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September 1, 2006



-Nico tells Victor the plan is set. Victor is happy and says that in less then an hour Stefano Dimera will face his full wrath.

-Lexie goes to the hospital and asks a nurse why she was paged. The nurse gives her a note addressed to her from the hospital board saying she was told to give that to Dr. Carver. She opens it and discovers the board is reviewing her license to practice medicine and does not like the current scandal surrounding her and her affair with a man who worked with the Dimera's, especially since she is a Dimera herself. She is now suspended until further notice. Lexie panics about what this could mean for her chances of keeping Theo. She decides to go back to the mansion and, hopefully, catch her father before he leaves.

-Cassie talks about how happy she is to be a Dimera again. She liked the Brady's but admits she never fit. She notices Stefano hasn't said much and that he is looking at his watch. She asks what is going on. Stefano asks her if she would like to go on a trip. They can catch up and even enjoy some time together. Cassie is all for it and runs upstairs to pack. Stefano admits that he did not want to bring her but needs to leave now or any plans he has will be ruined.

-Nico reveals to Victor that a letter was sent to the Dimera mansion telling Stefano where to meet his aid who is helping him escape. Nico says that Stefano likes to communicate via notes or letters because it is harder to detect or intercept them unlike phone calls or face to face visits. Victor is pleased and is anticipating the results of his plan.

-Cassie is all packed and set to leave. Stefano tells her they are going to go through his underground tunnel as he doesn't want to be seen in Salem yet. Cassie understands and they leave just as the maid answers the door and recieves the fake note Nico had one of Victor's henchmen send. The maid places the note on Stefano's table and asks one of the mansion staff members if he has seen Mr. Dimera. While the maid is gone, Lexie lets herself into the mansion and searches for Stefano. She finds the note and wonders if it may have info on where her father went. The envelope is not sealed completely so she beleives he opened it already as it is right near his chessboard. She really needs him and hopes he would understand her opening it since he seems to be not there. She reads the note and discovers it is directions to meet with one of his aids to help him escape. Lexie knows exactly where the warehouse is and hopes to catch her father there. SHe leaves. Meanwhile, the Dimera staff member tells the maid that Stefano left with his grandaughter Cassie just a few minutes ago. The maid races to the underground tunnel to catch Stefano. Stefano and Cassie are rushing down the tunnel and are near the end when the maid reaches them out of breath. She informs Stefano of the note. Stefano asks where it is and the maid remembers that she forgot it. The staff memner races up behind them and says he has the note and says he found it opened. Stefano wonders who would open something that was his. The staff member says his daughter just came by. One of the gardeners saw her race in and then race out. He said she seemed upset. Stefano looks at the note and says something is not right. His aids always communicate via notes and letters when planning exits or escapes but he already talked to one of his aids and they had decided on another meeting place. Plus, they only use property in their posession or property they can get away with using and the warehouse in the note belongs to Victor Kiriakis, who is the only one besides Cassie and Lexie that knows he is back in Salem. Victor tells Cassie he must find Lexie as something may be wrong. He tells Cassie to stay back as it may be too dangerous. Before she can argue, he runs off as Cassie wonders what may be going on.

-Billie comes by Jack's house. Laura answers. Billie asks if Jack is there and Laura says he isn't seeing anyone right now. Jack overhears and says that isn't true. He asks Billie to come in. He reminds Laura to cool it and stay out of his life. Frankie overhears and says Laura would be wise to take that advise. Laura gets a phone call from Julie and says she needs to go and leaves. Billie and Jack talk about what Laura's problem is. Jack says she is just being overprotective. Laura and him have always been close since their affair and she also is tough about who she wants to see her son in law with and she doesn't really care for the daughter of Kate Roberts, one of her rivals. Billie understands. Jack tells her not to worry as he lives his own life and no one tells him what to do.

-Max comes over to see Abby and asks how she is dealing. She says she is getting better everyday and she asks how things are with him. He tells her Chelsea and him are on a little break right now. Abby's eyes light up. Max tells her he is so frustrated as he has been trying to talk to her and she just pushes him away and won't take any time to talk at all. He can't wait around forever for her and doesn't plan to. She probably isn't even worth it. Abby can't help but be happy about this and she doesn't understand why.

