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-Sami tells EJ frantically that they have to get down to the ground and make sure Lucas is alright as EJ begins to wonder why Sami cares so much about saving Lucas when she loves Austin but then he tells her that they can go down the firescape to get to him so Sami begins to scramble down the firescape and once she gst down to the ground she runs over to Lucas and feels that he has a faint pulse so she yells “Lucas no I love you!!!!”

-Austin barely manages to climb onto the roof and runs over to a still unconscious Carrie, he begs her to wake up and once she finally comes to she begs Austin to save her baby and he says he will, she thn says faintly “Austin…..Austin…I love you….” then she falls unconscious again so Austin quickly picks up Carrie and sees that the whole roof is engulfed in flames so he runs to the door and jumps down where the stairs use to be, right into the flames!

-As Lilly is walking into the Spears Mansion she notices the lights are on when she gets in and finds a note on the coffee table in the living room telling her that Jan has gone to jail so Lilly yells “No!” and says to herself that she has to get Jan out of jail because number one she is her sister and number two, Jan knows a secret that Lilly has! Lilly tells herself that if Jan blabs her secret, she will be in huge trouble and Abby hears that as she is walking up to the Spears Mansion’s entrance!

-As Frankie arrives at the Deverauk house Jennifer tells Kayla that she needs to talk to Frankie alone now so Kayla nods and goes into the kitchen, as Frankie walks into the door Jennifer tells him that they need to talk.

-After Kayla walks into the kitchen she sees Steve getting ready to walk out the door so she asks him where he is going and he turns around and tells her that he is sorry but he has to leave Salem for good.

-As John is walking by the Dimera Mansion he sees a light on inside ands a lot of guard walking around so he wonders what is going on and begins to sneak in closer!

-Marlena and Nicole arrive in the parking lot of Sami’s apartment, Roman is already there along with some police officers, ambulances and Firefighters, Marlena runs over to him and asks him if he knows where Sami is but Roman replies that he has no idea where Sami, Austin, Lucas or Carrie are and Nicole says that they were all there before she left for the hospital earlier so Marlena becomes to fear that everyone could die and she also remembers that Carrie could lose her baby because of the delicate pregnancy and Nicole thinks to herself that if Carrie loses her baby with Lucas, it could draw her back to Austin.

-Lucas awakens and looks up at Sami and asks her why she is on top of him and she then says “Lucas, oh thank goodness your safe” and then she quickly gets off of him and replies that she was just making sure he was alright so Lucas says okay and asks her if she knows where Carrie is and Sami says that she was on the rooftop last she saw and Austin got up there so Lucas says “Good” and tells her that he is going back in to make sure she is okay but first he is getting her to safety but EJ interrupts and says that he can do that for him, Lucas says that no, he has to make sure the mother of his son is alright too so Sami thanks him and they quickly run towards the parking lot as flames fall all around them from the tiny explosions of electricity.

-Austin gets to the elevator shaft and tells Carrie to hang on because he is going to have to jump down it to get to the main level. After that he jumps and manages to land on his feet without hurting himself that much so he runs for the front door past the fire fighters and finally manages to get out the door into the parking lot.

-Abby quickly hides behind a wall as Lilly rushes out of the Spears Mansion to get Jan out of jail, once Lilly is in her car and drives off Abby tells herself that she has to find out Lilly’s secret because it might hurt Max.

-John is stopped by a guard as he prepares to enter the Dimera Mansion, he asks the guard what is going on in there and the guard answers that they are doing renovations in the mansion and no one can go in there right now but Jon interjects that no one lives there and orders the guard to stop lying and tell him what is really going on.

-Jennifer begins to tear up and tells Frankie that what she has to tell him will change his life forever, Frankie asks what is it that she has to say and Jennifer finally admits that she still loves Jack and wants to be with him!

-Kayla begs Steve to stay in Salem and asks why he has to leave, Steve tells her that he can’t just sit in a town that he does not know and try to remember a life he never had but Kayla says that he did have it and deep down inside he knows that so Steve begins to have a flash of memory and looks at Kayla and says “Sweetness”.

-As Austin, Lucas, Sami, EJ and Carrie all arrive in the parking lot Austin immediately rushes over to a stretcher that the paramedics got for Carrie while Sami jumps into Marlena’s arms and Nicole, Lucas and Roman all go over to the stretcher Carrie is on as do Marlena and Sami once they are done with their hug, Austin and Lucas both asks the paramedics how Carrie and the baby are, after examining Carrie the paramedic tells everyone around her stretcher that Carrie is stable and should be fine, but she lost her baby.


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