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-Sami screams as a fire begins on the rooftop of her apartment and Alan grabs her and tells her she will pay for messing up his plan so Sami tries to get away from him but as she is she looks up to see that the electric box caused electricity to hit the wires up on one of the Electric towers so it goes crashing into the apartment, causing fires to start all over the place and explosions!!!!!!

-Bo is overjoyed to learn the babies are his and tells Hope that now they can be together while in a corner Billie thinks that now she can never have Bo.

-At the Spears Mansion, Jan opens the door and walks in and as she does someone grabs her neck from behind and pulls her into the living room!

-Shawn tells Cassie that would not happen and that Rex and Mimi are just friends and then she asks him what makes him so sure.

-As Austin and Lucas are walking through the halls of their apartment, looking for Sami and Carrie they smell smoke and runs into one of the apartment rooms to see flames everywhere!

-Celeste tries to break free of Stefano’s grip but she can’t and he tells her that soon the citizens of Salem will suffer by his hand once more!

-Jennifer begins to think about what Kayla is saying and blurts out to Kayla that she still loves Jack!

-After Abby is done talking to Jack upstairs in the Deveraux house, Steve arrives and goes into Jack’s room, once he is there he tells Jack that he is leaving Salem… for good.

-Alan tries to strangle Sami but before he can all of a sudden the roof begins to break due to all of the fires and then it finally breaks, causing Sami and Alan to fall through the roof and down into a room full of flames!

-Hope tells Bo that they still cannot be together so he asks her why and she says that Patrick just died and she is not ready to get into a relationship yet.

-After the person throws Jan onto a chair she looks up to see Victor Kirakis!!!! She angrily asks him what he is doing there and why he is attacking her and he replies that he heard that she was back in town so now it is time to get what she deserves and Jan turns to see several police officers walking through the door.

-Shawn says that Mimi loves him and he loves her and then before Cassie can answer he says the case is closed and he leaves the room, once he gets out into the waiting room Mimi tells him about the paternity test results so Shawn says that they can leave now so Shawn, Mimi, Rex, Cassie, Belle and Philip leave the hospital.

-Austin tells Lucas that they have to find Sami and Carrie quick so Lucas agrees and they begin to run through the halls to look on the roof but the flames begin to spread so the stairs that go to the roof fall!

-Celeste tells Stefano that he will not harm anyone but Stefano disagrees and tells her that he will use Lexie to help him.

-Kayla asks Jennifer why she has not told Frankie that yet and that he needs to know but Jennifer says that she could not hurt Frankie like that.

-Jack asks Steve why and Steve says that now he knows Jack is better there is nothing for him in Salem but Jack says that that is not the real reason so Steve admits that he cannot take this anymore and that he is tired of Kayla trying to convince him about his old life but Jack argues that he can see in Steve’s eyes that he still loves Kayla, even without his memory.

-After Sami and Alan fall through the roof and into an apartment room she quickly tries to escape from him but the door is blocked off by flames, Alan yells that he will get her but before he can get over to Sami a beam from the ceiling falls on him and more flames ignite, causing Alan to disappear into the flames with a yell of pain whil Sami screams for somebody to help her as flames surround her and more beams begin to fall.


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