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August 24, 2006



-Sami and Greta arrive at the Java Cafe and they both wonder why Nicole called them both there. Nicole arrives and they all sit down. Nicole explains to them Eric's behavior since he returned to Salem and had her meet him. He says he just wanted to visit and be with his family and show her off as the woman he loves but she doesn't buy it. She tells them both of Celeste's prediction of Eric's secret affecting all his loved ones and of Eric's tendency to shrug off his recent headaches. Nicole asks both women for their help since they are close to Eric. She hates asking them as she is not on good terms with either of them but they are her only hope as Eric won't tell her and she can't seem to find out so perhaps they can. Sami tells Nicole she does not support Eric's relationship with her but hearing all this does make her concerned about Eric and he is one of the few family members she cares about since everyone is so accepting of John is Roman so she will help Nicole. She makes it clear she is doing this for Eric. Greta is also against Nicole and Eric being together but says she will help too as she is concerned as well. Greta flashses back to finding Eric passed out at the police stations and feels very uneasy not saying something but remembers promising Eric she wouldn't. She hopes to somehow help Nicole find out whatever Eric is hiding and this way it will come out on its own. Nicole thanks both of them for helping.

-Eric is at Salem Place when Roman approaches him and tells him that it is about time they talk. They have barely spoken since it was revealed that he is Roman. Eric says he has alot going on and doesn't really want to. Roman thinks Eric still doesn't want to accept it and that it is hard for him. Eric explains that it is tough and will take getting used to. It does erase alot of the reasons why Eric used to hate him as John was always his father so the stink of him breaking up his family is kind of going away. It was something he could never get past but now he can knowing John is his father. Eric also admits she thinking of faux Roman as his father. Roman understands and tells him to take his time. Everything will work itself out. Sami, Nicole, and Greta bump into Roman and Eric. Eric and Nicole kiss and embrace. Greta says hello to Roman but Sami says she has to go and tells Nicole, Greta, and Eric to keep in touch. She quickly takes Eric aside and asks what John and him were discussing. Eric says that he was doing most of the talking and that it was really nothing to concern herself with. Sami says she doesn't want to lose Eric as it seems everyone else in her family is accepting John as Roman. Sami insists he will never be her father and that anyone that accept him as Roman Brady doesn't exist to her. She asks Eric if he is ok, remembering what Nicole said. He says he is fine. Sami tells him to stay that way and kisses him and leaves. Nicole comes up and asks Eric again if he is fine. He says he is and that people need to stop asking as nothing is wrong or going on. Nicole asks about the headaches. Eric says he hasn't had one in awhile so they are probably gone. He now wants to go home and make love to the woman he loves. They kiss and leave as Nicole whispers to Greta when Eric isn't looking to keep in touch. Greta mentions how Roman is going to have a tough time with Sami. Roman says he won't give up until he reclaims his life and unifies his family. He needs to do that for himself, his family, and for Marlena as he promises her. Greta tells Roman to ask her if there is anything she can do. Roman asks why Greta was with Nicole and Sami. Greta says they just were discussing Eric and trying to work through some things as he is with Nicole now and they are all going to have to learn to co-exist if Nicole and Eric stay in Salem. Greta says goodbye and leaves. Roman then looks up to the sky and tells Marlena he is trying and won't rest until he fulfills his promise to her and his duty to his family.

-Lucas and Austin are discussing Carrie and that fact that there is no word on her. They wonder if the search will be called off. Austin is sure Carrie and the baby are still out there-he can feel it . He says that they have to be ok because he couldn't deal with losing them. Lucas asks why he is so concerned for a baby that is clearly his. Carrie and him never slept together. Austin has a flashback to Carrie and him making love. Austin says he will always love Carrie and she will always own a spot in his heart. He feels that way about the baby as it is a part of her and is his niece or nephew. Lucas now understands and says he won't rest until they get answers and until they find her. He isn't giving up. Austin agrees and says he has no plans to either.

