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Episode #176 - Monday, August 14:



Episode #176 - Monday, August 14:

Blog Bonus: "GONE" by Jessica Riddle

- Billie is shocked to learn that Mason was not Hope's son!

- Steve and Kayla return to the Pub, where there is a small party going on with all of the Brady's in attendance!

- Shawn, Phillip, and Belle try to absorb everything that just happened. They re-hash all of Jan's sins. Phillip says that Jan will go to jail for what she has done to him, Victor, and the doctor she blackmailed! Shawn cannot believe that Trey is not his son while Phillip cannot believe that Belle was just released from the hospital for trying to kill herself!

- Sami flips when she catches Will with Alan once again. Will asks Sami why she and Lucas were fighting and she doesn't say why....but Alan re-calls how he set the stage for the huge fight.

- Victor finally gets back to his desk at Titan where he finds that the new mystery company has launched a magazine called SOPHISTIQUE that is putting September's issue of BELLA to shame in sales. Victor demands that Marie find him a copy of the magazine IMMEDIATELY.

- Billie wonders what to do with what she has learned. She fears telling Bo will reunite Hope and Bo....forever.

- Steve has reunions with Bo, Hope, John, Marlena, Maggie, Frankie, Max, Alice, Mickey, Sami, Carrie, and Caroline. Steve meets Abby for the first time. Steve explains that he has some very vague memories of them all, but he is interested in getting to know them better and jogging the rest of the memories from his subconscious. Kayla and Steve explain how they both just happened to end up Smith Island.

- Shawn leaves Belle and Phillip alone to talk about things. Belle explains to Phillip about the post-partum that drove her to suicide and also why she felt she had to annull the marriage while Phillip was in his coma. Phillip understands, but he tells Belle that he still loves her and always will. He says that he will also always love Claire and can't believe she is not his daughter.

- Annie and Sami finalize the plans to steal Carrie's baby. Sami has second thoughts, but Annie tells her either to drop it or stick with it, but to pick one already! Sami says that they need to go along with.

- Victor tears open the issue of Sophistique and sees that the Publishing Company is....ALAMAIN INTERNATIONAL! Victor sees that Kate Roberts is one of the editors and tears out of the building in a rage.

- Simone, Ivan's neice and Vivian's personal assistant, begins inflitrating Titan, using her new job as Victor's second secretary to find all the latest information on Titan.

- Billie ponders whether to tell Bo the truth when she talks to him on the phone, but she opts not to.

- Steve is touched beyond emotion when Jo and Vern show up at the Pub! Jo is overcome with emotion at the sight of her little boy whom she thought had passed away all of those years ago. Jo reveals that she has asked Justin and Adrienne to come home to Salem and that they should be in town by the end of the night. Abby tells her uncle Steve that she has placed a call into Jack and told him to return home for a family emergency. Kayla reveals that she's done the same with Stephanie, but neither wanted to get into details over the phone.

- Belle and Phillip talk and bond. They talk about thier marriage and what is next for them. Phillip tells Belle that he doesn't think he should remain in Salem. He explains that he would like to see his mother and father and then leave Salem for a while. He says that he doesn't know where he is going or what's next for him, but he knows it's the right thing to do. Belle begins to cry and tells Phillip that she wishes things could have worked out differently for them...and him. Phillip tells Belle not to worry. He says that he has loved two loves in his life - Chloe and Belle - unfortunately, he was not the love of their lives, but he knows there is a woman out there for him. Phillip gives Belle a peck on the lips and leaves her at the door of the left. Belle cries at what a mess all of their lives have become.

- Victor arrives at Kate's hotel room at Salem Inn and breaks down the door. Kate and Vivian are taken aback as they are caught in the midst of a celebratory toast with Austin, Carrie, and Lucas. Victor demands to know what the hell is going on. Vivian explains how she sold Victor back her shares of Titan in order to get the money to get Alamain International running again. She says that she then hired Kate after she quit Titan and offered Kate 49% of shares in A.I. so that Kate would have a vested interest in its success and bring all of her kids to the company. Vivian explains that Victor has treated Vivian and Kate like crap for too long, and it ends now. Kate tells Victor that they will not be wooed by his rare nice side, his charm, or his sophistication anymore. Kate tells him that if he wants Caroline, then he can have her. But he is going to be with her without Titan because A.I. is going to drive it into the ground. Victor is OUTRAGED!

- Alan plots the end of Sami's family.

- Bo tells everyone that he doesn't want to put a damper on anyone's good time or on Steve's reunion, but ISA is saying that Stefano is on the move so all the Brady's should be on guard. Bo says that he will make Stefano pay for being behind Shawn Sr.'s death.


- Lucas, Austin, and Carrie try to play referee between Victor and Kate/Vivian. Carrie explains to Victor that Austin, herself, and Lucas all left legitimately and didn't take any clients or ideas to A.I. Victor knows they would not do anything like that, but he continues screaming at Kate and Vivian as they banter back and forth. Suddenly, Victor clutches his right arm and shoulder. Kate calls out Victor's name in concern. Victor collapses. Austin rushes to his side and tells Lucas to call an ambulance immediately. Kate begins screaming at the top of her lungs. Vivian has a look of horror...."Kate! What have we done!"

- Billie rationalizes that Bo and Hope's marriage was pretty much over before Liam came into the picture....Billie realizes that she needs to return to Salem immediately and tell Bo and Hope the truth about Liam's duplicity!

- Belle walks into Shawn's loft, but she can't find him. She looks all over the loft for him, but she doesn't find him. She goes to the roof and finds nothing. When she returns to his loft, she finds a letter. The letter is to Belle From Shawn. In the letter, Shawn explains that his life is spiralling out of control lately, and he has no idea what to do. He says that losing Mimi at the altar, finding out about Claire, meeting his real sister (Georgia) his brother (Mason) dying, his parents' divorce, and now all of this with Trey and Belle's suicide attempt....he just can't deal with all of this anymore...he claims. Shawn explains that he needs to be away from Salem for the time being with Trey and find his head. Shawn declares his love for Belle in the letter, but he explains that he cannot be in Salem right now with his world shattering at every turn. He says that he doesn't know if he'll ever be back. He tells Belle that he loves her too much to see her unhappy and wishes she'd find happiness with someone else if she can't wait for him. Belle throws the letter and runs out of the loft. She runs down the stairs and out onto the street....just in time to see Shawn driving away into the distance. Through tears, she screams out for Shawn.

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