale. After this autumn, nothing will ever be the same.

The World Of Oakdale: 2006 Fall Previews

The Hughes Family:
This family has definitely taken a backburner in the past few months. But this fall, the Hughes family will soon find their household in chaos thanks to a runaway teen. And that's not all. That same runaway teen has familial connections to someone living in Oakdale.

Andy and Emily have come through alot, but after this next stunt, Emily may not want a relationship with Andy...ever. "She's certainly apalled by Andy's actions. She's never seen that side of him before," laments Scott DeFreitas [Andy]. What exactly does Andy do that's so unforgiveable? Stay tuned.

This storyline has really taken a backburner, too. But with Holden and Lily's return from their cruise and with Lucinda announcing the re-launch of her company, Worldwide....things get a bit complicated. Holden finds himself in the middle of a battle that could end in heartbreak. How will he handle it? And a surprise return at the re-launch party causes even more havoc.

This storyline will soon be wrapping up...and in a shocking way. Will the marriage ever happen? Of course. "They love each other terribly," says Meg Wilson [Meg]. "But they have alot to overcome before they can get married." Plus, a surprise return at the wedding just might stop it from even happening.

The Teen Scene:
As this storyline wraps up, look for the teens to take a back seat for a while, so the show can focus on more stories. One couple will face the ultimate test of love when an intruder causes chaos in their love life...forming what we in the soap community would like to call "a love triangle".

Yet another love triangle. While Emma battles her feelings for Grant and tries to identify just what kind of feelings they are, Grant will soon catch the eye of Oakdale's resident Liz Taylor, Lisa Miller Grimaldi. Also expect Susan to join the fold of ladies lusting after Mr. Hamilton in late Autumn. "Suffice to say that Mr. Hamilton is quite the ladies' man," chuckles Jerry Douglas [Grant]. Also, expect a resolution to the story of Emma losing her farm.

Gwen finally realizes who has her designs. But she won't be getting revenge anytime soon. "She knows. But for fear of losing her job, doesn't say anything," says Jennifer Landon [Gwen]. However, Barbara soon realizes that Roxie didn't do those designs. And that is when the claws will come out.

This couple was promised a meaty storyline upon return from their hiatus, but fans will just have to wait a bit longer. "I have so many stories going on that I don't have the time or the effort to write this story. Not as much as I would like," laments Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford. "Look for their story to jump start sometime at the beginning of the year." As for now, Carly will continue being a shoulder to lean on for her sister Gwen and Jack will continue hutning down bad guys.

This is a love story that's never been told before. Mike recruits some of Katie's closet friends to help him plan the perfect surprise wedding for his bride-to-be. But don't expect Katie to just sit there and wonder what's going on behind her back. Mark Collier [Mike] laughs, "Katie will be snooping around every corner, wanting to find out what they're doing. After all, snooping is what Katie does best."



Look for two actors to leave the show in early October.

Is there any chance Jessica Dunphy [Alison] and Agim Kaba [Aaron] will stick around town? According to sources, their short-term return could turn into a contract if the fans react well.

Wedding bells will soon be ringing. And sources say the writers are pulling out all the stops to make this the most memorable wedding that Oakdale has ever seen.

Any rumors about Spencer Grammer coming abaord the show have finally been put to rest. "Spencer is a very talented actress, but there's simply no room for her on the canvas right now," explains Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford. "Maybe sometime in the future we might bring her on, but not for the forseeable future.

And lastly, online speculation says that Episode 200 will be a scripted show.


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