-Alan and Carrie are at the cabin outside of Salem. Carrie recalls seeing the scars on Alan's arm and decides she needs to ask about them as it is nagging at her. Carrie mentions to Alan how she saw the scars earlier and asks how he got them. Alan simply says he hurt himself in jail and there is nothing more to it. Carrie asks what happened and if someone else did it and Alan snaps. He reminds Carrie of all he has done for her and that things have been going well. Her asking questions is not a good idea. He doesn't wish to discuss or relive the past as he hopes to have a better future. He tells her not to ask questions and there will be no problems. He then apologizes for snapping but says that his past was rough, even the stuff she doesn't know about, and he just doesn't want to think about it. He begs her not to ask about it again. Carrie understands and agrees not to. She secretly decides she needs to get out of the cabin immediately as she can't trust Alan. He will tell her nothing about his time in prison or anything else. All he says is he has changed and that is not enough to go on without proof. He has treated her well but it could be a game. She can't take a chance as she is pregnant-she needs to get out of there ASAP. She decides to wait for an opportunity and then leave the cabin, find a phone, and make a run for it. Once away from the cabin and home, maybe she can then find info about everything he has been up to since they all last heard from him. She lays down and pretended to sleep while keeping one eye slightly open, waiting for her chance to make her escape.

-Belle is at the park waiting for Shawn. She is upset and crying when he arrives. Belle tells Shawn the news about Philip and that he is leaving tomarrow for a rehab center and San Francisco. Kate made the arrangements as he will get the best care for his condition there. Belle fills Shawn in on the doctor saying he may never wake up and, even when he does, he will need alot of rehab and counseling due to the major changes in his apperance from the plastic surgery. She also tells him about Kate reminding her of her promise to stand by Philip. Shawn agrees with Kate and tells Belle her place is with Philip until he gets through this. He assumes Belle will be leaving for San Francisco tomarrow. Belle is about to answer when Cassie comes running out of nowhere and is mumbling to herself in an angry manner. They ask what her problem is now and she fills them in on Rex and Mimi's plans to leave Salem with Connor and get married. Cassie says there is no way that will happen-she won't let it. Mimi and Rex then join them and Mimi says that Cassie doesn't have a choice. Belle and Shawn issue congratuations to Rex and Mimi. Belle and Shawn wish Mimi the best. Mimi hopes some day they can all by friends again but Belle and Shawn insist it will take awhile to get past what she did. Mimi promises she has learned from her mistakes as Cassie rolls her eyes. Shawn and Belle hope she really has and wish her the best. They filler Rex, Mimi, and Cassie in on Philip's situation. Rex and Mimi are devestated and want to be there when everyone says goodbye to Philip tomarrow. Their plane doesn't leave until noon so it shouldn't be an issue. They ask if Belle and Shawn have a problem with Mimi being there. Belle understands that part of the reason Mimi kept the secret about Claire's paternity was to protect Philip from being hurt, not that it makes a difference now as he is the father. She knows she cares for him so she should be there tomarrow. Shawn agrees. Mimi thanks them both and says Rex and her have alot to do so they will just see them in the morning. They leave as Cassie says they are going nowhere tomarrow. Belle advises Cassie that sometimes when you love someone you have to put their feelings and wants before your own. If she loves her brother, she will put her feelings for Mimi aside and just let him be happy and let whatever happens happen. Cassie walks off in silence. Shawn tells Belle that was good advice and enocourages her to follow it and put Philip first over her wants and needs. Belle says she will just follow her heart and it will always tell her what to do. Shawn offers to walk her back to the hospital and she accepts.

-Maggie is still hysterical after the man and his woman friend discuss Mickey and how he died. She is alone in the park and the pain and guilt she is feeling are overwhelming. She needs to find some way to deal with this. She then is walking the streets and walks by a liquor store. She reminds herself of the two previous times she had been tempted to drink since Mickey's death and stopped herself. She then begins to think about how a drink could help her. She needs something to deal with the way she is feeling. She wonders what can be the hard in having a drink or two. She walks in the liquor store and picks up a bottle of vodka, saying that something strong will do the trick and she can only have a little once in awhile to help her through this. She hesistates at first but then purchases the bottle. The clerk asks if she is ok as he notices she is upset. Maggie tells the clerk she hopes to be and hopes maybe a little drink here and there will help. She walks out of the store and looks at the bottle wondering what she is doing. She considers going back and returning it but then hesistates and says she needs something to get her through this. She wonders what she should do as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the next "Salem Lives"...

Maggie (looking at the bottle of vodka): If I do this, years of sobreity goes down the drain.

Hope to Chelsea: We need to talk.

Billie to Bo: Can you ever forgive me for what I did to you?

Celeste to Abe: Danger has arrived in Salem yet again.

Lexie: Who's there? (Turns around) Oh my God!!!


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Anyway great episode, I'm excited to see who is behind Lexie and I really like it that Vic is going back to his old ways! :)

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It's cool daysfan.

I hope you keep

reading because

the best stuff starts

this week.

Oh, and to all

other readers out

there-please do

comment from time

to time so I know

you are out there LOL.

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