-Laura arrives at Alice's house. Julie, Doug, and Alice wait for her and tell her they need her help. They are very worried about Maggie and want Laura to evaluate her. They were going to wait but they don't want to wait until it is too late. Laura understands and would be happy to help. Doug, Julie, and Laura decide to head over to Maggie's right now as the sooner they do this the better.

-Maggie thinks about everything that has happened and looks at the vodka bottle. She wonders if Mickey and Lucas were both wrong. Maybe one or two drinks once in a while won't hurt her. She just needs something to take the edge off and it may help her get through her hellish life. She opens the bottle and puts it up to her lips.

-Bo is at the station. Abe arrives and tells Bo he has bad news about those rapists he brought in. Bo asks if Chelsea'a rape has gone public. Abe says no but both men have been released. Bo is furious and asks why. Abe says the DA didn't think there was enough to go on and both men retracted their confession. Bo tells Abe he has Victor as a witness. Abe says it may not be enough as Victor ordered the men to be part of the operation so his character will take a hit, especially with his past. They can't stick them with anything as they have nothing. The DA released both on bail and the investigation will continue but they can't hold them. Bo is angry and tells Abe both men are a danger to the public and to his daughter. He will not stand for this. The justice system he has faith in always seems to find a way to let him down alot. He says he will just take matters into his own hands. Abe tells Bo not to do something rash. Bo walks out in a rage as abe is worried what he may do. Abe then gets a call from Celeste. She is terrified and tells Abe someone they love may be in danger.

-Chelsea is walking at Salem Place when Hope comes out of nowhere. Hope tells Chelsea she has been looking all over for her. Hope tells Chelsea about how Zack visited her again but in a dream this time. He helped her make a decision and she has decided to not testify against her in court. She is going to ask the judge to give her community service and probation and that is it. It is what Zack would want but she will only do this on one condition. Chelsea must continue to changer her ways and be that young woman Hope has been seeing of late or she will change her mind. Chelsea hugs her and thanks her. Hope then gets a call from Abe telling her about Bo and what happened. He is worried about what Bo may do. Hope says she will try to find him. Hope tells Chelsea she needs to leave but doesn't tell her what happened with the rapists and her father. She runs off to find Bo.

-Kayla enters the state prison and asks to see Patrick Lockhart. She is let in and Patrick wonders what took her so long. Kayla says they have him in maximum security as he is a Dimera employee. Patrick tells Kayla he wants to make a deal. He will tell her a secret that will change her life forever but she must find some way to get him out of prison. He needs to get out to make things right. He did grow to care about the people of Salem and he wants to do right by his sister and brother. His mother would want that. Kayla says she would be happy to help as he seems genuinely sorry and sincere but she can't. Patrick says if she doesn't help, she won't get anything out of him. Kayla then walks off and asks the guard outside to talk to her. She asks the guard if he knows her and she tells him she is Captain Roman's Brady and Detective Bo's Brady's sister. She asks for his help and asks the guard to lie to Patrick and say that he is being released based on lack of evidence or something. The guard asks why she wants him to do this. Kayla says there is something he knows that she needs to know. It's minor and one of those little things but she needs to know. The guard agrees and tells Patrick that the judge decides there was no clear evidence of any wrongdoing. He will be released on bail this afternoon and will only be charged with aiding and abetting and that charge may be tossed too. The guard leaves as Patrick asks if this is for real. Kayla says of course it is. The guard doesn't know her and she can't pay him off so it looks like he is getting out. Kayla confesses she actually pushed for his release by using her family's name. Patrick appreciates it. Kayla sits down and asks Patrick to tell her everything he knows now that she fulfilled her end of the bargain. He agrees to tell her everything.

