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August 15, 2006



-Fr. Jansen begins the service with a special blessing. The congregation then says a prayer for the souls of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena and has a moment of silence. Fr. Jansen then invites anyone who wants to say a few words about the deceased to the altar. Kayla and Kimberly go up first and decide to speak together.

Kayla: Our father was a man that chose to focus on the good in life. Negativity was never allowed near him and was never something exuded from him. A gracious man, he was. Kind, understanding-a pillar of the community.

Kimberly: He was also a selfless family man. He was a good father to all of us, even to a son that wasn't really his and was the offspring of a rival for his wife's affections. We were fortunate enough to have him as long as we did given his various health issues. We only wish he could have been with us longer to see his grandchildren grow up just like he watched us grow up.

Bo and John/Roman get up and join Kim and Kayla.

Bo: Shawn Brady Sr is the type of man that all of us men strive to be. Giving, honest, fair, courageous-he was the perfect role model and the best father any child could have.

Roman: The man accepts you as his own whether you share his blood or not. Love means more to him then genetics. He will not be forgotten.

Roman, Bo, Kim, and Kayla stand together and lay a wreath on Shawn Sr's coffin and then return to their seats.

-Meanwhile, outside, faux Roman is watching what is going on. He is shocked when Kate comes out behind him and tells him he should go in. It is where he belongs but he disagrees as he is not a Brady. Kate tells him it makes no difference as blood and DNA means nothing to them-it is the person and their love for them that does. He is a part of the family in there eyes, It is just like Bo and John when he thought he wasn't Roman. Once you are in, you are always one of their own. Kate goes inside and tells him to join her as he contemplated what to do.

-Back inside, Shane finishes up saying a few words about Shawn Sr and Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. He sits down as Caroline gets up.

Caroline: My husband had a good heart. He had to. Anyone who could forgive me for a lie as big as I told has to have one of the biggest hearts that exists. God help me...then I had to go and break his heart again and...no. This is not the place to discuss things of that nature. Shawn was man of faith and strong family values. He always had a way of making people smile with his kind, gentle nature. He was so welcoming, so friendly. I just hope he knows how loved he was...by his family, by his friends, by his customers, and...by me. I just hope he is looking down right now and can see the tears that are flowing in his honor today. That way he can see how loved he was. I also hope that he can so mercy and forgive me for the pain I caused him. I am so sorry Shawn. I did love you and always will love you. My darling husband.

Caroline touches the coffin as tears flow from her eyes. Bo gets up and helps her to her seat. Shawn then gets up to say a few words about his grandfather and uncle Mickey. Rex says a few words about his mother Marlena and Shawn Sr, who Cassie and him still consider their grandpa. Abe follows and praises Shawn Sr for being the leader of such a great, respectful family. The crowd is then shocked when Victor stands up to say a few words.

Victor: Shawn Brady Sr was a man that you couldn't help but respect. Very forgiving and understanding. A man of dignity...a man of fairness...what else can I say? My reason for coming up here is to apologize as well to him and his family for the pain and suffering my presence has caused you. Shawn did not deserve what happened and I just hope some day he will forgive me wherever he is and that his family will forgive me. I realize it may be too much to ask given the past but I just feel the need to apologize and express regret for my actions and to voice my condolences to all of Shawn's loved ones. You are losing a good man-we all our. Salem...the world won't be the same without Shawn Brady Sr in it.

Victor looks at Caroline as he walks off and sits back with Maggie. Kate enters, followed by faux Roman, The congregation is shocked. Caroline asks him to go up and say a few words but he declines. He does go up to the coffin and thanks Shawn Sr for the memories. He may not be a Brady but he can't help but feel like one. He says he loves him and will miss him in his life. He will always be a dad to him. He fights back the tears as he sits with Kayla and Caroline. Caroline reminds him he will always be a part of the Brady family. Shawn wouldn't have it any other way. Faux Roman smiles. We then see a montage of flashbacks of Shawn Sr set to "Danny Boy," one of his favorite songs which is played in the church.

-Hope then gets up to say a few words about all four of the deceased. Bo then makes a short speech about Marlena, Jennifer, and Mickey. Don Craig and Jessica Fallen say a few words about Mickey as well. Doug, Julie, Tommy, and Marie also give some remarks of the losses of Jennifer and Mickey. Jack is touched when Billie and Greta also speak of their friendships and fond memories of Jennifer. Greta talks of times with Harold and this prompts Jack to regret that Jo, Vern, and Harold were unable to make it.

-Abby then gets up to say a few words about her mother.