-Nicole arrives at the police station and asks Roman if he has seen Eric. Roman says no. Kate then shows up wanting to talk to Roman about Belle. Roman says he is busy. Austin and Lucas arrive with Caroline, who bumped into them outside. Caroline, like Lucas and Austin, was wondering about the search for Carrie. Roman says there is no change and that he is being told to call off the search by the higher ups. Kate, Austin, Lucas, and Caroline are horrified. Nicole comforts Austin and assures him he can get through this and to call her if he needs her. She needs to get going looking for Eric. Roman asks Nicole to call him when she finds him. She says she will and leaves.

-Carrie is now out of the wooded area and sees a gas station but it's closed. There is a pay phone but she has no money. She decides to call collect.

-Sami is at home wondering if it is tiem to turn her life around and just cut Austin out of her life. She can't cut Lucas out because of Will but maybe she should start dating men that she doesn't know or who are related to people she doesn't know. She may stand a better chance instead of always being second choice. Sami looks at the picture of her, Austin, Carrie, and Lucas and she wonders why they always end up in the love quadrangle and why she always ends up being the odd one out.

-Faux Roman is in bed and is still staying at Roman's house. He is having nightmares about learning he is not the real Roman and wondering who he is. He wakes up and decides to get a drink. As he walks , he trips and hits his head on the side table. He lies unconscious with a gash on his head.

-Greta bumps into Eric on the dock and asks him where he has been. Nicole is worried and she called her to help look for him. Eric says he just needed some time to think. Greta tells Eric he is lying and she knows it. Greta tells Eric about Nicole asking her and Sami to help her learn what is really going on and she thinks Eric needs to tell Nicole right now. She will find out soon enoug anyway as either Sami or her will discover the truth. He tells Greta he can't do that.

-Belle is frustrated as Shawn has not returned her messages all day. She arrives on his doorstep and tells him they need to talk. Shawn says he knows they do but he wants her to listen as he has made a decision.

-Jack tells Billie he needs to stop wallowing and needs to move on. Frankie overhears and agrees. They can't just feel sorry for themselves anymore. Billie says she is right there with them given her history with Bo and they all agree to help each other.

-Abby looks at Max and asks if he is serious about ending things with Chelsea for good. He says he is thinking about it. He asks Abby not to talk him out of it if he decides to since she is Chelsea's friend. Abby says she doesn't plan to talk him out of it. Max is shocked and asks why as Abby wonders what she should answer.

-Alice is at home and prays from Tom, Mickey, and all her deceased loved ones to look down on all of them. Alice hopes that Maggie is ok and that she will get through this. She is confident she will as she is a Horton and if all the Hortons band together they can get through anything.

-Doug, Julie, and Laura arrive at Maggie's and knock on the door. They beg Maggie to let them in. Maggie chooses to ignore them as she doesn't want to see them right now. Looking at them just makes her feel worse. She looks at the bottle and says she can't resist anymore. A drink or two won't hurt and she has nothing more to lose. Her life is a mess anyway. She pulls the bottle up and hesitates and finally drink a little. She then pulls back but takes a little more and, eventually, finds herself downing the bottle. Doug takes the extra key out from under the flower pot and says they will just have to let themselves in. They begin to open the door as Maggie is gulping down the vodka.

-Belle asks Shawn what he has decided. Shawn says after seeing Belle do what she did today with Philip he has no choice-he is leaving Salem. Belle is shocked and asks where he is going. He says he is joining the Marines. Belle refuses to let that happen.

-Hope searches the streets for Bo and hopes she finds him before it is too late. Meanwhile, Chelsea's rapists are in an alley hanging around two scantily dressed women when Bo shows up in an angry rage and punches both men. He throws both of them against the side of a building and tells them if the law won't punish them, he will. He holds both men by the neck against the wall as the two women are screaming and he says he will choke the life out of them if he has to as they will pay for their crimes.

-Chelsea is walking around Salem Place and is happy about Hope's decision. She now understands that being good gets you rewarded. She wonders if she should tell Hope she is her mother and maybe more good will come out of it then bad. Chelsea turns around to find Cassie right behind her. Chelsea asks her how much she heard and Cassie says enough to know that Chelsea is hiding one mammoth of a secret that will rock many lives. Cassie gloats and wonders what she can do with this important piece of information as Chelsea squirms.