Abby: It was too early for my mom to go. My family has been through so much and, just when things look up. we got struck with another blow. I can't understand why my family needs to suffer so much pain but I can accept it and do what my mom would want me to do. That is to be the best big sister I can be and to take care of my family, especially my dad. I hope that one day I can be just like my mom. I want to be just as kind, caring, compassionate, fun, and brave as her. I will be sure to tell JJ everything about you, mom. I want him to know what the greated mother in the world was like. You all know I am shy and not big on speeches but I had to get up here and say something. My mom deserved that. I love you mom and I will never forget you. I promise I will never let JJ forget either.

Laura gets up to speak about the losses of Mickey, Marlena, and her daughter and expresses her regrets about the past and all the mistakes she made. She hates that they spent so much time apart and wishes they had more time together. She cries out in anger that she just doesn't understand why God would take someone like her daughter. Bill gets up and comforts her and says a few words about Jennifer and Mickey as well. He also talks about Marlena. He regrets not being with his daughter enough either and is happy Jack and her brought Abby to Africa when they did so he could spend time with them. Lucas and Mike get up and speak about Mickey, Jennifer, Marlena, and Shawn Sr. The both wish they spent more time with Jennifer and Mickey. Doug and Julie help Alice up. They all three say a few words about the deceased and how much they cared for them all. Alice beleives they are all up with Tom and will always be looking down on them like he does.

Frankie now steps up to speak and starts off by talking about Mickey, Marlena, and his pop Shawn Sr. He then speaks about Jennifer and how he loved her for most of his life. He comments on how she always wanted him to be honest about his feelings no matter how confusing they made things. There will never be a more selfless woman. She never wanted to hurt anyone and always wanted to please everyone. Tha tis why he loved her-for her goodness. He vows to honor her memory and to help out her family in anyway he can. He would always do anything for her and that doesn't stop now with her gone. His life, and the lives of many, will never be the same without her. He kisses the picture of her that is near her coffin and returns to his seat. Max then says a few words about his pop, Shawn Sr, and about Jennifer. Abby thanks him as he returns to his seat, making Chelsea jealous.

It is now Jack's turn to speak.

Jack: Wow...some of you may be surprised to know I am speechless. Jennifer is probably rolling over laughing right now. Anyways, I want to keep this short and sweet because I am not good with things like this. Writing I am, obviously but these sorts of things are hard. It is kind of like a negative news story. A tragedy, if you will. You don't want to write about it because it is just so horrible but you have to and that is the same here. I never felt worthy of Jennifer's love. Those of you who know me know I never gave up wanting to prove myself too her. My past was just so terrible and i just wanted to be the prefect husband...the perfect father. I made alot of mistakes and that is why, to this day, I am still not worthy of a woman like my Jennifer Rose. I will probably never be. I made a promise to her when she was...well, you know. I told her I would take care of our Abigail and that little guy over there. I told her I would be the best father I can be and by golly I will do my best. I will probably never be the parent she was but I sure will try and, hopefully, I can prove myself to her by honoring my vow to her. Jennifer always said that part of being a good man and husband was not being afraid to ask for help so I am going to do that now. I need the help of all of you here. I need you all to help me tell little Jack over there about his mommy. How beautiful she was, what she was like-the boy needs to know about his mother so any stories, memories, photos-please share them. Do it for Jennifer. Do it for us. I hope you know I will always love you Jennifer. Even through all our time apart that never changed and, even in death, it doesn't change. Sometime we will meet again and we will finally get that ending we wanted.

Jack returns to his seat as we a Jennifer memory montage set to "Beautiful" by Amy Grant.

-Kate then says a few words about Marlena and talks about her being one of the best friends anyone could've have. She stuck by her through so much, despite her hating her daughter Sami. She will never forget her first real friend in Salem and all she did for her. Don also says a few words about Marlena. Faux Roman stands up and speaks about his time with Marlena and how he will always think of her as a friend. He could really use her right now.

-Eric, Brady and Belle then talk about their mother and their love for her. Brady mentions his regret on being so mean to her and wasting so much precious time. She was an inspiration on all of their lives and will be missed. They mention Carrie and how she would've felt the same way as she always felt Marlena was like a mother to her. Marlena's parents, Frank and Martha, also say a few words and know that their daughter is in heaven where she belongs. They hope she is with her sister, Samantha.

-Sami then gets up to speak and begins by talking about her Grandpa Shawn and then moves on to her mother.