-Greta begs Eric to tell Nicole what he is hiding. Eric says he can't and won't and also won't talk about this anymore. He grabs his head and Greta asks if he is alright. Eric tells her to lay off him and he will be fine. Eric gets dizzy and Greta asks again if he is alright. He then falls backward as Greta catches him and he passes out in her arms. Greta calls out for him to wake up but he doesn't respond. She calls 911 and begs Eric to hang on.

-Faux Roman starts having memory flashes that are vague and blurred while unconscious. He remembers being in a dark room and hearing a deep voice with an accent. It is Dr. Rolf, who is asking Stefano what he wants the plastic surgeon to do with the man that is to become Roman. Rolf then hangs up and tells one of the henchmen to take Cal Winters to his cell until he and the surgeon are ready. Faux Roman then snaps out of the memory and slowly regains consciousness. He gets up and says he remembers. He now knows his name-Cal Winters. He goes upstairs to get dressed saying he needs to tell Roman.

-Caroline, Austin, Lucas, and Kate ask Roman if he thinks there is any chance of finding Carrie. He says with every passing moment there changes drop. Austin and Lucas decide they should go home as they can't do anything there. They tell Roman to keep in touch. After they leave, Kate and Caroline both ask them what they chances really are as he was vague with Lucas and Austin. Roman says that he has already given up hope and needs to accept that his daughter may be gone and he will never tell her he is her real father.

-Sami is pouring herself a drink when the phone rings. She answers it, as it first asks her if she accepts the charges, and is shocked to hear Carrie on the line. She asks Carrie where she is. Carrie tells her she is about 20 miles north of Green Mountain and tells Sami to get help and hurry. She asks Carrie where she has been and as Carrie is about to answer, Alan walks up behind her and asks Carrie what she is doing and who she is talking too. Carrie looks on in fear as Sami asks Carrie what is going on.

-Patrick tells Kayla what he is about to tell her will change her life forever. She tells him to spit it out. Patrick tells her he knows something about her husband. Kayla asks what he could possible know about her husband. Patrick says he knows that Steve Johnson is still alive and he can lead Kayla right to him. Kayla is stunned.

-Abe arrives home and asks Celeste what is going on. Celeste tells him she just as this feeling someone they love is in deep trouble. Her tarot cards suggested that death was in the air tonight. Celeste then has a vision of Lexie in flames screaming. Celeste begins to get hysterical and begs Abe to find Alexandra right now. He asks why. Celeste says that Alexandra is the one in danger of dying and, if someone doesn't stop whatever the danger is, she will die. Celeste begs Abe to help her find her daughter. Abe agrees and rushes next door to get the neighbor to watch Theo as Celeste hopes they aren't too late.

-Nico tells Victor that in less then a minute their plan will go off and Stefano Dimera will be no more. Victor laughs and says that they can then move on to Ernesto and then take out both crime organizations entirely. Victor asks Nico if anything can possibly go wrong. Nico assures him everything is on track. Victor approves and can't wait to hear the response to Stefano's death.

-Lexie arrives at the warehouse and enters looking for Stefano, Meanwhile, Stefano arrives too and hears someone behind him. It's Nicole!!

Nicole: Stefano Dimera...what the hell? Your back in Salem?

Stefano: Yes, my dear but I don't have time to chat. I am looking for my...

Nicole: I am calling the police.

Stefano: No...stop!!! There is no need. Oh...nevermind. I don't have time to deal with you...what the hell?

Nicole: What?

Stefano: That smell...it's...gas. There must be a gas leak around or near the warehouse.

Nicole: All the more reason to call the po...

Stefano: Shhh....

Nicole: Wha...

Stefano: Oh my...get down!!!

Stefano and Nicole jump to the ground. Stefano shields Nicole as the warehouse explodes into smithereens. They slowly get up coughing but seem unharmed.

Nicole: You saved my life.

Stefano: No...no...

Nicole: What's wrong? Oh my God!! What if Eric was in there...or near it?

Stefano: NO!! NO!!! ALEXANDRA!!! ALEXANDRA!!!!!

The screen fades to black and the credits roll.



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