Sami: I have lost my mother so many times throughout my life that this should all come second nature to me saying goodbye to her as much as I have. It still never gets easier and they way it happened this time-I just feel like this is really it. I just wish I would've had more time with her. I regret not having a better relationship with her and being a brat to her. I was unfair to her and for that I am sorry. I was just so hurt by our family being destroyed. If only she hadn't missed so much time with us, things may have been different. The thing that hurts the most though is my mother's death spells the end to my family. She has always held hits family together but now...her being gone and everything that has happened. There is no way we can ever be united again nor would I want to be. I am not going to go into detail because this is not the place so all I will say is with my mother gone, I now have no parents and my family is all but destroyed beyond repair. I love you mom and I hope to see you again someday. I am sorry for being so difficult. I promise to make a good life for myself and to be happy. I know you want that. I love you mom and I regret not telling you that enough. I hope you know just how much you meant to me and how much I loved you.

John/Roman and the Brady's all watch Sami as she looks back at them obviously disgruntled by their acceptance of John as Roman. John/Roman then steps up to speak.

Roman: What is there to say about my beloved Doc? Well, I know she would hate us all talking about her. She never wanted any praise or attention. She wasn't like that. Everything she did was for her loved ones and her patients. No one was more devoted to her patients, family, and friends then Marlena was. We could all use her now, I could use her now given everything was going on and she would be there...for all of us. That is who she was. Whether it was guidance or just to be listened to-she was always there. There will never be someone like her. She was truly the heart and soul of our family and someone we could always count on. The Marlena we all witnessed the last few months was the not the one we know and love. If she was here, she would apologize for her actions but I will do that for her. I just hope those actions don't take away from all the good she did and all her acheivements. I hope you are watching right now, Doc. I hope you can see all these people here to honor you and I hope you know how much we all love you. I promise you I will do my best to keep this family together and make us closer then ever. I will fight any resistance I encounter (looks at Sami) and will do my best not to fail you. I know you are counting on me and I know you want to see us all happy and together and I will do my best to make that happen, baby. I just hope you are watching us and that you help give us the strength to get through everything we are going through right now. You were always there for us here so I know you will be from up there. I hate this, doc. It was not supposed to end this soon but until we meet again...I love you Doc. Always have, always will.

John is seated and we then see a Marlena memory montage set to "The Way You Look Tonight."

-Sarah and Melissa then give eulogies for Mickey. The express regret not spending more time with him and not being around enough. Its time for Maggie, who has been silent and just coldly staring at Mickey's casket through the whole service, to give her eulogy. Victor and her daugthers assure her she is strong enough and can do this. She says she will do it for Mickey. Maggie mentions not writing a eulogy and then mentions she can't beleive he is gone and doesn't know how she will go on. She then goes on into a rant about his death being her fault since she refused to get on a rescue boat because she wanted to stay and help. He would've survived had she got on one since he would've joined her. Maggie then breaks down hysterically as she maintains its all her fault and that she should be punished for everything. She collapses on Mickey’s casket and pounds on it, which nearly tips it over since it is empty given there was no body. Victor and Bill pull her off the casket and take her to her seat as she cries out for Mickey to come back to her repeatedly. She can't live without him and she begs God to kill her now so she can be with him. Doug, Julie, and alice try to calm her. Hope and Victor try to help too but Maggie is a wreck and then becomes silent and stoic again like she was for most of the funeral. Maggie is sitting down with Melissa and Sarah, all three are in tears, and we then see a montage of Mickey (mostly John Clarke’s Mickey) set to the song “Amazing Grace," which is sung by Chloe. The montage ends with a procession to the cemetery where everyone says final goodbyes and places a red rose on each of the four coffins. Victor tries to reach out to comfort Caroline since Maggie has her family but she backs away and stares at him coldly prompting him to pull back. He then realizes Caroline has her family too. Julie motions to him to help with Maggie since he has been so good to her. Maggie blames herself once again and says to Mickey that she failed him. She gets hysterical again with Victor by her side trying to help calm her down. She begins to pound at the casket again like she did in the church but Bo and Roman pull her off as Hope and Julie stand near her and Caroline. Everyone watches as the 4 caskets begin to descend into the ground. Maggie says goodbye softly but then goes into hysterics again. Caroline quietly breaks down as her children comfort her as the Horton’s and Melissa and Sarah do for Maggie. Jack and Abby hold JJ and say goodbye to Jennifer with Billie, Greta, Frankie, and Max near them. John/Roman, Eric, Belle, Frank, Martha, and Sami (from a distance) watch Marlena's coffin decend too and say goodbye to her. Austin comforts Sami. We then get an overhead shot of all the mourners as the screen goes white then black as “Amazing Grace” continues to play and the show ends.

On the Next Days...

Bo to Hope: We need to talk about our future.

Hope to Bo: I am not even sure if we have a future.

Chelsea: I know what I have to do...I have to tell the truth.

Greta: Victor can never know the truth...never.

Sami to Roman: The hell with youand everyone else...I am outta here.

Faux Roman: I don't belong here. It's time to get out of this place and leave these people for good.


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